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    Ontario, Canada

MossySNPR's Achievements


6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. Are we even allowed to upgrade this year? It says in the rules we have to submit our first bird taken or something? I hope we are still allowed!
  2. Gobble Grounders - Team #5 Weight-21.2 lbs. Spurs(both)-3/4 Beard-8 1/4
  3. Hey Kirk I sent you those pics, thanks bro! I will continue to go out and see what I can do, only a week left.
  4. Tom down! 8 1/4 inch beard, 3/4 inch spurs, 21.2 lbs. I'm having trouble uploading pics, it keeps saying I'm exceeding the file limit, I guess my pictures when I "actualy size" them are massive, any tips on how to solve this?
  5. Waitta go Kirk! Congrats on your first bird bro, thanks for putting us on the board! Next Monday I start...
  6. Howdy fellow turkey smashers! Just wanted to know if you guys tuck your pant legs over your boots, or tuck them into your boots!?
  7. Ouch Bach! I'm sure you will be cocked locked and ready to rock by season! And thats good news, I've also been having reports of turkeys where I'm hunting, a few weeks ago A guy saw about 70 turkeys in a massive field about 200 yards from where I'm hunting! Even better, I hunt the only patch of woods for a long ways around, I wonder where their roosting...? lol
  8. You guys are lucky! Mine starts on April 27th... :S
  9. I've never had a reason to believe they didn't work. Last season a friend and me were sitting in a blind in a small clearing when a tom, 2-3 jakes and 3-6 hens made their ways out from the right. I'm sitting on the right and didn't have my side of the blind zipped down far enough, so my friend has a perfect shot and I can only see them out of my side window. We had 2 hens and an aggresive jake decoy out, before you know it, the turkeys walked straight back into the woods, so we blew it! I used the gun barrel to zip down the window almost fully and in desperation, I asked for his gobbler tube, I immediately starting cutting and shaking the gobbler tube and the turkeys lit up inside the woods, double and triple hammering. After about a minute, a hen showed her beak, followed by the tom and 2 jakes. BOOM double header. I ended up with a jake and he shot a the 5 year old tom.
  10. Whats happenin guys?! Good to be on team 5, my season starts april 27th - may 30th, a long wait. I have phenomenal properties to hunt this thanks to some good friends and things look good, I have my fingers crossed, I tagged out last year! Few names? -The Lead Heads -Gobble Grounders -Snood Snipers -Green Ghosts -Spring Silencers -The Killer Beads -Beard Blasters Let me know if you like one of these!
  11. Well I have a brand new 11-87 I bought from a family member, the only problem is that the barrel has rifled sights on it with no vent rib! I definately don't have the money for a new barrel and would love to use this for turkey hunting, but will rifled sights affect my accuracy at all? Moss