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  1. buckblaster

    GMC junk

    Re: GMC junk i have a 96 GMC extended cab with 130,000 miles..no problems...you must beat the crap out of it..
  2. Re: Your kids\' hairstyles i buzz my sons head when i do mine...every 2 weeks or so...he is 3 and loves it so far...LOL
  3. Re: mechanic please!!?? it could be a BAD ballancing of the tires..its possible...
  4. Re: Today\'s cartoons on TV my kids love tom and jerry, spongebob, little bear, max and ruby, boobaa's (worst thing ive seen).. mickey mouse...and some other goofy ones too..lol
  5. Re: Big Momma! how big is that thing???? BLAH.i hate spiders..
  6. Re: Go to see a C-section last night! [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] I watched my wife get a c-section. [/ QUOTE ] Negative! I was in there with my wife during hers but I stayed up by her head. Aint no way.... [/ QUOTE ] HAHA scaredy cat....LOL.i saw my wifes c-section too..very weird to see her guts sitting on her chest...HAHA
  7. Re: Under Armor Cold Gear i like it alot...i want to get the hat and gloves this year
  8. Re: Who\'s who? HAHA....after this past weekend , he should be thrown in the looney bin..LOL
  9. Re: Here is my new toy......... nice bow hutchies...congrats again
  10. Re: I would like everyone to see this doe wow...that doe is in BAD shape....looks like she was trying to pop another fawn out and it couldnt come out...OUCH
  11. Re: Homemade Targets [ QUOTE ] I've made mine with good results, but it's not weather resistant. I took a stack of newpapers, maybe 18" - 24" high. Took two ratcheting straps and tightened it up real good. Then take the extra strap and tie them to the other ratchet as a handle. It work great with field points, never tried broadheads. I carry it outside and shoot, then carry it back in. [/ QUOTE ] dumb question....do you shoot in the layered part (between the sheets) or into the front page..LOL..
  12. Re: 48 Hours left... does she know you hunt???? congrats bro....good luck
  13. Re: new wife has issue with hunting unfort, youre beat man....take up another hobbie..lol
  14. Re: new wife has issue with hunting i say ...youre in trouble bro.....why wasnt this clear'd up before you got married??? did you hunt when you dated or ingaged??
  15. buckblaster

    Reading a post

    Re: Reading a post [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] Ok...............what does "reading a post in FLAT MODE" mean? [/ QUOTE ] I think it means viewing a post. You can view a list of forums, a list of forums in a specific room (lounge etc...), view a post in the lounge in flat mode, reply to a post, and then all the PM stuff. Not sure if that's all true, but that's what I've come up with. [/ QUOTE ] can someone translate what he just said??