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Everything posted by LifeNRA

  1. Tiger, as a father of a 12 year old daughter. Getting internet advice is never the best thing to do! I ask my daughter to always talk to us about anything! I never meant to sound mean. After watching a movie with my daughter called "The Lovely Bones". I realized that I need to be even more careful about my daughters actions on line, and outside of the house! I have always been OVER protective since she was still in the womb. So when I see a young girl ask this type of questions I have to scratch my head and wonder, and worry! Even though I have no idea who you are, I am very concern about your welfare here on the forums. Its just the dad in me! Sorry Luke! LOL!!! I been away too long!
  2. Honestly Scott, its no big deal. I just wanted to vent and I did! Personally, all the admin had to do was send me a PM as to why. Ill just go back to my corner. LOL!!!
  3. So let me get this straight, no pun intended! LOL!!! Straight Shooter is your father and your on here asking about boys! LMBO!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! No wonder my posts and others are being deleted!!!:poke:
  4. Keep yourself armed William!!! Hope they get them.
  5. LifeNRA


    Sorry to hear about all the bad luck Ken! I too had the cancer scare, docs thought I had colon cancer. at the time I was 45 and getting a colonoscopy(sp?). Sheeeesh! I feel your pain. Hopefully things will get better!
  6. First off, you better shoot that gun and see how much it will kick! I had a single shot 20 Gage full choke, for my daughter. That little thing would rock me back! She did fire it one time, never again! This is why she only wants to bow hunt. You put a high brass shell or turkey load in there you will be surprised at how much kick it will have! I was!!! If she has been shooting for a while, then your probably ok. If not, well, be ready!
  7. First off, that post on "boy" advice should have been deleted from the start! This is no place for that style of topic. Keep it to PM's. Even though I said nothing wrong, going to delete my posts huh. I cant even get a PM as to why either! I knew I was on some kind of black list! LOL!!! :yes: But there was a few other posts that were deleted as well! Oh well I guess only a privileged few are allowed to say what they want to! Total shame that a admin could not at least give me the decency to an explanation! Thanks!!! But I assume this will be deleted as well.
  8. Funny, my post was deleted for saying nothing wrong, but giving a TEENAGER advice is OK!
  9. 95230X-FULL TURKEY (LEAD ONLY)20 GA.500, 505 O.F. Mossberg & Sons, Inc. - Firearms, Shotguns, Rifles, Accessories, and Precision Machining I checked around, this is all I could find. For a 20 gage, I would not shoot past 30 yards. Get several different shell manufactures and sizes, and pattern the gun to see what it likes. Besides, shells like hevi shot or the likes might prefer the more open choke. I would try that first before spending any more money on a different choke. You might find that you have a killer tight pattern shooting gun.
  10. My first bird was last year, took long enough! Mossberg 835 Ulti-mag with a Comp-N-Choke XXX full.
  11. Ahhh I see it now!!!! Family, Friends, and Relationships. Realtree. LMBO!!!! :chat: :hammer1::toot:
  12. No problem! Do not want to see anybody getting hurt!
  13. 3/1/2011 Olin Corporation, through its Winchester Division, is recalling six (6) lots of its RANGER® 223 Remington 64 Grain Power-Point® (PP) centerfire rifle ammunition (Symbol Number RA223R2). Lot Numbers (last four characters): DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41, and DK51 Through extensive evaluation Winchester has determined the above lots of RANGER® Law Enforcement ammunition may contain incorrect propellant. Incorrect propellant in this ammunition may cause firearm damage, rendering the firearm inoperable, and subject the shooter or bystanders to a risk of serious personal injury when fired. DO NOT USE WINCHESTER® RANGER® 223 REMINGTON 64 GRAIN POWER-POINT® AMMUNITION THAT HAS A LOT NUMBER ENDING IN DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41 or DK51. The ammunition Lot Number is ink stamped inside the right tuck flap of the 20-round carton, as indicated here: To determine if your ammunition is subject to this notice, review the Lot Number. If the last four characters of the Lot Number are DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41 or DK51 immediately discontinue use and contact Winchester toll-free at 866-423-5224 to arrange for replacement ammunition and free UPS pick-up of the recalled ammunition. This notice applies only to RANGER® 223 Remington 64 Grain Power-Point® centerfire rifle ammunition with lot numbers ending in DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41, and DK51. Other Symbol Numbers or Lot Numbers are not subject to this recall. If you have any questions concerning this RANGER® Law Enforcement ammunition recall please call toll-free 866-423-5224, write to Winchester (600 Powder Mill Road, East Alton, IL 62024 Attn: RA223R2 Recall), or visit our website at Please pin this, thanks.
