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Muff last won the day on April 9 2015

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About Muff

  • Birthday 01/25/1969


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    Ont.Canada (gods country)
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  • Interests
    hunting hockey golf
  • user_name_impex

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Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. would love to come down to the east coast again
  2. Muff

    COVID-19 - Impact

    My plant is still up and running so I have not missed anytime. My wife started back this week. no new cases in the area but I am sure as they start to reduce the restrictions more cases will come up.
  3. Well I am still working....not sure why but we are still making airbag yarn and carpet yarn but I suspect once our warehouses fill up we will be shutting down. My wife is off work and like everyone else the kids are out of school. went grocery shopping this morning after work and its a real different world out there now with everyone having masks and distancing for each other but everyone seemed good and nice to each other. I think this is going to be a very long time before we get back to normal.
  4. so many loop holes in that everyone is essential.....stupid....I am in a plant making nylon yarn for airbags the plant has close to 1000 employees no way to control germs its crazy no idea why we are still running.
  5. Muff

    COVID-19 - Impact

    MY PLACE OF EMPLYMENT WONT SHUT DOWN. they have sent all day works (staff) home with pay....BUT us shift works are still working with about 150 per crew coming and going all using same time clock, sharing break rooms and bath rooms and working next to each other.....ITS ALL ABOUT THE $$$$$$.
  6. stop by if you are driving
  7. Muff

    Off to camp

    Well I will be heading out to camp on Friday or Saturday not sure what day yet. Cant wait to get up there and see the guys, Its been a rough year on us losing Mom and the guys losing their Dad. There will be many glasses held high and lots of story's told and most likely a few tears shed. good luck to everyone next week and be safe.
  8. It was a real tuff one here....our first big day after Mom passing.
  9. Muff

    Friday Check-in

    Working 5 nights in a row then 2 day shifts but then off for the long weekend...cant wait!
  10. Well I am back to work now after my vacation......some highs and lows from the last two weeks...first time ever to be off for a week with my wife in the to get a lot done and had a sort of good party at our place ...why sort of? well the Tuesday before it was supposed to go on I got a call from my deer hunting buddies that their Dad and a 32 year friend of mine had passed away....SO on Thursday my family had already made plans to lay my mom to rest so we did that then people started to show up at the house that night. the next morning I had to leave for Owen sound to attend Franks wake stay the night go to the funeral Sat and drive back home a 4 1/2 hour trip with good traffic got back home in the evening but really didn't feel like partying ....the next weekend was family ball one of the best times of the year for me UNTIL I did a tuck and roll down the first baseline resulting in cracked or broken ribs (didn't go to hospital cant do anything for them anyway) so here I sit now back at work very sore after a rollercoaster 2 weeks.
  11. Well its almost 10pm on Friday and no one has started at Friday post yet so I guess I will......well I have had a big week...long story short I got me a brand new truck this week first new vehicle I have ever owned...I got a blacked out Dodge 4x4 2019 and I love it so much. in about 8 hours I go on my first summer vacation in 20 years for 2 weeks also my wife has a week off and my brothers family is off for 2 weeks plus friends of ours from Boston that have a cottage on the Island will be up. next weekend we have a big weekend long party at the house and then the weekend after that is Family Ball weekend on the least 25 family teams play every year its so much fun to see old friends every year.....anyway that's my week and 2 weeks to come.....see you when I get back to work.....CHEERS EVERYBODY!!!!
  12. Work the rotten weekend of days here then jump right into 4 night shifts....BUT after that I am on 2 weeks vacation....can not wait!
  13. Hey you guys out there check out the MNR page to see if your area has extra Doe tags this year....On my Island there are 400 doe only and Bow only tags to be had and 1 person can get 3 each.
  14. Muff

    Heat wave

    yep hot here to bud....glad I am working the panel today at work where its air conditioned.... I had the field job yesterday and it was crazy hot in the towers....just think about it...we heat our stuff up to 300c then add the outside air there is no where to go cool down out there.