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Everything posted by James7xChamp3

  1. Re: Redbeard\'s Title Bout with Tornado Tom Been awhile since I've been to the site, and this is exactly what I was looking for! Congrats on both your birds Dean! You know I'm always wishing you a good day in the woods. Great hunt and a great read! I was right there with you my friend! Congrats on Charlie Horse also! Hope you heal up soon pal! Congrats on your success! James
  2. Haven't posted here in a while, but I know there are lots of baseball fans here. Mets vs. Bosox. Definitely had a World Series aura to it. After welcoming Pedro back last night with a standing ovation then pounding him out of the game in 3 innings, I was anxious to see how we would fair against the best pitcher in the league right now in Glavine. This game had everything.....great pitching, great defense, bunts, sacrifices, awesome pick-off by Schilling at 2nd base, and yes....home runs. Glavine had a 2 run league in the 6th (Beltran took Schill deep with a 2-run blast) but then gave up a homer to Loretta and put the next 2 on. We were able to tie the game. Came back in the 7th with a lead off text book bunt single by Coco Crisp (thanks Cleveland..lol!) who stole 2nd. Gonzalez sacrificed bunted him to 3rd then Youkilis hit a sac fly to take the lead. Timlin (always has his camo tee under his uniform) replaced Schill and took care of the 8th, but not without an amazing diving fully extended catch by Coco for the 3rd out! Big Papi Ortiz couldn't stand that Beltran tied him with his 22nd homer so he hit his 23rd for some insurance. Papelbon came out in the 8th to retire the side for the save. Every facet of the game was seen tonight. One of the best I've watched. Still can't believe we swept the Mets, but I know it won't last forever so I'll enjoy it while I can! Just a great game no matter who you were rooting for.
  3. Re: Will\'s 1st Longbeard; Moses-The Promise Land Boss What a great story Dean! A big Yankee congrats to you and Will from your pal up here in Maine! Doing what we love with family is right where it's at. A Father and Son weekend at its best! That's a great hunt and a great bird Will! Congrats! Yes Dean. You have done created a turkey hunter! I loved the read!
  4. Re: My Son\'s New Hampshire Bird!! That is a great bird anywhere! Congrats to Nick! Well done!
  5. Re: my first long beard That's a nice bird. Your looking pretty proud and happy in that pic! And you should be! Congrats on your first!
  6. Re: Son scores first gobbler! Congrats to Travis. Nothing like a successful day in the woods with family. That's awesome!
  7. Re: Another Double Down in Okla (PIC) Nice double! Congrats!
  8. Re: NY Success ! ! Not bad for a "little fella"! Nice bird. Congrats to your friend.
  9. Re: The whole story on my okie bow kill+pics Congrats on a nice bow kill! Nice pics!
  10. Re: Last day Sucess in Bama Nice one! Congrats!
  11. Re: Another 1st in Ohio That's what it's all about! Congrats to Chase and hope many more birds come his way!
  12. Re: One Less Tom in Ontario That sure is a nice bird. Congrats! Nice pics too!
  13. Re: doubled up in ny on opening day (Pics) Congrats to you and your brother! Sounded like a fun hunt.
  14. Re: More to the fryin\' pan. . . . Nice! Congrats! Pretty birds.
  15. Re: Bearded hen I've seen a couple up here in Maine, but only 2-3". If I seen one with a good beard, it would be tempting to take her.
  16. Re: Ontario Turkey # 2 Congrats on both birds! Hope your son is just as fortunate!
  17. Re: Big spurs That is a dandy! Congrats!
  18. Re: My \'06 Indiana longbeard... Nice bird. Congrats!
  19. Got up at 3:45am and shrugged off the attempts of my girlfriend to "sleep in" and glad I did. I'll never forget this scouting trip! I headed across the border to scout my favorite spot in NH. I hiked in and settled myself against a stonewall on a harwood ridge and let the morning unfold. The birds starting chirping and soon the echoes of gobbles filled the air. One gooble took my breath away. I was 40 yards away from a Tom and a jake who started gobbling from the roost! I guess I was in a good spot. After flying down, I listened as they made their way to an overgrown field at the top of the ridge about 4/10s of a mile away. About 1/2 hour later I made my way there. I discovered this guy putting on a show. The scenery is beautiful! It wasn't long when this small buck made his way across and paid no attention to the "show-off " above him. I also discovered these 3 jakes putting on a show of their own. It wasn't long before 2 Toms and a couple more jakes all got together to find out who was boss. The fireworks soon began! Soon, a hungry member from the audience broke up the show. But , he is still hungry! He was no match for the sharp eyes and quick reactions of these turkeys. If you think turkeys are scared of yotes, think again. These guys stuck around and actually ran the coyote off. They gathered back up and continued where they left off! I can't wait until May!
  20. Re: A buddy\'s first bird Congrats to your friend on a great hunt!
  21. Re: An Opening Day That Couldn\'t Be Forgotten! That bird was well earned. Congrats on a great hunt!
  22. Re: Another OKIE Tom Congrats to your friend!
  23. Re: Opening Day Thunder Gobbler That is a very nice bird. Congrats!
  24. Re: The Saga of James Bond 003 Great story and bird Dean! Congrats my friend!
  25. Re: First bird Congrats man! Hope many more come your way!