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About johnf

  • Birthday 09/18/1968


  • Location
  • Occupation
    Band Director
  • Interests
    Fishing, Deer hunting, Music
  • Biography
    Band Director, but I hunt, fish, weld, can plum frame and wire a huse. The guys at school say I\'m the only band director they know that\'s a \"Normal guy\"
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Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. johnf

    Mt. Rushmore bound

    Quick trip through this time. Didn't have time to do all we wanted. Did Rushmore, Crazy Horse and Devil's Tower today. Heading back tomorrow with some stops along the way. Can't add pics with my phone.
  2. johnf

    Mt. Rushmore bound

    Saw a doe last night as we were driving in. She was easily 2x the size of any buck I've ever seen.
  3. Family decided to do a road to Mr. Rushmore. We're spending the night in Omaha NE. Anything we HAVE to do between here and there?
  4. After hundreds of dollars and years of blowing money on that I've decided that it's all crap and a waste of my money. I still get busted with it just as often as with cotton military camo on. I wash my clothes in baking soda and water, bathe in scent free soap use fresh earth scent when I get out of my truck and when I get to the stand. I spend $10 a year on scent control now and when the season is left over my wife has extra baking soda for the baking.
  5. Same results as dbHunterNY I've got them on a 243 and 25-06. I've shot out to 325 with it with no problems. It's more than enough scope for 99% of hunters out there. I generally don't have to sight it in unless I change ammo. It's never changed POI on me when shooting the same stuff. Don't waste money on cheap mounts if you're getting a decent scope.
  6. I shot 150gr Win. power points for years. My longest shot was pobably 90 yards and I never had a deer fall out of sight. Most went down in 20 yards or less. I'm a double lung shooter I've so I've never had a DRT shot. I used a 3-9x40 sighted in at 2" high at 100 yards. It shot dead on at 150 yards. Don't get and over/under mount. They won't hold zero.
  7. I would put some field points on just to see if it was me. Check for loose screws on your sight and rest. If that doesn't fix it then you have to assume either the bow isn't tuned well or it's driver error.
  8. I've got a new house built and laid sod but didn't have enough to cover my yard so I planted winter rye grass where the sod ran out. The grass is coming in great and is about a foot tall in some places. Should I mow it back to cause it to spread or will that kill it. Also parts of my yard is being eaten up by something. I'm hoping it's deer, but I've not seen it. Will mowing down the tall stuff attract them more or scare them away?
  9. I hit the new post buttong and I thought this was a p---ing match on peanut butter. I'm a Peter Pan guy myself. After reading the post I think you problem is your gas, not your drill. I've got a buddy who does small engine repare and he says the amount of alcohol that is in gas these days is killing small engines. He suggest finding ethenol free gas to run in all small engines, the smaller the engine the more it affects them and it is especially hard on 2cycle engines. He said to combat this if you can't get ethenol free gas is to put an additive like SEAFOAM in all your gas. Also at the end of the season run the gas tank bone dry and it will help a lot. He said the ethenol does something to the small plastic parts, the tanks and fuel lines of small engines. I was replacing fuel lines on my weed eater and lawn mower every year. I've gone 2 years now without needing to replace a single one. I also put a full can of the seafoam in my truck every time I change the oil and have seen improvements in mileage and performance.
  10. Weather bug says it's 22 here now. How messed up is that? Middle of Jan. and it's colder in Arkansas than it is in Ohio. I was in a dang t-shirt yesterday and turned my air on in the truck on the way home.
  11. Best all around hand gun IMO is a Glock 19. With the right defence ammo you shouldn't have to worry. I've read some studys that show smaller calibers are better because ammo is cheaper and you practice more, reduced recoil translates to more hits on a target. With a good heavy hollow point, expantion is good and should do you fine. Another option would be to buy the .357 sig and get a 9mm barrel at midwayusa or some other place. Then you can practice with the cheap stuff and carry the good stuff. Best of both worlds maybe. I think those barrels cost around $100. Considering you can get bulk 9mm a lot cheaper, 3-4 trips to the range shooting 9mm might pay for the barrel.
  12. I've been building a house on my own for the last two years and just moved in over Thanksgiving. I was hoping to hunt more this year, but my dad got sick and I've been traveling up to see him every chance I get. I've got a bait pile set up about 200 yards from the house with a ground blind next to it (legal here) and I'm hoping to get lucky one afternoon after work. Supposed to be cold and sunny for the rest of the week and to at least next Tuesday.
  13. Talked to the vet and she said to get her on some better food and wait for a month or so. She said the combination of her hyper activity and food would cause her to get pretty skinny. Her breed is built like that anyway and she's running and playing a lot more out there. Lots of birds, squirrels and deer to run after that she didn't have in town.
  14. Probably a rage gone bad.:poke: