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Everything posted by thebig1

  1. has anyone had any luck with these? just to be clear, they are the chatterbait that has a crankbait body to them. i picked up 3 the other day that were mispriced from $6.99 to $2.99. and then when i checked out i ended up getting them for $1.99. good buy as long as they work.
  2. thebig1

    Some nice bass

    i wish i had such problems! congrats on the beautiful fish
  3. ok brother, i don't hardly post anymore but i felt your pain. here is a recipe, its called 3 MINUTE Fudge. thats right, only 3 minutes, and cool. 3 Minute Fudge 1 Bag Peanut Butter Chips 1 Can Sweet Condensed Milk 1 1/2 Cups Mini Marshmallows 2/3 Cup Peanut Butter First 3 ingredients, put in microwave for 1 1/2 mins, stir. put in for another 1 1/2 mins, take out add peanut butter, stir until smooth and pour into lightly buttered dish. and thats it, it truly is that easy. i make it all the time. try it, it will work
  4. i'm not much of a salt water guy myself. but i would guess that if you enjoyed yourself and feel good about it, then it was worth it. some nice fish. (i guess! LOL)
  5. I'm looking for a recipe for AMISH potato and macaroni salads. i can't find them anywhere. maybe i should just go to the amish and hope they'd hook me up. anyway, i hope someone has some input.
  6. thebig1

    What's your job?

    I'm a Corrections Officer at a State Correctional Institute. been there for almost 3 years. it was and is supposed to be just a stepping stone to get my foot in the State door. i'm trying right now to become a State Parole Agent
  7. i got a 22, i guess i should feel good or something.
  8. Just remember, IT WAS YOUR FAULT!!!! :-)
  9. thebig1

    Go ahead and laugh

    if it were man who did that, OMG would we have been done for. that is a good one. every once in a while everyone deserves a good "DUH!!!"
  10. (I sure would like to know who wrote this one! They deserve a HUGE pat on the back!) I DO HAVE TO PASS A URINE TEST FOR MY JOB..... BUT I AGREE 100% Like a lot of folks in this state, I have a job. I work, they pay me. I pay my taxes and the government distributes my taxes as it sees fit. In order to get that paycheck, I am required to pass a random urine test with which I have no problem. What I Do have a problem with is the distribution of my taxes to people who Don't have to pass a urine test. Shouldn't one have to pass a urine test to get a welfare check because I have to pass one to earn it for them? Please understand, I have no problem with helping people get back on their feet. I Do, on the other hand, have a problem with helping someone sitting on their BUTT, doing drugs, while I work. Can you imagine how much money the state would save if people had to pass a urine test to get a public assistance check ? Pass this along if you agree or simply delete if you don't. Hope you all will pass it along, though . something has to change in this country -- and soon!
  11. i've got 2 1/2 in with the PA Dept. of Corrections. i only have about 20 to retire also. but i'm hoping i won't be there to get it. i took this state job to get my foot in the STATE door. it was supposed to be a stepping stone, but its slowly becoming a tombstone. i'm trying to become a state parole officer to further my career. but of course thats slow going. i know what you go through, i go through it too. but hey, we could actually be working for a living, right! :-)
  12. thanks guys for all your replies. i'm hoping that more people will reply with my information.
  13. first off, i've been gone for a LONG time and its nice to be back in some capacity. Happy New Year!!! my problem is, i've fallen on hard times and i'm looking to clear up my debt starting in 08. i have around 18K in credit card debt which i can't keep up with and its pulling me down deeper and deeper. does anyone know of a good Credit Card Debt Consolidation company? preferably one thats good and isnt a rip off. Company Name? Good or bad? and any other info that you can tell me about the terms and the way it works would be truly appreciated. i'm trying to get this taken care of ASAP so of course i'm looking for your help now. i appreciate your time and hope to recieve lots of information from you. Chad
  14. Well i'm headed out for a quick 3 night 4 day stay up at Oneida. i'm excited. its my first official fishing trip with my boat and my first outdoor excursion of any kind out of state. if anyone has any tips or comments on Oneida, please feel free to drop them here. and i'll hopefully have some awesome pics to post when i get back. i'm leaving on Aug 23 and will be back the 26th. i can't wait, i'm stoked.
  15. i am here to talk about proper disposal of our soft plastics after they've been demolished. there isn't going to be any accusations, any blame, etc... i throw mine in the bottom of my boat and dispose of mine at home. and i'm hoping everyone else will do the same. listen to my story. last night i went fishing and i layed into something big. when i saw its mouth as it came to the surface i knew this was the biggest bass i was going to boat since i started bass fishing only a year ago. and boy was i excited. but wait, its not fighting very hard. it didn't flop around when i lipped it. its not flopping around as i'm holding it. its not flopping around as i put it on the scale or even when i put it on my cabelas tape with estimated weights of fish. it feels funny too. its stomach has so much extra skin like it hasn't eaten and its color is pale compared to all the other fish i was catching. so i look in its mouth and wedged sideways in the bottom of its throat is what appears to be a 7" tube style worm like a senco or something. now to be honest, i don't know if this worm was preventing this fish from eating. theres probably several different explanations to the fishes condition. i'm not here for that. but i can assure you that regardless of whether a fish can pass a soft plastic or not, i and whomever i'm fishing with, will never throw a soft plastic in the water to dispose of it. the fish was a largemouth bass. 18 1/2" long which should have had an estimated weight of about 3.6 lbs. it weighed 2 lb. 11 oz. on my scale. i'm still happy about it.
  16. Re: Smallies where hitting (Pic) sounds like a good time. good for you. thats about a 3 pound smallie. i caught a 17 3/4" one the other day in a tournament and it was 2 lb. 10 oz. so its fair to say that thats about 3 lb.
  17. Re: Happy Birthday thebig1!!! thanks guys! and thanks to LifeNRA. i can see that theres telephone, telegraph and tele-John.
  18. Re: Another 8 lb bass ya, we catch them all the time up here. congrats, thats a hog.
  19. Re: Had the boat out today! sounds like fun john. i was out on thursday the 20th from about 9 a.m. to 8:30 p.m. i had a great time. caught alot of fish. it was around 80 that day. i've been having alot of fun on my new toy. i gotta get some pics up for you guys.
  20. thebig1

    Pennsylvania opener

    Re: Pennsylvania opener i have to work but if i were going i'd be going to my cabin near glen iron and fishing Penns Creek.
  21. Re: Happy Birthday LifeNRA! happy birthday Johnny!!! you know i had to come out of the woodwork for this one.
  22. Re: Another nice bass another great fish brother! congrats! and cudoes on the catch and release. i don't eat fish so i'll never kill one. unless i catch a heck of a wall hanger but then i'll try to get all the measurements first for a replica. i need to come to texas and do some fishin'. thats for sure.
  23. thebig1

    Biggest bass

    Re: Biggest bass congrats brother! hopefully i'll have a pic to put up tomorrow. i'm going fishing before i have to go to work at 2 p.m. i can't wait.
  24. Re: PA Deer hunters HELP! good luck with finding any help. the way the deer situation is, no ones going to help. and don't expect much from HuntingPa. all they want to do is fight about stuff. you won't get a stitch of help from anyone over there.