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  • Birthday 01/25/1986


  • Location
    Cleveland, OH-IO
  • Occupation
    Personal Trainer
  • Interests
    Hunting, fishing,football,basketball,baseball
  • Biography
    24 yr. old graduate Mount Union College for football. love hunting,fishing,4wheeling, chasing ladies
  • user_name_impex
    Paul Schmid

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RDNKHNTR77's Achievements


10-Pointer (5/7)



  1. That's great to hear mud! Although you got me by about 10 years(26), I am in better shape now than I was in high school, using a variation of your protocol. It really helps when getting in and out of my stands, especially the area I hunt(hills, hills, and more hills). It REALLY helps during turkey season when you gotta chase gobblers that can sometimes be a 1/2 mile away. I'va also noticed that since being more disciplined with my nutrition, it has helped me maintain my discipline in the stand, no naps, all day sits, focused! And stinger, I do some boxing on my conditioning days and it is a total #$% kicker! It even helps with my bench presses having faster hands.
  2. Just curious about what y'all do to stay in shape for hunting. Also, how has it helped you become a better hunter? I have been working out my whole life, and I have found that regular training me develop the discipline, determination, and strength to tip the odds in my favor. I use a 4x a week program currently, which is designed mostly for strength. Shooting for a 600 pound deadlift this year!
  3. So you mean it wont sound like WWIII during gun season across the street this year? :gun_bandana:
  4. During the early goose season this year we did some serious shooting and all these geese had these pretty little metal things on them.....i think thats good
  5. Got that anterless tag out of the way and some points on the board!! Shot her Saturday of shotgun season, saw a good 3 1/2 year old ten pt. I will be chasing the rest of the season. Hunted over a natural spring that holds the only open water in the area and the deer are hammering it. LETS GO TEAM 21!!!!
  6. hey guys, havent been getting out too much this season, opening day of shotgun is monday and I will be hunting the heart of ohio's prime deer country. been holding out for a good buck during bow, but the first thing that crosses my path is going down on monday. hopefully ill have some good new to report next week
  7. hey there team, sorry for not bein around lately, been busy as heck @ work. headin down to the heart of deer hunting in ohio this weekend, hopin to score on a big boy. my ol man was down there this week and saw 4 shooters 120" or better. the weather is supposed to break and the hunting should be HOT!!!
  8. My '07 muzzleloader doe...didnt get any decent shot at bucks last year, but '08 will be the year my 12 point puts team #21 over the edge for the W. ne one thought of ne names yet? Tag em and bag em? Gruntin and huntin?
  9. chris it still counts if you go out, drink too many, and just cant remember;)
  10. I think I'm gonna have to hit the driving ranges pretty hard to keep up with you seasoned vets next weekend. I have only been out about 5 times this year and I think even muggsy would have a shot at whoopin me.
  11. im in the same boat. i usually buy a tag and just hope one of them witty birds meanders by my stand. got a hen last year. never actually went out in the fall just to hunt turkey, too busy tryin to figure out those monster bucks:confused:
  12. congrats....heck of a story and even better fish. gotta love the fight those green monsters put up
  13. Renzos dekes are what i have been using for the past few years. they are easy to transport and even easier to set up.