I shoot the same rifle in .308...and it shoots better than 1" at 100 yards.
I had the bedding re-done, and the barrell floated...both helped...but I think the biggest factor was having the trigger pull re-set (I think it's around 3 pounds now).
Out-of-the-box, I've found they're very heavy pull...and one of their features is how easy they are to adjust...so it won't take a gunsmith long to do it up for you.
Also, as has been said, be sure to check the scope, mounts and rings that they are tight, not just snug.
Be sure to let it cool between shots...the light barrell doesn't handle too many rounds before it'll start to string them.
My gun also has a strong preference to the Ammo it shoots, so be sure to try different loads, bullet weights and styles from a couple of Manufacturers, if you're shooting factory. (Surprisingly, my Winchester rifle doesn't like Winchester ammo !!:oops:)