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Everything posted by noobi

  1. noobi

    Sons first bow

    Check out the PSE Chaos, I wasn't much of a PSE fan until I saw that. It's a smooth drawing bow and pretty quick at flinging the arrows down range. It also has 10" of adjustable draw length. They have a similar program as Parker Bows pertaining to purchasing new limbs as your child grows. We were planning on getting a Razor Edge up til then; after looking around for awhile I honestly feel we found the best youth bow. good luck and enjoy !
  2. take a look at G5 Strikers. They're strong,tough,sharp and f/p accurate.
  3. I have HS Treestalker and I'm pleased w/ it. I wear it under my outer garment so none of it is visible. So I figured why spend the extra money on the Pro style if it's going to be worn the same way and it functions the same. It's quick and easy to put on and once on hardly noticable.
  4. I have HS Treestalker and I'm pleased w/ it. I wear it under my outer garment so none of it is visible. So I figured why spend the extra money on the Pro style if it's going to be worn the same way and it functions the same.
  5. I shot a W/B for 1 year then went to Muzzy Zero Effect for 4 years til I sold my Outback. Bought a Mathews XT and shot a Ripcord last deer season and just installed a QAD Ultra Rest HD over a month ago. And of all the rest I've used the QAD HD is my favorite by far. It contains the arrow completely and when at full draw you can let up and not have to worry about the arrow falling off or having to re- lock/cock the rest arm. It's easy to tune and stay tuned. My second choice would be the Muzzy Z/E.
  6. last week a 04 Outback, this Friday I'll be shooting my new 07 XT.
  7. I lost my hunting land also to an outfitter in 05'. What really ticked me off was that I had done my scouting through out the summer and then 2 weeks before season they told me. So I had to go get all my stands out which they took down and replaced with their own in the same spot.
  8. noobi

    ** SIGHTS **

    Re: ** SIGHTS ** i had cj deadnutz til this season. they're a good sight however i didn't like having to worry about switching the light on and off in low light conditions. i now have it on my daughters genesis bow. i bought the black gold flashpoint sight so i don't have to worry about artificial light source.
  9. noobi

    Lone Wolf stands ?

    Re: Lone Wolf stands ? i have the alpha hang on and love it, i just want to get the extra padded seat for it though for the long hunts. it's quiet and easy to set up.
  10. this is my first year for hunting on public land. one of the rules is your not allowed to screw any type of tree steps into trees or use anything else that penetrates into the tree. now my question is, what do you use to hang your bow or do you just hold onto it during your hunt. i've been using my realtree ez hanger up til this season atleast when i'm on public land.
  11. Re: Mock scrapes are working well [ QUOTE ] Sounds awesome Tony, glad you had luck with them. IF you dont mind me asking, what steps do you take and what scents do you use while making mock scrapes? Im very interested in trying this around here to see what kind of reactions I will get. Good job, and I hope that 180" comes by..**** its Iowa, it might just happen! Kyle [/ QUOTE ] yea what's the secret technique
  12. noobi

    lone wolf

    Re: lone wolf i tried my lone wolf out tonight for the first time. was quiet and comfortable but i wasn't quite use to the narrow platform compared to my other stands but i'll get more comfortable standing and moving w/ it.
  13. Re: Grim Reapers!! i've had good, short blood trails w/ reapers.
  14. Re: I just got an HSS safety vest [ QUOTE ] Anyone think these things are heavy? I've been kicking it around on getting one...then tried one, I thought it was heavy! Esp. for warm weather and light gear. [/ QUOTE ] once you get your clothing on and then the vest, it isn't noticable. i bought the tree stalker b4 season and been using it now for 2 weeks and love it. i can't say enough about it to justify how good they are.
  15. noobi

    lone wolf

    Re: lone wolf i bought an alpha hang on stand a month ago. i haven't hunted from it yet b/c i'm currently hunting public land and i don't want to have it stolen but when november come around i use it at my parents small woods that i hunt when gun hunters come onto public land. i have it hung in a tree now and have sit on it to try it out, it's smaller then my other hang ons but their alot lighter and easier to hang.
  16. Re: how many of you.... [ QUOTE ] Do you think a wounded deer will feel bad and jump out in front of a car to finish itself off for you? I'm keeping my tag. [/ QUOTE ] no, i think they do that just to piss us off
  17. Re: Full Moon Tonight!! why??? that's like more then 2 hrs before legal shooting hours. i can see 5:15 or 5:30. i was in my stand this morning (friday) at 5:45 and it still didn't get light out until 6:40 and the deer weren't moving til after 7:30
  18. Re: Lone Wolf Tree stands i just bought the same stand a month ago and love it. i haven't had it out hunting yet not until oct 1 but i have had it up practicing from it. the seat could probably be a little bigger but it does flip up. i'm planning on getting more to start replacing my other stands i've had awhile. but yes they are worth the price and are awsome.
  19. Re: Watching Monster Bucks XIV Volume 1. no bow hunting on the realtree videos this year??? i'm not even going to bother purchasing it then
  20. noobi


    Re: Indiana? im from Howe. LaGrange county, NE Indiana. hunt same county.
  21. noobi


    Re: Rage i saw a demo on "The Wild Outdoors" show. Rage bh and another mech. bh, 2 one gallon milk jugs filled w/ water and food coloring. one jug was shot w/ the other mech b/h and started draining the water. Jay then waited 10 seconds then shot the second jug w/ the rage 2 blade b/h. the rage emptied the jug b4 the other jug was emptied even w/ the 10 second head start.
  22. noobi

    peanut butter!!

    Re: peanut butter!! [ QUOTE ] Gotta go with the JIF! [/ QUOTE ] choosy hunters choose JIF
  23. noobi

    Maxima Arrows

    Re: Maxima Arrows they help prevent ruining your shafts if you should hit your arrow w/ another. the nock breaks and that's all.
  24. noobi

    Question on diamond

    Re: Question on diamond i owned two of the original diamonds(firestorm and widow maker) they were two awsome shooting bows. once i heard bowtech bought them out i sold them and bought an outback. i didn't want to deal w/ bowtech if i needed parts or anything i've heard quite afew bad stories about their service. i wish diamond still was privately owned they had a good thing started.
  25. Re: Gander Mountain! their just like cabelas and bass pro shops