My parents and I are planning a trip to Nashville June 22nd-26th and were looking for a place to hire a fishing guide somewhere in Tennessee or Arkansas preferably for smallouth/largemouth and a lake with good mountain scenery. Anyone have suggestions?
I'm 95% sure that is a tumor of some sort, I saw a doe killed with over 20 of them on her and that is what they looked like. Can't tell you if the meat was good or not as it was fed to the coyotes
Well I used to shoot the gold tips but I have had techs at two different archery shops tell me that the gold tips are being made by a different manufactor now and the quality isn't as good. I can't promise this is true just what I was told.
Re: 9 - Bucks Gone Wild
well season ended this past saturday for me, i had a pretty good year with 2 with my bow and 2 with my rifle. I enjoyed being on the team with all of you
Re: Team 9
Well i got a "cull" six point this morning, i'll post pics later pretty neat looking rack. Doesn't help our score but i thought i would share anyways.
Re: Team 9
Well I updated my 8 point in place of my doe, so thats another 8 points for us, maybe I can still up it a little more. I'm going in the morning and its supposed to be cold. Congrats to everyone else that has had success so far.
Re: Pickle Juice...
I've heard some football teams drink it to prevent cramps. At least that is what they said on tv. Don't know.
[/ QUOTE ]
we did this when i played in high school,not sure if it worked but we did it
Re: 9 - Bucks Gone Wild
sorry to hear about that bownarrow, we all lose a few but it really does suck when its a good one like that. Are you sure he died, do you think its possible he survived?
Re: 9 - Bucks Gone Wild
I will try again on the tag pic wednesday when I go back home, I had to come back up to college today and I didn't bring the deer with me
Re: 9 - Bucks Gone Wild
scored on an 8 point this morning, i'll post pics and a story tommorow, I'm hoping that let my tag pictures slide because i tried to camera phones and a digital camera and couldnt ever get a good clear picture of the tag
Re: I need some reassurance...
I agree Wigs, with the point that larger bucks normally work the bigger trees he just made it seem like that was always the case and I know different. Also I have seen this exact episode before but gave him the benefit of the doubt that maybe i misuderstood but this time i payed close attention and had another buddy watching with me.
I was just watching a hunting show on the versus outdoors channel, I won't say the name. My question is what I have always known as a ground scrape he called a rub and then went on to say what I know as a rub (hooked tree or bush) was called a scrape. Now have I always just been misinformed or is it him? He also made the comment that because the rub was on a big tree that it was a big mature buck. However I have seen with my own eyes and have also heard other people tell of seeing small immature 4 and 6 points rub on 6 inch trees and make ground scrapes 4 ft in diameter. I'm not trying to bash the guy it just seems that some of what he says as fact he should clarify as more of an opinion.
Re: mad as all get out
it does get annoying, but i enjoy it also because it keeps me more attentive. Don't let them get you to where you start ignoring the sound because as soon as you do it will be that buck of a lifetime and you will miss out