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10-Pointer (5/7)



  1. My 79 year old dad is on his way up here from AR to hunt with his only kid...ME! I cherish our time together each year. Never know when it might be the last one. Good luck everyone and be safe!
  2. Hmmm...posted this on another thread previously but don't see the thread. ? I took a 4 point with my bow back in Sept and then took a doe during the antlerless gun season in Oct. Regular gun season opens here this Saturday followed by muzzleloader season. Retiring the bow for a bit. :gunsmilie:
  3. Success I took a 4 pointer with the bow on opening day, Sept 18th. Also missed a doe a couple Saturdays later. Shot high. Last Saturday, I filled my turkey tag with a nice tom. With that shotgun that is. Just can't draw on them jokers. Tomorrow begins our early doe season. Taking the gun out for deer for the 1st time this season. Been seeing lots of does. Hoping for more meat in the freezer. I don't have the time to keep up with this forum like I used to. Hope to get some pics up though. Best of luck to all!
  4. I hunt Waupaca county mostly and I have seen rut activity for the last two Saturdays while bow hunting. The does weren't receptive yet but the boys were definitely chasing them. Good Luck to everyone!
  5. Nice to see all the excitement! I'm stuck at work all day today while fellow hunters are in route to my home to join the group for the big event. Tomorrow I get off early and I'm so glad.
  6. ladydiehard


    Few years ago my uncle purchased an additional 5 acres to "square up" the family owned property. Turns out a guy hunted this 5 acres with permission and had been doing so for years. Lucky me just had to be the one to encounter this guy while we were making a drive that included this new 5 acres. He was arrogant and rude and informed me I was trespassing. He stated whose land he believed he was on and I explained it had been sold and who the new owners were. Instead of being polite and maybe asking if he could continue to hunt it this season, he got rude again and stated he knew nothing about any sale of the property. A fellow hunter overheard our conversation and told my husband how rude the guy was to me. My husband, being a hot head, confronted the guy at his vehicle later that day and told him to get his stand off our property. My uncle eventually heard of the incident and a couple weeks later went to see if the stand had been removed. It was still there. It was a junky makeshift stand nailed into the tree. My uncle, being a retired lumber man, hates nails in the trees anyway so he simply cut down the tree. This little 5 acres is nothing but cedar swamp but it yields several deer to our group every year. The guy could have continued to hunt there but he just couldn't be nice! I've had several encounters over the years with rude male hunters. Lord help them all when the guys in my group find out about it. I have great defenders.
  7. LOL! Its ok, I do know there are some amongst us that don't cherish the privilege of hunting nor do they appreciate the game they take. Hope you feel better and have a blast, in more ways than one, this hunting season.
  8. Well, I hunt more with a shotgun and muzzleloader than I do a rifle but when I get the chance to wander into rifle area, I'll do that too. I'm very excited about the upcoming gun season. As much as I love to bowhunt, I still love gun hunting more. Part of the reason for this is due to the tradition, the family and the friends that come with gun season. Generally, I bow hunt alone and it lacks the excitement of the family tradition at Thanksgiving time. It sounds like I wouldn't be too popular with some around here seeing as I fill alot of tags. Its not a matter of "bragging rights", its a matter of meat in the freezer for myself, my family members and my friends. Looking forward to another successful season in the great state of WI. The family tradition is worth far more than what any out of state hunt could offer me.
  9. We saw NO DEER for the youth hunt! We hunted both areas, Waupaca county on Saturday and northern Shawano County on Sunday. We did "hear" a deer early Sunday morning. She came in downwind behind the blind and snorted for about 10 min. She couldn't see us but the wind gave us away. Even the best scent elimination measures don't always work unfortunately. My youth had never heard a deer snort before and she thought it was cool. I hoped the deer would loop around but no such luck. I guess we stunk too bad.
  10. I was out last weekend thinking I'd see deer because of the low temps. Nothing. Just turkeys. I'll be out for the youth hunt this weekend and for the sake of the youth I'm taking, I hope some deer show up.
  11. A little late getting in here... I shoot 42# currently but took mine last year at 40#. Complete pass through.
  12. Are you seeing deer? If so, what time of day/evening? Did you/Are you seeing as many as you did last year during Sept and Oct? If not, any ideas why not? Myself, I am having a very unusual season. From what has been a very productive stand for years, I have seen nothing. But my apples sure disappear! From my next productive stand I've seen only two does in the distance on one occasion. From my stand near the house (in a totally different area) I've seen a few but got nailed by a wise ole doe early on so I've left it alone for awhile. My main hunting area is in Waupaca county. My home is in Shawano county. Even by the house I am not seeing as many deer as I did last year. Normally, I pretty much almost take a deer with my vehicle every week...but not this year. Other years, I've had plenty of shot opportunities by this time. But not this year. Anyone else having similar issues this year? Your thoughts?