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About ALAN

  • Birthday 05/16/1970


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  • Occupation
    i have a disability/Manager of a mobile home park/self empolyed
  • Interests
    Fishing, hunting ,camping , ragbrai (registers annual great bike ride across iowa)
  • Biography
    I love the outdoors. fishing,hunting,camping
  • user_name_impex

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8-Pointer (4/7)



  1. ALAN

    Range finder

    I got bushnell bone collector...I seen alot of stores had them for 199.00 I got them off Wal-Mart's website for 135.00
  2. ALAN


    I just did get the alpha burly 1000 g wore them shoveling one day and feet was toasty
  3. Your welcome.....hope your family enjoys it....I had lots of ideas this one stuck out the most....
  4. ALAN

    Range finder

    I got 2 nikons I'm interested in...Got to read reviews and see how they rate before I decide to by them
  5. ALAN

    Range finder

    I've been told to get a range finder for bow hunting next year will be my first year hunting with my bow.... What's a good range finder to get without breaking the bank...I have alot of stuff to buy so I'm getting some stuff until season opens up anyone have experience with a Bushnell bone collector or a Nikon. Arrow ID 3000 or a Nikon' Aculon ?
  6. ALAN


    What's a good pair of boots to get for bow hunting early season deer?
  7. It's cold in iowa as well...This winter is not easy for me I plow snow we have hardly got any may be 2" tops if that....alot of my mobile homes pipes are freezing....between sunday and yesterday I've taking 20 calls due to frozen pipes they call to see if I shut water off if they don't have water it's good chance they have frozen pipes
  8. From the Bughouse I received few candy canes a realtree cap 1 pint of maple syrup and a super bright 5 led cap light Thank you Bughouse
  9. I found a big problem with my bow....Wife brought it from sportmans warehouse(2 years ago) they set the bow up didn't have it set up right 1 cam rolled all the way back 1 didn't.....He adjusted it and kind of showed me how to shoot it ( no ones ever showed me correct way) .. He adjusted it but know I want to take it to a dealer to have them double check it...where I took it he wasn't to sure on settings as he sold Hoyt and Matthews...Find time to re sight it in and should be good to go I hope then practice with it
  10. My plan next year is to give bow hunting a try... I'm trying to put a list of items I will need...whats a good backpack to get?
  11. My wife brought it at sportsman warehouse I had them set it up and put a stabilizer on it so I'm not sure if it's a correct stabilizer or if it's even set upright
  12. I'm new to bow shooting....i have a diamond infinite edge when im at full draw it seems that I can not hold it still and steady anyone now what might be the issue? Would it be me or the bow needs adjusted? I wanna take it on a deer hunt next year hopefully
  13. Working on my house.....Im really thinking of getting me a second season deer tag and see what I can come up with......I wanna take my bow but it's not fully set up yet....I need to take it to an archery shop
  14. I still come around...I do more reading forums then anything if I have time I'm working 2 jobs I mow lawns and do snow removal in my own time then in April I took over management in a trailer court with 125 trailers in it ...I do my best to put work behind and get out
  15. Thank you for doing this....I have done it in the past