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Everything posted by RangerClay

  1. That is a good one!
  2. Sweeeeeeet! Dead coyotes always make my day. Congrats!
  3. Our opening day was Oct. 12th. Mallards were mighty scarce.
  4. We had snow Saturday night and Sunday morning. Nothing measurable.
  5. We had our early muzzleloader weekend this past weekend. My stupid next door neighbor decided to sight in his rifles all afternoon on Friday. Drove all the deer out my small piece. I did see a nice dry doe on Sunday but their wasn't enough light to shoot. Maybe next time.
  6. Awesome buck! Congratulations!!
  7. I second what William said, good to see you back Muggs. That being said, I'm also glad that you are healthy again. Ticks scare the **** out of me. Like you, it was never a thought 10 years ago. but now I fear for myself and my kids every time we go in the woods. Glad you shared your story. Now pass the Sawyers.
  8. Wow! Great buck and a great story! Does Tracker John have a Youtube page?
  9. Did anyone else besides me get "Happy Birthday" email from the forums Friday? Ummm my birthday was in June and listed as June in my profile. Just spent 30 minutes trying to upload a deer picture in photopost to share with my team mates and I cannot get it any bigger than a 1" square. Please bring back the advanced editor PLEEEASE!
  10. Sorry guys, I cannot make the picture any bigger with the stupid forum software.
  11. Sorry guys. I cannot make the picture any bigger. This f'n new software won't let me.
  12. Saturday was my first day in the stand. 15 minutes after first light I had this guy right under my stand. Later on I had a nice 8 point at 60 yards but he was trailing a doe. Hopefully I will see him again in 2 weeks.
  13. Saturday was the opening day of our duck season. I took my daughter Abigail puddle jumping where I used to hunt as a teenager. She missed a bird before this then boom! Drake wood duck down. Now to find a good taxidermist.
  14. Totally cool!! Congratulations!
  15. Sorry Joe, I just saw this. Hope you had fun.
  16. Wow! He sure is a stud. Believe it or not I skipped opening weekend to get some chores done. I will definitely be in the stand next weekend.
  17. Hey check out these guys. They made the plaque for the euro mount I did this past spring. http://springbrooklaser.com/hunting__deer_elk__mule_deer
  18. Congrats! Awesome buck!!
  19. Gee wiz! And I was hoping Squirrelhunter (Joe) was coming back to visit us. :bummed:
  20. It was a chilly one last night in the low 40's. Great weather for the opening day of bow season.
  21. Seems like most like the Rack Pack. I'll send it to William. Our bow season opens today. Looks like no more sleeping in for the next 3 months.
  22. That is awesome! Dress her in black, it's better than camo for inside the blind. I wear black from the waste up in mine and have far better success.