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hogwild63 last won the day on August 5 2014

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About hogwild63

  • Birthday 02/08/1963


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    Richardson, TX
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    Probation officer
  • user_name_impex

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6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. hogwild63

    2022 Buck

    That is a hawg!
  2. Happy New Year! I hope it will be better than 2022
  3. I have Deer Hunter 2004. It was made by Atari. You might be able to contact them at www.us.atari.com
  4. Yeah, I was beginning to wonder too. I had just got back on and thought they had decided to quit the forums.
  5. It's been a while since I have checked in too. I'll try to check in more often. It has been a while since I have been in the field as well. Lots of changes going on for me.
  6. Wow. I just looked at my activity stream and I haven't posted since Nov. 2020 ?
  7. Hunters Helping Hunters USA updated our website ( www.huntershelpinghuntersUSA.org )this past year and have added a few things to the website. One of which we had hoped to already have started is affiliate marketing. We have applied and are under review for Cabela's and Bass Pro affiliate marketing programs. Apparently, one of the things these programs take into consideration is activity on the website. The favor I am requesting is to check out our website and click around on the site menus (at the bottom of the pages too) to generate activity. If you see the old website, you may have to empty your cache. The screenshot below is what the main page looks like. I hope all is well and thank you.
  8. hogwild63

    COVID-19 - Impact

    This is Dallas County, Texas. There are now 95 cases across the county. Of all the county residents who have tested positive, officials said in a news release on Saturday, more than 40 percent haven’t come into contact with someone known to have coronavirus or traveled recently out of Texas. They are now saying there may be asymptomatic carriers of the virus. My work is going to split shifts starting Monday. I took Friday off but I received a text saying I am to report to work at 1pm Monday and there is a "packet" that one of the supervisors will review with me when I get there. Our Walmarts are relatively calm during the day but out of eggs, paper goods, most meats, etc. I haven't been there in the early hours when they open and there is new stock from the overnight restocking. The stores have implemented 7am to 8am for 60 years or older to get their items first.
  9. LoL. Some say social media is a drug. Just looking to see if there were any of you that wanted to connect on LI.
  10. Not sure if this will work, but if it does, this is the buck in the picture above. Also, I might have posted this in the past. 20151121171650.m2ts
  11. Who here is on LinkedIn? https://www.linkedin.com/in/ken-zeringue-58079a65/
  12. I won these on a RT auction supporting Norm and DHNA if I remember correctly.
  13. Just a sampling from the calendar. Yes, I took these pictures myself.