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bullfrog00's Achievements



  1. Just thought I would share an interesting story that happened 2 me Tuesday morning. Skipping all the hunt details since that is the boring part of the story this time. I walked out to the bird I had shot and stood over him for at least 2 minutes admiring him and enjoying the moment. The bird had already expired and I had watched him go limp. I reached down to pick him up and when I got a firm grip on his legs and lifted he decided to get his last few death flaps in. When the bird started to flap he rotated in my hand. In doing so the spur punctured my palm between the thumb and index finger. I tried to open my hand to drop him but his spur acted like a fishhook and just dug in. I felt his spur pluck the nerve that runs up my index finger like a guitar string. My index finger went numb. The spur popped out of the wound and brough some meat with it. So there I am standing over a bird with a puncture wound in my hand that has meat literally hanging out of it. Luckily there was another hunter in the area that gave me a hand carrying the bird out. I get to urgent care and they sent me to a hand specialist. He performed exploratory surgery on my hand to make sure the nerve wasn't torn. Fortunately the nerve had only been stretched and so I will regain feeling in my finger eventually. But now I have nice zig zag stitching in my hand. the center of the stitching is from the spur. The 2 ends are what the surgeon did 2 open it up and clean the mud out of it and look at the nerve. I will wear a falconer glove from now on The spurs were barely over an inch and neither one were very sharp but they obviously could do some damage!!
  2. For Drury's Info go to www.druryoutdoors.com and click on their journal
  3. Thanks I have already sent one to customer service just looking for fellow hunters tips (thanks though)
  4. Here is Terry's Buck it green scored 170
  5. I have a brickhouse blind that is about 3 or 4 yrs old. My problem is that the hub has pulled away from the blind. What is the best way to repair it?
  6. Look at the Conservation Areas in Nothern MO www.mdc.mo.gov has a conservation atlas on it that will help you out a lot. Look at Union Ridge or Indian Creek I believe. I haven't hunted them though so I can't verify anything
  7. I would venture to say that less than 50% of the snakes you see are venomous. Most people see a diamondback water snake or a kingsnake and call them (poisonous) here in missouri. Poor uninformed people there are roughly 15 types of venomous snake (counting sub-species) and over 50 types of non-venomous snakes. So the ratio of venomous to non-venomous is slightly skewed.
  8. A couple of bucks, the one in the background is a nice 8. I have sheds from him last year and if he's picked up any mass he'll be pushing P&Y this year.
  9. Re: What\'s your biggest turkey? 24# 10 1/2, 9 1/2, 9, 4 1/2 inch beards and 1 inch spurs
  10. Re: Parker Ultra-lite LH Still have it
  11. Re: The new NY blaze orange bill Correction in missouri you only wear orange during a gun season. You don't have to during bow or muzzleloader season,
  12. Re: trailcam bucks awesome squirrel!!
  13. Re: What are good programs for digital photography? Get google picasa2 you can download it from google i believe. I have had good luck making pictures look better with it and its a free download!!
  14. I have a parker Ultra-lite Left-handed bow for sale. It is a 50-60# with a 29 inch draw I believe. It comes with a whisker biscuit rest and sights and a detachable quiver. I have had it for 3 or four seasons but i only shoot it a little during deer season so it is in good condition. I am buying a new one this year and don't need both. Make me an offer. i currently don't have any pics but i could get some if you want to see it. Thanks. Jeremy
  15. Hey all, A buddy and I are thinking of going to Nebraska for archery season this spring and I was wondering the best places to go? Is public land good up there? Are there some Indian reservations that you can hunt? What is the best time of the season for Merriams? Any info would be appreciated. Thanks, Jeremy