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RangerClay last won the day on September 29 2016

RangerClay had the most liked content!

About RangerClay

  • Birthday 06/24/1965


  • First Name
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  • Location
    Northern NY aka Gods Country
  • Gender
  • Occupation
    Retired teacher. Now the Administrator for the Sisters of Saint Joseph
  • Interests
    Award winning winemaker
  • user_name_impex

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RangerClay's Achievements

Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. I missed this year but I will definitely be in next year if the forums survive.
  2. JOE!!!! So good to hear from you! I miss you on Facebook. Hope you've married that deer slaying gal of yours. PLEASE tell your dad I said hi.
  3. RangerClay

    2022 Buck

    She's a beaut Clarke!
  4. RangerClay

    I'm Back!!!

    For some strange reason I have been unable to log in since August. I wanted to get in on the deer contest but kept getting these different messages. I contacted friends from here on Facebook and hopefully get a message to William. I was just about to toss in the towel and I thought I would try one more time. Boom I'm in. Not sure what I did different but it's good to be back. Now I'm off to see what I missed.
  5. And I was about to get all excited because Swampy was back. Dang!
  6. Nothing special. I'm drying out the tailfeathers and will probably hang it in the garage.
  7. Turkeys have been few and far between in central NY for years. On opening day (May 1st) I got my first long beard in a long time. I was hunting a brand new piece of ground. The weather that morning was absolutely perfect. I got out of my truck, got situated and tried a call in case something was nearby and was immediately answered by 2-3 toms really aggressively. I quickly set my decoy and got ready. It took about an hour of soft calling but a hen lead a tom into my set-up. He had a 9 inch beard, 1 inch spurs, and was easily over 20 pounds. It was the fastest I have ever tagged out. Now I have to tell you about my decoy. It was something I bought probably 20 years ago and never bothered to try it until last Sunday. Mr. and Mrs. Tom Turkey walked right up to it. Who says you need a $100 decoy to kill a bird ?
  8. Congratulations!! I cannot go out until Sunday. I'm trying some new ground, will have to wait and see.
  9. Washed in the blood of the Lamb. Congratulations!
  10. Since it's Holy Thursday and I'm off for the rest of the weekend, I want to wish all of my Realtree buddies a safe and blessed Easter.
  11. In case you have not heard, Realtree Prostaffer Travis T-Bone Turner contracted a rare cancer. Today he underwent surgery to have a leg amputated. Please keep him and his family in your prayers.
  12. He is a stud! Congratulations!!
  13. Congratulations partner! Great phots!! I cannot believe some of you are still hunting. I need to move to another state.