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  1. jnrbronc

    pin placement

    Mine are set at 20, 30 and 40. I just bought and started reading "Bowhunting Trophy Whitetails" by Bobby Worthington. He suggests 16, 25.5, 30.5, 35.5 and 40.5 yard pins. His discussion as to why is interesting, but I don't think I'll be changing any time soon.
  2. Re: Iowa Non Resident You will need to apply for zone 9 and the season (bow/shotgun). You can buy preference points for the draw, I think. Odds are that a non-resident will get drawn 1 out of 3 years, so don't get your hopes too high.
  3. Re: tips muzzleloading in iowa I've been doing some bow hunting since the opener in Iowa and the buck sightings have been slow. The ones I have been seeing have been right at the end of shooting time (with the exception of a 1.5 year old). I've been seeing lots of deer around a wild apple tree out in a pasture. Monday night I was hunting some oaks that were raining acorns and saw lots of deer with a 2.5 year old ten point coming in at dark. I'm going early muzzle again this year. All of my success during early muzzle season has been at the very end of shooting light. Maybe this cold weather snap will make them get up and move a little earlier this season. I hunt between timber and standing corn, catch them heading to the corn in the evenings. I'll spend the day shooting a few does. So my advice is find the food source and be there late in the day. Good luck!
  4. Re: This guy had a good year! (pics) [ QUOTE ] I wonder what those brutes have been eatin ? [/ QUOTE ] In Iowa, my guess would be corn and soybeans!
  5. Re: Need a program. I watched a show last night about a couple of boaters who disappeared on Lake Huron. The Coast Guard found the boat and there was a Garmin (?) GPS hand held on board. The missing people had been mapping and tracking their trip on the GPS. It had a nice screen with a map of the lake and locations they had entered in. I'm not sure of the accuracy but you might check to see if this is something a high end GPS could do for you. I don't own a GPS.
  6. Re: World record Elk [ QUOTE ] That one huge Elk. Awesome critter. 7x7 whats the name for that? [/ QUOTE ] BIG!!! Seriously, I think a 7X7 is an Imperial.
  7. Re: Beware of Huge internet bucks Look at how the photoshop'd deer antlers edges are rough. If you download the picture and open it with a program that allows you to zoom in, you will see it big time! Pixelation at it's finest! Granted, there are ways around that as well if one is seriously wanting to doctor an image. Photoshop is great but it costs money. The best imaging software out there for the price? It's free and is available to anybody interested! Wanna know more?
  8. Re: Would you still kill a doe? [ QUOTE ] A doe may be born with every egg she'll ever ovulate, but they aren't fertilized yet, so there is a huge difference. Dude, you're one morbid individual. [/ QUOTE ] I'd rather not get into one of those "when is a life created" disussions. As far as morbid is concerned, I work in an educational field and many would find the anatomy lesson educational.
  9. Re: ranna\'s first hunt I just took my boys out for a hunt two weeks ago and learned it is not a good idea to give them pop on the drive out. Too many poddy breaks during the hunt. I placed them in a pop up blind and I sat outside a short distance from it. There was giggling, wrestling, and the sound of fabric rubbing the blind. I pelted them with a snow ball or two before I figured out it was no big deal. Dad had to relax a little. Remember to keep it fun!
  10. Re: Would you still kill a doe? [image][/image]
  11. Re: Would you still kill a doe? Am I the only one to be able to see it?
  12. Re: Would you still kill a doe? [ QUOTE ] [ QUOTE ] YES! Whats the difference between now and the first of October? [/ QUOTE ] By now the does have been bred for over a month. Back in October they hadn't yet. 1 bullet or arrow now kills 2 or more deer. [/ QUOTE ] A doe is born with every egg she will ever ovulate. So if you shoot a doe at any point, you are taking out potentially more than one deer. I don't get too stressed out about shooting a pregnant doe. Matter of fact, I have collected a fetus or two, stained the bones with Alizarin Red S, stained the cartliage with Alcian Blue, cleared the tissue with potassium hydroxide and embedded it in polyester resin to make paper weights. It makes for quite the conversation piece sitting on my desk at work. This fetus harvested about two months post rut.
  13. jnrbronc

    Season Poll

    Re: Season Poll Iowa, 2005-2006: Early muzzleloader, 9 days First shotgun, 5 days Second shotgun, 9 days Late muzzleloader, 23 days Late antlerless only, 11 days New rifle season, post-late antlerless, 9 days
  14. Re: Would you still kill a doe? I just picked up an antlerless deer tag for a season that opens tomorrow.
  15. Re: How did your archery season go? I hadn't bow hunted in over a decade. I dusted off the old bow and shot my personal best archery buck. I passed up many shots at young bucks and finally decided on a nice ten point with some 10 inch tines. I had an awesome time and I am looking forward to next season!