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    Steve Branson

magnatecsteve's Achievements


10-Pointer (5/7)



  1. I would look at the NAP Apache..alot of same features as Trophy Taker..which is a little pricier, but I have used a Trophy Taker for years and have had absolutely no problems. The Apache is virtually a failproof design with the full capture.
  2. G5 Quest Smoke, Ross CR337, Great Plains longbow, Martin Savannah longbow, Howard Hill Big 5 longbow, Bear Grizzly recurve, and an old Pearson recurve
  3. that foam from Glenns Falls NY Pregis??
  4. I've heard good things about the Legion, would have been one of my top pics, however, on my last visit to Cabelas, came across a G5 Quest Smoke for only $350.00. Just like my Ross CR337 but ALOT shorter. Love it, has the feel of the Ross, even looks a ton like it. Not sure of the connection with the old Ross company, gotta be some connection. I'd say go with what you like.
  5. Just wondering if any of you have any tricks to breaking in a diaphragm call? I use primarily HS calls, I have a few from last season that are in ok shape, but I usually get a new pack each season. They eventually break in, but they start off real shrilly and loud. Anybody do anything other than just using them?
  6. Big congrats!! Glad it all worked out for you. let us see some pics of the mount when its finished.
  7. Great job! I have to wait till the 27th to start here. Hope the weather calms down a bit by then.
  8. Very nice looking mount, looks like you got your moneys worth.
  9. Like many others said, if you know where they are likely to roost, set up 75 to 100 yards or so in the direction you think they are coming from. It helps if you can get a visual since they arent always as vocal in the late afternoon as they are in the mornings I find. Worked for me a few times, don't have to get too carried away with calling so less chance of getting busted. I consider patterning animals and taking advantage of it totally fair in hunting, isn't that what we try to do to close the gap with a big buck? Know where he beds, feeds, chases, and try to intercept him? I see hunting near roosts more ethical than patterning a big buck with technology and remote trail cams. Not that Im bashing that, to each his own.
  10. Nice! What do you charge for a European. Just curious.
  11. The Gander was about a half hour north of Milwaukee. Im sure Andy does have someone else doing alot of the business end for him now, that's what alot of people do when they get a name for them and theyre off hunting, promoting, whatever... I do love my Ross bow, never a lick of problem with it. As far as the wife, well..I did get a new .223 Savage for X-mas, another longbow last summer, a few dozen arrows, stuff for the Harley, gettin my buck European mount done....
  12. I do when I set a bow up, or when I change something major like a rest. I might try bare shaft tuning next time like I did for my longbows. Might actually work better. Any arrow will flex when leaving the bow, so paper may be giving some people false information if they don't fully understand the dynamics of arrow flight and spine.
  13. Up in Wisconsin this past weekend and stopped in to a Gander Mtn. They were having a 40% off sale for remodeling. They had a Ross bow marked down plus 40% off, came out to $250!! I tried like heck to talk the wife into it, but we just blew a grand on a weekend in the Dells...:jaw: The archery rep said that Andy already pulled away from Bowtech and that the Bowtech/Ross bows were going cheap. Dangit...woulda loved to have that bow. I shoot a CR337 which I love, but its just a tad long.