Bob LeBlanc

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About Bob LeBlanc

  • Birthday 01/11/1961


  • Location
    Nova Scotia
  • Occupation
    Technical Designer
  • Interests
    Hunting, Hockey, Fishing, Golf
  • user_name_impex
    Bob LeBlanc

Bob LeBlanc's Achievements


6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. Hey Leo...that one in the middle looks awful skinny !! I've heard of 'skin and bones'...but that feller...well...he's just bones !! LOL Awesome !! Bob
  2. "Hey Mom??? Watch me do an impression of Dad when he hears the lobster prices!!" Huh?...Huuuhhh...? C'mon now, Lewis...tell the truth... :clown:
  3. Because 'she' is a woman. Just the moment you think you have 'her' figured out...'she' is going to prove you wrong!!... Shheeeesh, Lewis...:wacko: :D:D:hammer1::clown:
  4. Again on the safety aspect... When cutting graphite shafts, wear a dust mask. Breathing in graphite is not good... Bob
  5. " really are a 'motor mouth' !!"
  6. I shoot the same rifle in .308...and it shoots better than 1" at 100 yards. I had the bedding re-done, and the barrell floated...both helped...but I think the biggest factor was having the trigger pull re-set (I think it's around 3 pounds now). Out-of-the-box, I've found they're very heavy pull...and one of their features is how easy they are to it won't take a gunsmith long to do it up for you. Also, as has been said, be sure to check the scope, mounts and rings that they are tight, not just snug. Be sure to let it cool between shots...the light barrell doesn't handle too many rounds before it'll start to string them. My gun also has a strong preference to the Ammo it shoots, so be sure to try different loads, bullet weights and styles from a couple of Manufacturers, if you're shooting factory. (Surprisingly, my Winchester rifle doesn't like Winchester ammo !!:oops:) Bob
  7. WOW !!...I haven't been around in a while...Sorry to hear about this Lewis!:bummed: Feel free to give them my phone #, and such...If they need any help or directions or somethin' brought by...have them give me a call. Bob:(
  8. Is it just me??... ...Or does everyone figger that a house smells like a home when the turkey's roastin'...the candied sweet potatoes are in the oven...the dressing is mixed and ready to bake... Lordy, Lordy... MMMM...MMmm...mmmm Drawstring here, too, Alisha. Bob
  9. Newfoundland speed bump !! Unfortunately, this past weekend, a young couple was killed just outside of Shediac, NB, on Highway 11, when they hit a moose. Their 2 year old son was in the backseat, and was relatively unhurt...but orphaned in an instant.:bummed: Bob
  10. Black shaft with 2 white and a red cock vane. I don't wrap right now...but I've been considering making wraps with silver / white, maybe even red, reflective tape...I've tried the silver on a broken shaft and it looks pretty decent and adheres to the shaft well. I figure if I lose an arrow or am tracking after dark, it should show up pretty easily in a flashlight beam. What do y'all think? Bob:confused:
  11. 2010 Martin Firecat TR1 28" draw...set at 65 #'s Boondoggle sights Rip Cord rest GT XT Hunters 55 75 G5 Montec's 100gr. Release is a True Fire Hurricane Foldback... Bob
  12. Wow!!'ve almost finished your homework !! Ummm...Is that STANDARD or ACTUAL cubic feet ??:shifty: Natural gas is you can vary the BTU value by pressurizing the 'cubic foot'.. which allows you to get more gas in the specific volume.:yes: (I'm an Instrument tech by trade...and work as a Senior Designer, Instrumentation, for an oil refinery...and it just so happens that flow metering is one of my specialties) ...and...yup...I do know the answer;) Bob:)
  13. Tell me about it !!!:angry: Stoffer is my MP...:argue: He and I were exchanging emails and voice messages over this !!:argue: He has sold his soul and his electoral future...IMHO Bob:nono:
  14. For this area, both are pretty good critters. Thanks for the inputs y'all... I guess I'll just have to shoot the two of 'em !!:clown:...Woe is me...the sacrifices we make !!! Buck before bear, though !! Bob
  15. Seriously??? Wow !! 500 pounds, dressed weight, of black bear is a brute !! What're you guys shooting them at?? Bob