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About superguide

  • Birthday 08/10/1962


  • Location
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Hunting,Coiaching hockey,reading,
  • Biography
    41 year old-married 4 kids-live in great whitetail country but love hunting mulies down in szouth part of province
  • user_name_impex
    cory wilson

superguide's Achievements

Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. Actually there is a fair amount-one of Emily's buddies shot an 8x7 yesterday is going to score well.
  2. Ty had a moose tag and Cody still had a buck tag so they headed out this A'M. They wounded this old fella in the jackpine and after a long track job they finished him. His left eye was gouged out from fighting so he would of had a tough winter coming up.
  3. I just got in a picture Ty was the guide on this one lol.
  4. He was especially heavy-he was rutted down pretty hard I imagine the wolves would of got him this winter.
  5. A couple more pics the old man had to jump on the bandwagon even
  6. Emily has been hunting hard since muzzie started-passed on some real nice bucks. This morning it all came together and she got this cool old buck-he's a 7x7 with an 8th point busted off. I've never heard big brother Ty so excited as he was this morning. Proud of my 13 year old for sure.
  7. superguide


    Ty got this knarly old main frame 4x4 this A'M-he grosses 158 and change with about three inches of mainbeam shot off. It was -30 windchill out there so we were kind of froze up before it was all said and done.
  8. It all depends on the hunting situation-I'm more proud of an old 5x4 that I almost froze to death hunting than I am of a 'lucky' 160 plus that I shot just because it was nice day to sit on the sunny side of a spruce tree. I like to shoot those big heavy bucks on the downhill side but i guess I'd shoot a pretty 180 too lol. When it comes to Mulie's I try and get at least a 180 so far I've been lucky that way.
  9. There's a smaller buck and a bigger smile lol.
  10. Actually big brother Tyler was the guide on this one-was a nice surprise for dad when I got home from hospital.
  11. My middle daughter Sara shot this old buck with our muzzie-the years have took some tine length but he's got a 23 inch spread-pretty happy young lady all in all.
  12. Prepare to have the OIL poured on you this year lol.
  13. Ty came home from college when I got sick last year but he's still rodeoing hard.
  14. Nice to get a deer that my belly fits between the inside spread lol.