  14. ****HUNTING PRODUCT RECALLS****(Please Read) 3/1/2011 Olin Corporation, through its Winchester Division, is recalling six (6) lots of its RANGER® 223 Remington 64 Grain Power-Point® (PP) centerfire rifle ammunition (Symbol Number RA223R2). Lot Numbers (last four characters): DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41, and DK51 Through extensive evaluation Winchester has determined the above lots of RANGER® Law Enforcement ammunition may contain incorrect propellant. Incorrect propellant in this ammunition may cause firearm damage, rendering the firearm inoperable, and subject the shooter or bystanders to a risk of serious personal injury when fired. DO NOT USE WINCHESTER® RANGER® 223 REMINGTON 64 GRAIN POWER-POINT® AMMUNITION THAT HAS A LOT NUMBER ENDING IN DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41 or DK51. The ammunition Lot Number is ink stamped inside the right tuck flap of the 20-round carton, as indicated here: To determine if your ammunition is subject to this notice, review the Lot Number. If the last four characters of the Lot Number are DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41 or DK51 immediately discontinue use and contact Winchester toll-free at 866-423-5224 to arrange for replacement ammunition and free UPS pick-up of the recalled ammunition. This notice applies only to RANGER® 223 Remington 64 Grain Power-Point® centerfire rifle ammunition with lot numbers ending in DK01, DK11, DK21, DK31, DK41, and DK51. Other Symbol Numbers or Lot Numbers are not subject to this recall. If you have any questions concerning this RANGER® Law Enforcement ammunition recall please call toll-free 866-423-5224, write to Winchester (600 Powder Mill Road, East Alton, IL 62024 Attn: RA223R2 Recall), or visit our website at Please pin this, thanks.
  15. Nice egg pattern Ruth. I have never tried them for the local trout, but been thinking about tying them. Been using my Peak vise now for about two years, way cheaper than the others, but just as good quality!
  16. Just wanted to let the fly fisherpeople know this! I was at a fly fishing show today. I bought a Fishpond Windwalker chest pack. I noticed a tag about trouble waters. It also has the HSUS logo on it! After doing some digging around I found this! While I agree that the shark killing is unnecessary. I do not agree with Fishpond associating them selves with HSUS. This group does not believe in sport fishing of any kind! They want it abolished as well as hunting! Send Fishpond an email!!! Because these idiots apparently don't know what HSUS is all about!!!
  17. In my 835, my gun likes the Comp-N-Choke XXX full with Winchester Supreme #6's. But thats my gun! You will only know until you pattern the gun with a few other chokes, and different ammo. I went through four different chokes and five different shells. It was an expensive day, sore too! But I knew which choke and round performed the best. Could there be better, sure! But at 40 yards I had 49 head and neck hits. Finally shot my first bird this past spring, about 40-45 paces, dropped him in his tracks.
  18. Run me off!!! LMBO!!!! I don't think so!!! :chat:
  19. Give me a break!!! Now who needs there big boy pants on! LOL!!! :D The idiot who ever said using caps is yelling while typing is just that! An idiot!!! I used to use all caps while typing. I hated lower case, doesn't mean that I was yelling at no one!!! ;) Personally, Turkeygirl has a point here. This thread needs to be deleted. Non-members do not need to read this. This is why there should be a spot on the forums where this kind of conversation needs to be out of the publics eye.
  20. I believe Gator is talking about this. While I am far from being a non-cussing person. Stuff like this when I first joined was not allowed. Something I liked when I first joined. It was nice to be apart of a group of people who didn't swear every time they typed something! You are right, to a point. But I have every right to voice my complaints as well. There are a bunch of people that either don't come in here anymore, or very little! Why, they don't like they way the forums are being run. POINT IS, THIS PLACE IS NOT THE FAMILY ENVIRONMENT IS ONCE WAS!
  21. Yeah things changed. The more I see it, its more about how good the admins feel about themselves, its like their own little playground. Not all of them, just a few that think they are above the rest of us. I learned first hand when I got sick and tired about the little bickering going on between two groups of gun users! Made the comment about why we cant all just get along! BOY! You would have thought that I just killed someone! I was arrested and thrown away for life! That is what a few people wanted though! LOL! There is a big clique on these forums, I am happy to say I am not apart of it either! So much that I wasn't even allowed to know what certain abbreviations in some posts meant. I wasn't born yesterday, doesn't take a rocket scientist to figure out what they mean either! This place used to be a place for HUNTERS of all kinds to get together, share stories, pictures, and advice! Now I see guys like Andy asking for his account to be deleted! Why??? I am far from being a very religious person, but for Andy to get this upset and just leave. Something must have been wrong. I have met him a few times, in just one meeting with him you could tell he was true. I used to live and breathe this place. It was my home page, desktop, truck plates, everyday clothing, and life. Heck, I almost decided to get rid of all my other camo and just drop a ton of money just have have nothing but REALTREE!!! But the chance of divorce was in the back of my mind. I knew my wife would not understand this obsession about a certain camo! Gratefully I woke up! But then, I am a nobody here, my words do nothing but fall on deaf ears until I strike a nerve. Then actions are being taken! I thought about posting something about this for a few days. Gator's post actually made me sign in and type! Then again, these words might get me banned because they are a strike against the admins. So be it. If they can make their comments knowned to us, we should be allowed also back to them without repercussion!
  22. I bought two Gateway NV5378u. Got one in September, my daughter liked it so much, we got her one for Christmas. They were refurbished machines sold by Tiger Direct. But let me tell you this, not a scratch on either of them! Windows 7, 500 gig hard drive, 4 gigs of RAM, 15.6" screen, DVD burner, web cam, and a multi-card reader. $420 each. Would I buy another, yep! I am saving up for another Tiger Direct purchase, a gaming tower loaded!!! Can't wait for this tower, super fast six core, and with 8 gigs of RAM, expandable to 16 gigs, and two video cards running in SLI or Crossfire.
  23. I TOTALLY AGREE!!!!!!!! :yes: