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About ksbowhntr77

  • Birthday 10/11/1977


  • Location
    Nortonville, Kansas
  • Occupation
    Survey Tech./Construction Inspector
  • Interests
    Hunting, Tractor Shows, Helpin' friends out
  • user_name_impex
    Jess Noll

ksbowhntr77's Achievements


10-Pointer (5/7)



  1. Alright guys, I'm looking to buy new broadheads for the year and I think I'm leaning towards these Rage heads. Has anyone shot these or shooting them now? How are they, any good? I would like some feedback if possible. Thanks!!! By the way sorry for not being on in like forever, been kinda busy with this thing we all call life..... but it's good to be back on, so Hi to everyone... I'll try to not make so long before my next visit. KS
  2. 6 goin on 7 for me........ this is what I inadvertantly thought I was doin yesterday...... thanks for givin me the right poll texas...... lol
  3. You would be correct Ethan..... there is a similar chart in the front of one of my hunting mags and it explicitly states that game time movements are for all time zones, yada, yada, yada........ I tried using the times in the second rifle season in Kansas this year........ yeah, not again. Don't put a whole lotta stock into the forecaster........ it's merely a best educated guess of movement times based on moon phases. Just my two cents worth........ KS
  4. O.K. so I'm half asleep here at work! I thought the poll was supposed to be how long we have been in the R.T. family not how old we were....... so that being said delete a vote under the 15 and under catagory and add one in the 33 year old section.......... apparently I just suffered from what some may call a "moment".......:jaw: Oh, well........ it's been a while guys, nice to stop in and say hi. I'm still alive and kickin....... gettin slow here at work these days. Hope all or most all are still gainfully employed..... KS
  5. People.....? There are PEOPLE on earth besides democraps........... oh, yeah, the stupid ones that put them all in office....... I sure hope each and every one of them realizes what this fantastic "change" has done...........lmao I personally am for the big "REPEAL"....... this is proof that we don't live in a democracy anymore..... the vote goes to the highest bidder for crap projects in various states...... it's very unfortunate that constituants that the PEOPLE put in office can be bought out for such ludicris bills such as health care!!!!! Does anyone on Capital Hill know how to read and deduce consequences............ There went my "change" right outta my pocket..... thanks democraps......
  6. I'll second that motion....... been there too, NOT FUN...... just a bunch of beauracratic paperwork to make someone else's job seem important.... hang in there Kyle, once you get past the "red tape" all will be better, just think about the family and tell yourself "without me doing this, we wouldn't have what we have"...... One day at a time..... God Bless! KS
  7. I'm here guys.... just thought I ought to check and see if ol' Strut had the teams yet.... Let's get us some big ol' butter balls this year...... got plenty to choose from here, but I got my sights on what I would have to say is a close to 30 lb bird...... he's huge and pretty darn smart too..... Don't get to start chasin' till the 7th of April I believe. Good Luck to all!!!! KS :cowboy:
  8. Well, I have one and to me for the money they are well worth it. The pics are good and the night pics are ok but could be better. If you use them over bait or a small food plot as I do they should work fine for you. Very simple to set up and surprisingly long battery life, I was impressed! Now I just need about ten more......lol. KS
  9. Merry Christmas to you and yours Tim!! Hope the holiday season has found you and yours in good health and happy spirits........ may Santa bring you a deer or two for Christmas..... Happy Holidays!!!! KS
  10. That sums it up like no other............ the word for today boys and girls is ENTITLED!!!!!........ :angry::angry::bang:
  11. Three days worth of chili for lunch and I went to bowling league last night.......... need I say more................KS:jaw:
  12. Clint I'm sure sorry about what happened. Makes me take a step back and look at what I have laying around...... I think we all should...... remember it's about Christmas time again..... unfortunately that's how SOME people do their shopping, cause they're too lazy to work for it like the rest of us. Clint, you're the last person that deserves that to happen to them. I hope they catch them and find your gear......... KS
  13. "Sir, have you been drinking tonight........"
  14. ksbowhntr77

    Youth room

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