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Everything posted by Canadian_Shooter

  1. its looking like ill pick up the buck roar, thanks guys!
  2. any recomendations on a good grunt call?
  3. i was just reading through some post, people complaining about quality of posts and how people are only here for a few months of the year and then are gone untill next year. hopefully, for those of you who know or remeber me that you dont feel that way about me! i know i flake out and you dont hear from me until hunting gets close but the truth is im a busy guy and no one should take it a bad way.Ive met some people on this site that i will cherish there friendship for the rest of my days! if i could spend all day on here i would! just thought id say hey, hello how are ya! cant wait for some good storys from this season good luck to everyone and stay safe! friend from the north keane
  4. if anyone needs a replacement hunter im open for draft lol i can promise a team some points!
  5. no such luck again for me this year! not surprising tho lol
  6. i got my 12 pack of alexander keiths in the fridge ready for tommorow no work for me!
  7. yea id say there deffinatly diffrent deer....two good shooters tho
  8. where i am is not the issue there are deer around ...see doe's all the time and have shot soem nice bucks out of there in the past few years....i just havent had any luck with my bow
  9. good to be back...theres been alot going on with me latly..started automotive in school this year, new job, moved into my apartment and my dads been sick but is on the mend so thats good....sadly i missed registration for the deer looks like im sitting out this season...good luck to all and safe hunting keane
  10. just wanted to say hi to everyone havent been on in a while...thres been alot on the go in the past year...jsut thought id let everyone know ill be around more often now and good luck to everyone this season keane
  11. well heres my problem..ive been bow hunting for the past few years and i cant seem to see any bucks...i know there are bucks around there but have yet to see one from my bow stand....yesterday i had one spook behind me as i was leaving but im unsure what it i do see doe's regularly...are there any kind of calls or attractents i could use to possibly get the doe's to come around more often maybe to draw bucks in.i use a bait pile and they seem to be taking it quite often and ive only been out 2 times so far...any suggestions? thanks keane
  12. yea my bows sitted to 20, 30, and 40...normally ill practice at about 40 yards deffinatly makes me shoot 20, 30 yard shots with ease
  13. well sorry guys i couldnt connect this year...shot a nice 6 point and searched for a combined total of 12 hours with no luck...had good blood for a while and found a chunk of bone but no deer i was literally on my hands an knees threw the woods looking for new blood, brought the dog in and no points from me this year sorry again and good luck to the rest of you!
  14. well im still workin on gettin us a going to be puttin up my stand in a new spot tommrow, hopfully it will work out good...ill keep you all posted
  15. very nice buck, congrats...and thats the exact reason i want to make a trip out to sask for some whitetail hunitng
  16. geeez that 10 mile hike musta been tough eh?
  17. congrats buddy now hopfully i can connect down here in yarmouth or mabye you'll have to show me your hot spot hahaah
  18. well in the past two days of rifle season ive seen a ton of does and a couple small average season goes like this so this week when there arnt so many hunters in the woods i magine ill be seeing more bucks...ill keep you all posted
  19. lastnight i had a tree limb hangin down in front of me so i removed it and put it on the back side of my stand so it wouldnt fal and make noise sure enough it fell...i coverd it up with a few short grunts and a little light rattling....last year i droped my tube off my grunter and never did find it
  20. been seeing aot of does....seen 3 does forsure tonight and 3 other young deer could have been some small bucks but no shooters
  21. i also won a plano bow case woohooooo:D:D
  22. checkin in fellers...bow season starts this saterday ill let ya know whats up as much as i can, my comps down so i canonly use my girlfriends...lookin good for a big buck on my end hope i can connect and give areteam some big points again this year
  23. well i jsut out of high school...not going away to school this basicly whatever i want i can pay for...o wait...thats right...i have a basicly i can spend half of whatever i get on a pay check hahah