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Everything posted by Timbo

  1. This hits very close to home as I live only about 3 miles from where it took place! Nothing could prepare the community for anything on this scale.
  2. Thank you for the dbay wishes everyone, and happy birthday flatwoodhunter. Did you know we share the same birhtday as Bo Jackson?!
  3. Re: Happy Birthday Gary Happy Birthday my Brother, may you have many many more to come!!!
  4. Timbo

    New York Trip

    Re: New York Trip Looks as though I was standing in almost the exact same spot as your son nearly 7 years ago. And I agree with you Harv, I love visiting NYC. Lots to see and if you cant find something to do there, then there's something wrong with you. lol
  5. Re: Pray for my Wife Please You got it Gary, call me if you need anything.
  6. Timbo

    dog name (lab)

    Re: dog name (lab) How about "Riggs". That's the name a guy from work chose for his Rotty after the character from Lethal Weapon.
  7. Re: Irish had that won! [ QUOTE ] I was listening it on the radio so no visual concept. I was wondering that ball did it go out before any time expired? [/ QUOTE ] Well Leinhart was hit hard by 2 ND defenders and the ball shot out of is arms and never touched the ground on it's way out of bounds. The refs gave them a bad spot as they were put on the less than one yard line and in reality should have been on the 2 or 3. There was no doubt they got it right when they put time back on the clock , they just should'nt have been as close as they were.
  8. Re: Irish had that won! Yes they had it won, but they also let USC gain 60 yards on a 4th and 9. Good god I hate SC, but I will give them credit for being a good team.
  9. Re: Great Day in College Football Let's just say the ending to the ND-USC game was heart breaking.
  10. Re: UPDATE Sorry I havn't been around or replied to the thread guys. It doesnt look like I will be able to make it this year as I am in the middle of moving and things are a little hectic here. I hope everybody has a great time as I am sure you will if it's anything like last year. P.S. Happy Birthday Dan !!
  11. Re: Happy Birphday NYBuck!!!!!!!! Happy Birthday Jim
  12. Re: Keep GW in your prayers if you would.... Gary, hope you are ok man. That's scary news.
  13. Re: Happy Birthday Adkhunter!! Happy Birthday!
  14. Re: what state y\'all from(or country for that matter) NY State here, Sir.......that is all.
  15. Re: Wasting of food by children at dinner time. [ QUOTE ] As far as you not giving a hoot about the starving children around the world ...well, I'm just glad everyone doesn't feel that way. [/ QUOTE ] So what have you, yourself done to alleviate their situation? Just curious .........
  16. Timbo

    -53'c pics

    Re: -53\'c pics Sweet pics, you can have it for now as we are due for ours here soon enough!! lol
  17. Re: Best recently read Books D-Day by Stepehen Ambrose. Cant go wrong with any of his books IMHO.
  18. Re: My newly finished home theatre(pics) One word, well maybe three............. "I want one!" lol
  19. Re: Poaching and the Simple Life?? [ QUOTE ] "The Simple Life," [/ QUOTE ] Could not agree with you more brother!!! lol
  20. Re: Happy Birthday HuntinginMaine!! Happy Birthday, and may you have, many..... many more to come.
  21. Re: New Marion County record (before and after) Big congratulations to Butch!! NIce deer.
  22. Re: Sometimes I actually like north Georgia... Nice pics!! Trade you for the NY winter.
  23. Timbo

    Shair the snow!

    Re: Shair the snow! Nice covering her so far (21:20), lots more to come!
  24. Timbo

    1 year Anniversary

    Re: 1 year Anniversary Happy Anniversary!!
  25. Timbo

    got to start it.

    Re: got to start it. ...........all of then sudden through the mist in his eyes he saw a bull moose he seemed content in the middle of the road!! Oh if he only he had the reflexes to dodge the high beams coming at him. But alas, he just stood there like a wooden statue and was struck down with such a force that he felt not a thing.............his only thought was that he would not be left to waste, that they would utilize him in such a way that his demise would not be a sacrafice, but an extension of life which he would be so joyful of........