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Stinger-Hunter last won the day on September 4 2018

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About Stinger-Hunter

  • Birthday 11/01/1971


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  • Location
    Chicago & Indiana
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    E-Commerce SEO at Brownells | OpticsPlanet (2015-2019)
  • Interests
    Hunting & Scouting 12 months per year.
  • Biography
    23+ years of hunting. Saddle & Ground Hunter - still love those heavy Summit treestands but now I stand and site on the opposite side of the tree. Still lovin' it.
  • user_name_impex
    The Stinger

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10-Pointer (5/7)



  1. I love this pic because it was a huge scrape in Dec - perfect location about 3/4 of a mile away from any parking lot. This doe is hitting that licking branch and a few others are hanging around. Trail cameras are new for me - first year I've had them. They make the entire scouting experience even better.
  2. Curious who is scouting for trails, beds, and travel routes in the late Winter and early Spring, 2023. I've found that the worn trails are easier to see between Jan-April, especially those paths in and out of thick cover. I drive along the roads looking for those paths that are used to cross the street and often follow them back as far as I can. I did this after 2022 deer season and found a few good Scrapes only about 50-80 yards off the main walking trail, but was too difficult to walk through after May-November. Great pics from my trail camera and always super excited to find areas like this especially when I walked or drove past them a dozen times during hunting season, but didn't know they were there. Taking my girlfriend out tomorrow to reset a camera and hopefully set another one up.
  3. In my experience any entity that manages game, is not agile. I had an out of state hunt in Montana for antelope several years ago and it happened to be the fall after a horrendous spring snow. That spring snow killed an estimated 60% of all the antelope in that section of Montana but no DNR said a damn word about it. They wanted those out-of-state fees. It was very difficult hunting. So one of the things that I do now is I pay attention to the weather wherever I’m going to hunt in the spring and summer to find out what it might be like in the fall. Perhaps that might be where your answer lies. Disease? A hard winter? A drought in the summer? You will never get proper management decision of any federal government or state agency in a matter But I am curious, so if you ever find out please let us know.
  4. I think those high shoulder shots drop them in their tracks because the spine drops down right there. I say go for it
  5. Thank you brother. Going out Saturday one last time in Indiana and then one more trip in Illinois and that will wrap her up
  6. After learning a lot about deer Bedding from Dan Infalt, I started to wonder about Willow Slough beyond the self-imposed boundaries from previous years. I began scouting around the swamp areas and transition lines. Online and boots on the ground scouting for 2 months and marking Leeward side of hills and learning advanced wind and thermals... I have seen a lot of deer lately. I began seeing 10 to 20 deer every weekend and found a few honey spots as opposed to 1 or 2 deer in a weekend. This is my second doe in three days of hunting since finding the secret spots. 120 meter shot with my CVA optima 50 caliber muzzleloader and Konus 3–9 X 40 scope.. (the scope came with the muzzleloader). She dropped and that was that. They of course checked her for chronic waste disease and aged her at 3 1/2 years. Which, to me, was very surprising. At the butcher’s right now. Can’t wait. And while pulling up to the parking lot with my doe after 8/10th of a mile with the game cart (still not easy). I see this guy after not seeing him for 5 years. Old hunting buddy. Win/win/win.
  7. That was my 2017 season in a nutshell. Good things to come in the future.
  8. I bought new broad heads this year but had one muzzy left. That muzzy performed flawlessly and now I really don’t know if I want to use the others.
  9. A Trophy Hunter is somebody who only hunts for the trophy. And does not care about the meat and even though they may donate the meat they don't kill for any other reason than the prestige. People who would rather shoot a buck that a doe are not Trophy Hunters that's just somebody with a preference. They might want to shoot a buck because they already shot does and suddenly they become a Trophy Hunter? I don't think so. Also there's more meat on a buck so wanting to shoot a buck does not necessarily make you a trophy hunter. Some states and in some areas, like Indiana Public hunting ground you cannot shoot a doe with a shotgun you must shoot a buck. All of a sudden does that make everybody A Trophy Hunter in Indiana who hunts public land? That's ridiculous. A Trophy Hunter is someone who hunts for the rack, but there's nothing wrong with that as long as you use the meat as long as you donate the meat and as long as you do not waste it. I think what a lot of people mistake is the difference between Market hunting and trophy hunting. Market hunting is what put the Buffalo into almost Extinction trophy hunting is taking the best animal that you can, which makes it likely more difficult which means you shoot less of them. Market hunting destroys entire species. Trophy hunting does not. Sent from my LG-M210 using Tapatalk
  10. Louie Stinger-Hunter 46yrs Indiana Bow, Shotgun, Muzzleloader Oct 1 - Jan 5
  11. NW Indiana had a lot of rain and warmer winters over the past several years. I had 3 ticks last season and early spring scouting this year. I thought I had Lyme disease and even got tested for it, but luckily no. Doctor had to remove 2 of them since no one at work (surprise surprise) would get the 2 off me. Pitiful when you live and work near a city. Will be getting this beginning Sept. Another mild winter is assured to have more ticks out in the field in 2018.
  12. You missed a horrible weekend anyway.... worst opening day of Indiana History.
  13. You looking to hunt this weekend? Indiana shotgun season starts Saturday. I live in Chicago.
  14. So Cool! That's a great buck, brother!
  15. Little Update: Working the public land hard. 5 weeks of hunting 2 days per week. I've seen a few, not a bunch, but a few. Had a chance at a little buck, but he was too small. Walk darn near up to me while I was climbing the stand. 10 meters away, facing toward me and didn't see me. Don't ask me how. Standing behind a tree, looked down for 10 seconds, looked up and there was a doe, less than 10 meters away from me. We gazed into each others eyes and then she took off. No way I could have pulled back on her. Learned a lot about this little parcel of public land and will be hunting next weekend on different public land, but I'll be back at #1 in December. Getting my groove back and remaining patient takes a bit of time. Loving it, though!