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  • Birthday 10/26/1982


  • Location
    Liberty, WV
  • Occupation
    Landscape Architect
  • Interests
    Hunting, Fishing, Anything outdors, Mountain Biking, Backpacking, Fly Fishing, and some other stuff

OUTSIDER's Achievements


8-Pointer (4/7)



  1. I'd like to close out my account on here, is there an easy way to do it?? I don't use Realtree...basically at all anymore, and dont' want my name to be hacked and maybe the forum get spamed by my name...So Admin, someone, how may i do it? Or will one of you admin people just give me the axe and be done with it. Thanks!
  2. I was down in the area doing some work with some engineers (non-mine related) yesterday....Its a sad day here in the mountain state.
  3. I served with a few homosexual individuals while in the AF, they were soldiers just like the rest of us, they trained like we did, did everything like we did. And just for the record they bleed like we do as well. I think a few of you are jumping to the conclusion far too fast.
  4. I have a badlands super day pack, i love it. Plain and simple. you will not regret getting a badlands, and the best part is, if something ever messes up, breaks, dog chews it up, they will replace it.

    just curious

    I for one was not concerned about the administration taking our guns, i am still concerned about components that relate to firearms (metals such as lead and brass) being regulated and taxed to death. I am much more concerned about him putting our country into so much debt that we will never recover, and then selling the US off to the highest bidder.
  6. How many gigs of RAM do you have?? If i remember correctly Vista needs two gigs of ram to operate successfully. you may be able to add RAM to your machine to make it work, i am not a computer whiz, but 2 gigs of ram is a starting point. You may be able to do a search of your computer model and see available upgrades and such.
  7. I wish they would pass something like this in West Virginia!!! i think you can kill 4 or 5 in some areas, thats why we (in most areas) only kill 1.5-2.5 year old bucks. Great progressive thinking for getting older and trophy bucks in the herds.
  8. if i were you, i would get a quarter quad map of your area and look at the topography and pick out some key features such as saddles, benches, and pinch points. Your profile says your from elkins ( i am from putnam county, wv) so flat land up there is a bonus, You hunting deer, bear, turkey, or what??
  9. He set adrift in the ocean with 7 liters of fresh water...wow.
  10. I just have to say, here in West Virginia, we are having a winter for the first time in a while...I got my tires on my truck the day before we got 16 inches of snow, they did great, now for the last week, we have had steady snow, snow covered roads, slick conditions, mind you i live in a very curvy with steep roads area. These tires are wonderful, if any of you live in an area that needs a good tire, pay a little extra and get some BFT AT's.
  11. We grow golden and red delicious if that means anything.
  12. Well...i never would have thought my new job would have taken such a toll on my hunting time, and now that the prime of the season is here, its so cold and snowy i do not want to brave the elements to try and find some squirrels. And with the lack of mast here, squirrels are pretty thin thus far around here. This weekend is supposed to be in the single digits in the day and below 0 at night, so maybe next weekend.
  13. I'll have to disagree with Tominator about spraying, the orchard at our place which has been producing apples for at least 50 years, has never once been sprayed, and we have never seen a noticable decrease in apples or quality thereof. I would guess in some areas spraying is a must for pest control, but here in WV where i am at, i guess we have a limited amount of critters that like to infest the apple trees. I would check with a local extension agent to get the most accurate data on your area.
  14. Is that a peak rotary vise??
  15. all of the above. I have read some debate about fertilizing "fruiting trees" Seems some studies conclude that the fertilization helps the growth of the trees and not the fruits, this was about nut producing trees, so take it as you will. It couldn't hurt. I would get rid of the underbrush, and also prune the trees, i am gettin ready to prune our apples here soon. get rid of all the sucker branches, espically those down low. Pick up a guide on how to properly prune an apple tree, will help alot.