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About Wilfinator

  • Birthday 10/23/1959


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  • Location
    Vancouver Island, Canada

Wilfinator's Achievements


Spike (1/7)



  1. Wilfinator

    Tennis Elbow?

    Have been dealing with it in my right elbow for the whole of hunting season (mid August til now). This was supposed to be my first season of bow hunting but haven't been able to pull my bow for a couple of months now. Even with the cortisone shot, it has been slow to heal. Best you can do is hang in there and let healing take its course. As as side note, physio did very little to help in my case. I have an excellent chiropractor who used to work with a pro football team. He was able to make progress with it in only a couple of visits. At least I can work again and hold a cup of coffee. Hope it heals up for you soon.
  2. Hits closer to home since I work in an underground mine myself. Very rare to get a rescue to go off without a hitch like that, especially after that long. Most rescues are much less favorable.
  3. We use Kubotas at the underground mine where I work as personnel carriers. We are lucky to get 2 years out of them before they are scrap. We also use the rtv 900's by Kubota with the diesel engine. The hydrostatic transmission case in them literally dissolves until the oil leaks out within 6 months of installation. Around $6000 a pop to replace. I replace the rad in the buggies every 3-4 months because they are rotted right out. Again 2 years max until they too are scrap. I'll take an old tractor any day.
  4. Even old and rusty can look good to a tractor. Shows it didn't just sit in a heated garage looking cute. As a mechanic and being from the prairies originally, I am always drawn to the classics of my childhood. We have a few that do the fall fair show here. They are always a thrill to watch. Can't wait to see the finished product.
  5. That's awesome! Always nice to find something more suitable to lifestyle and training. Benefits are always a bonus, and time for family is the best part of any good job.
  6. Wilfinator


    My deepest condolences to you and your family Norm. I will be praying for your strength, comfort and peace. You know your mom is in a much better place, where sickness, suffering and pain don't exist. God is very much with you, especially now. He will help and guide you through the coming days.
  7. Long road ahead bro, but glad you are home and okay
  8. A day of firsts. Last Saturday i was able to take a decent 4 point buck on an afternoon hunt with Buckee. Four points is normal for where we hunt on Vancouver Island. Anyway, this is the first time I have been able to call in a buck, and the first critter to meet my new shotgun. All in all a great afternoon.
  9. I've been out quite a few times in the last month with Buckee, seen lots of deer but none quite close enough for a shot. I still have my eyes on a nice shooter buck that always seems to come out just before last light, but hangs back from the rest of the herd. Going out tonight again to hopefully fill a tag. Only a matter of time...
  10. Just checking in. Deer season started yesterday. Took a week off of work. Coincidence? NOT!!! Looking forward to chipping in on the contest. Cheers
  11. Awesome looking mount Steve. Looks like it turned out great
  12. Got all of them as Christmas presents from my kids when the DVD's came out. The ending does suggest a sequel... awesome movies!