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Everything posted by kooter

  1. I have really bad allergies for most of the summer and fall until it freezes. I have been taking Claritin D the 24 hour stuff and it has seemed to help me. It is over the counter but you have to show your ID to buy it because of what is is made out of I guess.
  2. congrats to you and your family
  3. kooter

    I Am Back!!!!

    Just wanted to say hello to everyone. It has been a while since I have been here. Really love the new format. Looks like I need to get to reading to catch up on a lot of stuff.
  4. Re: Lawyers and Insurance Companies it is a country song too. i think brad paisley sings it
  5. Re: Shot the new Hoyts! i am trying to stay away from them so i don't have to buy one. i just got a trykon this year and the wife said no way to a new one.
  6. Re: CHANGING SWITCHBACK DRAWLENGTH how much do you need to change it? if only small amount, you can twist the string and shorten it. anything else and you need a new cam
  7. Re: Next one on the wishlist... i think my next rifle is going to be a cdl in 270 or 25.06. I love the looks of the cdl.
  8. kooter


    Re: UFC I really thought Franklin would do better but he got a pretty bad beating. He will be back, and better than before. I think Hughes and Sylvia with both win in the next one.
  9. Re: My 2006 bow buck that is a nice buck. congrats to you.
  10. Re: missorui deer hunters i hunt north of kc in richmond. they are moving pretty good. my buddy saw 3 bucks between 4- 4:30 2 days ago. never got a shot. but at least they were up and moving
  11. Re: As perfect as she could be *(Pics)* very cute. love the outfit!!!!!!
  12. kooter

    Must Watch TV?

    Re: Must Watch TV? i am a grey's anatomy fan. that and UFC on thursdays.
  13. kooter


    Re: UFC i watch every pay per view they have. i wish i could go see it in person some time. Chuck Liddell is my favorite guy. can't wait to see him kick Tito's but in december.
  14. Re: Under Armour Cold Gear i love my under armour tops. now i don't like the way the bottoms feel. too tight for me. i did buy the shirt one size bigger and it feels nice and kept me pretty warm this weekend.
  15. Re: Here\'s my \"monster\" 2006 buck nice buck, congrats
  16. kooter

    new hoyts!!!

    Re: new hoyts!!! that bowtech sure is ugly. I hope they have something else coming out. I would like to pick up a tribute to go with my trykon.
  17. I just bought the fleece jacket and pants but haven't had a chance to wear them in the field yet. Does anyone have this setup that can tell me if it is going to be warm enough to wear in the winter? It feels like it would be ok with something under it. May have to invest in a heavier coat for the really cold days thank you
  18. kooter

    new hoyts!!!

    There are some pics of the new Hoyts on Archerytalk.com. I don't know how to put a link in, but if you go there it is under the manufacturer announcements. They look pretty awesome. Can't wait until they come into the shops to look at
  19. Re: THE HOYT TRYKON AND TRYKON XL i have the short trykon. i have a cobra easy slide sight, fuse stabilizer, trophy taker pronghorn rest. i shoot carbon express maxima hunter arrows with spitfire broadheads. i haven't shot anything with it yet, but look forward to. This is by far the best hoyt I have owned. I can't wait to see what theycome up with this year.
  20. Re: Its my monsters 1st Bday! Happy Birthday Gracey. You daughter is very beautiful. Enjoy her first birthday.
  21. Re: What broadhead do you shoot? 100 gr NAP Spitfires. I have no reason to use anything else.
  22. Re: tell us your setup this year Hoyt Trykon 27.5" at 66lbs cobra single pin sight trophy taker pronghorn rest fuse stabilizer cx maxima hunter 250 blazer vanes 2 yellow 1 white 100 gr spitfires
  23. Re: Snypers into layered target I have never shot them but I have heard of people tying dental floss around the blades to keep them shut. Then shoot away.
  24. Re: My 2006 archery Mule Deer (pics) congrats on the buck. he sure looks nice. maybe someday... i really want to head out that way and tag me a nice muley
  25. Re: My mule buck! congrats on the muley. He doesn't look too bad. Maybe someday my wife will let me go out west and try to shoot one of them. Thanks for sharing the pics