Shane G
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Everything posted by Shane G
Yes we are trying everything , the antis are useing an online petition as well on this
wtnhunt , no sheds yet this year still too much snow..But hopefully find some this spring. I totally agree with you Dubie, its getting sick here in Ontario when it comes to hunting rights.
We have a petition started and needing signatures. Here in Ontario they have already banned our spring bear hunt and now they want to ban the use of bait. They have false information about hunting over bait for bear's and are putting pressure on our government. Your signature would be appreaciated in our fight against this. http://www.petitiononline.com/bear2008/petition.html Thank You Shane Gulbrandsen
everyone seems to agree on this, thanks for the input
what do you all think of the deer decks by summit with the climbing sticks? is that a good combination for bowhunting out of. And what is your choice of stands
When watching a hunting dvd and after the shot do you prefer, seeing the follow up of retreiving the animal or just a straight cut to the animal?
Was wondering what editing software you use?
Re: Ontario Trophy Bucks is up and running There is now a 6th gallery,
Re: Lake of the Woods? Look on a map and you will noitice lake of the woods almost at the manitoba border.
Re: Ontario Trophy Bucks is up and running Yes Ibeleive that the gentleman ib the night time photo now works for the MNR or somethig along those lines. Sad enough this deer was poached but it will also never be entered in the record books. as a result of being poached.
Re: Ontario Trophy Bucks is up and running I beleive there is a mix up?, that isnt the poacher in the top pic, that is an ontario resident that was involved with the MNR
It is finally up and running, this is why I was wanting People who had harvested a buck from Ontario. www.ontariotrophybucks.com this website will showcase bucks province wide . If you have taken a good buck from Ontario that you are proud of, check out the site. If you like what you see email me a pic and be on one of the gallery pages. No outfitters are on this site pushing hunts ( and that includes myself) This is purely Ontario bucks by the everyday hunter like myself.
I have working on a website that will showcase whitetail bucks from our province. Your buck does not have to make the book to be recognized on this site. Good quality in the feild photos would be prefered but any pics or headmount pics would be appreaciated. There will be no outfitters advertising on this site and that includes my self. I have already started it and have had good material already sent in. Trail cam pics of Ontario Bucks will also be needed. Locked horns, freak racks, any thing from Ontario related to our bucks is needed. If you or someone you know have the material I am needing please email it to me. This will be a non profit website and I make nothing from it. thank you email:[email protected]
Re: WARNING: Ebay bidders another thing to watch for on ebay. Last year I purchased locally here in my home province, an 8 wheel argo ( cost was $14,600) Later on ebay there was one just like it for $6,900 in ohio( this unit had less hours on it than my new one) I emailed the guy and said I was interested and wanted more info. He then told me that he was overseas and he had delivered the argo to ebays warehouse. He said for me to forward him all my info and mailing adress and he would then forward that to ebay. I would then receive an email from ebay. I was then to pay ebay and they would hold payment until I had received the argo and was satisified. I had 3 days to use and inspect the argo, after 3 days i was to tell ebay to forward the payment to the seller. Now this all sounded good, cant get screwed no how right? Then the seller told me for an additioal $150. he would have ebay deliver it. I then wondered how an argo, ( and this deal included the trailer as well) could be shipped for only $150.? I emailed ebay and asked how this could be and give them the details to the whole agro deal. You can imagine my surprise when ebay emailed me back saying that THEY DONT HAVE A WAREHOUSE where people can drop off stuff. I then asked ebay what will happen to the seller? they informed me that he would get a warning? what good does that do.These scammers have things figured out.
Re: Apparently I am going to ****? here is the whole deal here. Dear Sirs You can view your link on my site http://hunterspro.com/ Just follow the following link http://hunterspro.com/all-links.php?id=54 under Hunting and Shooting Links 2. Please note that all links rotate to give an equal chance for every site to appear on the first page at some stage. Title: Hunting and Environment/International URL: http://www.hunterspro.com/ Description: Hunterspro.com/ is a unique site trying to reconcile between sustainable hunting and the protection of biodiversity and globally endangered species. This is an International Site. Then I replied: shane wrote: I am somewhat confused? I never asked to be linked to your site, let alone link yours to mine. I looked your site over, but want no part in it. To not be able to use any type of lures or baits of any kind is more of an anti hunting site if you ask me. Right now where I am we are being over run by black bears, the spring bear hunt has been cancelled for years now, the bears are in our towns and play grounds, people have been killed due to the vast numbers of this huge predator. And you do not want your members to use baits or scents?? The reason for the cancellation of the spring bear hunt was the concern of orphaned bear cubs, since the spring hunt has been disposed of the number of orphaned bear cubs has gone up drastically. Many nuisance bears are being shot in towns because food resources are low because of the high population of bears, many are being killed on highways, and since there are more bears there are more boars which kill cubs. Our moose population has dropped conciderably because bears are killing up to 80% of the moose calves. I am all for conserving wildlife and making sure there is a sustainable population of any game. The cancelation of the spring bear hunt cost our province 40 million in revenue per year, and yet made the orphaned bear cub numbers sore.Befor you spend all your donation money in passing laws get all the facts first, sometimes doing what seems right only makes things worse. Take me off your website immediatley, thank you. then he replied: Your link has been removed immediately upon your request. It is a great pity that people like you are so arrogant and self concieted. I was asking for a link exchange politely & you responded like the animals you are hunting. Maybe the animals, not maybe, for sure the animals you are hunting have more ethics than you have. You can go to where, God almighty chooses you to go, and the place is well known. I would appreciate a link back to your site. Thank you.
Re: Apparently I am going to ****? Well I never seen anything like it befor, trust me people do not just advertise your website with out your knowlege, then after your added they contact you? Thank you for letting me know I am at least not on there anymore. Seems to me they intended to use my site as an example of us so called doomed hunters headed for the firey depths. But like you say , some of the other links on there, are they aware they are even on it?
Last night I got an email informing me that my link to my website was had been added to this other website, and they were wanting a return link on my site in exchange? I looked up there website and sure enough there i was, but i had never asked for a link exchange from this organization, nor had I ever heard of them. They wanted me to then become a member, and as a member I was asked not to use baits or scents for luring. To me It looked like an anti hunting site in desguise. Also they were wanting donations towards there cause. I emailed them back asking that my link be immediatley taken off. here is what they said this morning...................... Your link has been removed immediately upon your request. It is a great pity that people like you are so arrogant and self concieted. I was asking for a link exchange politely & you responded like the animals you are hunting. Maybe the animals, not maybe, for sure the animals you are hunting have more ethics than you have. You can go to where, God almighty chooses you to go, and the place is well known............................ Ok fine and dandy ive taken critisism befor no big deal, but then i see now that I must be banned or something from there site as i cannot log in to it. could someone please check there site and make sure I am indeed off? They had added me to there links here is the url http://hunterspro.com/all-links.php?id=54
Re: Heres a tip that really works It would seem we have all witnessed and observed how deer react to a quiet approach vrs a noisey approach. I am not saying we should all beat pots and pans on our way in and out of stands, but if you can possably drive in and out of your stands befor season and get a routine going the deer will get accustomed to that activity. Once they are on to the routine they will quickly drop there gaurd as soon as the quad leaves. I mean if you have done this say several times befor season and the deer havent encountered any hunters that day, they have no reason to be leary the first time you are in your stand.
Re: Heres a tip that really works It seems that anything that causes attention to itself, being by sight or noise the deer feel less threatened by it. and not thought of as a predator.
Are you spooking the deer on your way to your stand? The answer to this is of course you are. And if they are not, they are aware of your presence. All the pre scouting and work to get your stand just perfect, might well be all for nothing. Have you ever been on your way to your stand and see tails fleeing or hear deer snorting? Sure you have, we all have. Now you get in your stand and your confidence and excitement level is not the same as when you started out. After sitting awhile with out seeing a deer you start to doubt your chances and abandon your stand. If this sounds familiar your not alone. This is something all deer hunters face and no sure fire solution. I have taken many hunters to a stand over the years as well as gone to a few stands myself. I have learned some things about how to increase your odds of the deer not knowing your in your stand. There are many products on the market that help hunters get deer to come within sight, scents, calls, camo you name it it is all for the same goal. The problem is if the deer already know you are there your in for a long day. Let me tell you about this one occurance I observed, This one stand I was in is at least a half a mile from any road that is solid bush and no clearings, and you could hear the traffic go buy . I had been in the stand about a half hour when this 11 point buck appeared. He was slowly walking and feeding without a care in the world. He could hear the traffic as well and paid no attention to it. Then for some reason a vehicle that I could hear heading down the road, started slowing down and eventually stopped. Now remember this is a half mile away from me with solid timber the whole way. As the vehicle slowed to a stop, the buck lifted his head and totally froze. There was a big broadleaf plant in his mouth and he even stopped chewing. The vehicle eventually started off again and the farther it went the more relaxed the buck got . The buck eventually fed his way out of sight. Now you may think that this is nothing new or no big deal but all this took place with the buck only 20 yards from me, he never had a clue I was there. He showed more attention to a sound a half mile away from him, without any concern that I was above him. Now just imagine that vehicle which stopped out at the road was me, and I was on my way to the stand that I was already sitting in. Would that buck be in the area by the time I got to the stand? Would I be able to lure him back out with calls? Of course not , he would already be wise to what was going on. Whitetails ( espeacially bucks) are creatures of habit and routine. The plan years ago to get to a stand was to use the four wheeler the majority of the way then walk the rest. Makes sence right? wrong. In 1995 a older gentleman from New York was hunting with me. Getting off the four wheeler and starting our walk in the dark was starting to get to much for the hunter. One morning he asked me to take him right to the stand with the four wheeler , I stated that this would spook the deer and to walk in quiet would be best. He then stated that we were probably spooking them more by trying to walk in quiet, he said take me right to the stand but do not turn off the four wheeler or shine a light up to the stand to help him see to get in, once he was in the stand and set up I was then and only then to get out of there. The old fellow killed a good buck at first light that morning, he told me that evening that as soon as I left him he was watching the lights of the four wheeler weave its way back through the bush when two bucks started to spar about 100 yards from him. Now those bucks were probably sparring while we were on are way in, and seen and heard the four wheeler coming. They simply stopped and watched the four wheeler come and then go and resumed there match. As daylight approached they had no idea the hunter was in the stand. The 11 pointer I watched from the stand that listened to the traffic, I had someone bring me to the stand with the four wheeler that day, once i was in the stand the four wheeler left, eventuallly it got back to the road and i could hear it being loaded in the truck. I heard all of that and so did the deer. If you can get the deer in your area to get accustomed to hearing a four wheeler coming in and going out with out ever being shut off I would bet you see more deer. To the deer when they hear you coming they think trouble is coming, when the four wheeler leaves they think trouble gone. Do not shut the motor off tho , let the deer concentrate on the bike. My trail camera pics also prove this method works, I have had pics of deer looking in the direction that I always approach when I come to exchange the card for the camera and then I get pics of deer right after I have gone. Try it this fall for yourself early in the year start riding into your stand, sit a few minutes with the motor running then leave. The deer will get accustomed to this activity and figure they have you patterened. Have a friend bring you in to your stand when season starts, maybe you can return the favour to your friend. I hope this helps someone get the trophy buck of there dreams.........................Shane Gulbrandsen
Here will put this topic here not to cause any problems. April will be this magazines 2nd issue. It is full of stories and photos of Monster Bucks from Ontario throughout the whole province. You will be amazed in the future issues of bucks that have never been shown or stories done on befor.
Re: Canada,s Nontypical Whitetails http://www.frow-biggamerecords.com/nonmodern.htm
Re: Canada,s Nontypical Whitetails correction, Ontario,s largest non-typical was 250 (the Gustafson buck)
**NEW** Canadian Hunting Magazine out (free hunt)
Shane G replied to buckee's topic in Canadian Outdoorsmen
Re: **NEW** Canadian Hunting Magazine out (free hunt) I should also mention that the winners can also decide on either a bowhunt in october or a rifle hunt in november