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About ildrhntr

  • Birthday 12/14/1968


  • Location
  • Occupation
    Deputy Sheriff
  • Interests

ildrhntr's Achievements


8-Pointer (4/7)



  2. ildrhntr

    Man Cave

    Finally getting things organized at my new place. Man Cave is coming together nicely.
  3. ildrhntr


    Finally moving back to the country! Super excited!
  4. Starts tomorrow. Who all is attending?
  5. Pope and Young Club's newest Membership...Youth Membership! Available to anyone under the age of 18, no other requirements. This is perfect for all youth interested in bowhunting, whether you are just starting out, or are already a successful bowhunter! And at only $10 a year - very affordable! We'll have lots of fun activities available on our website, and will be rolling out a new Facebook Group for youth only! Look for the Youth Section in the upcoming issue of the newsletter to learn more or call Headquarters to find out how to sign up Youth that you know! The Pope and Young Club - A Leading Bow Hunting and Conservation Organization (507) 867-4144 Club Headquarters
  6. This is what the certificate looks like [ATTACH=CONFIG]11418[/ATTACH]
  7. Pope and Young has implemented a new youth membership. It is a great opportunity for kids to get started in a great organization. Go to the website and check it out
  8. ildrhntr

    Iraq War Ends

    Unfortunately it will never end
  9. It's being able to make it to the woods with my bow. I think we take for granted how fortunate most of us are.
  10. Yes sir, still seeing good ones back there. Had even bigger one on trail camera.
  11. Is a far more sinister world than most of us realize