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  • Birthday 06/07/1973


  • Location
    East Central IL.
  • Occupation
    Computer Graphics.

ILSNIPER1's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)




    Ho ho ho!!

    Merry Christmas Everyone! I hope you all got what you wanted.. I did, a white x-mas. Stay safe & warm & have a Happy New Year. Later, Phil B.
  2. Hello all, Here are a few shots I took with my new Canon EF 70-200mm F/4L USM lens, I'm still learning & working on my composition. Enjoy, Phil B.
  3. Here's another average 8 point from today.
  4. Hello All, Today was a good day.. I received my order from B&H Photo Video today. This is my first Pro lens & first Canon L lens, It's the 70-200mm F/4 USM It's the equivalent to a 112-320mm on my Canon EOS T1i w/a APS-C crop factor of 1.6X. The Giottos monopod is awesome.. it's heavy aluminum & is very stable. Anyway, on to the deer I seen this afternoon. Spotted this nice buck & doe snapped a couple of shots. How's this for a main frame 8 pointer... This is a GIANT buck! Spotted him running a small buck away from his doe friend. lol This pic does this monster absolutely no justice. BTW, these were taken 10-15 minutes after sunset tonight using 1600 ISO, that's why they look like they do.. not the fault of the new glass. EDIT: I forgot to add that this buck was pushing close to a half mile out, he was near the center of the section. Later, Phil B. WOW!!! WOW!!! & WOW!!!
  5. Hello All, Took these a few days ago, I've not been seeing any big buck this year like I usually do this time of year.. I think w/the warm weather & all of the fields being plowed under the big boys are staying back in the timber's. Anyways, here's a nice 8 point I caught coming out into one of the few fields w/corn stubble. Later, Phil B.
  6. Hello All, Here are a couple shots from the past couple of days. Enjoy, Phil B.
  7. Just a nice little sunset.. Enjoy. Phil B.
  8. Hello All, I made these this afternoon (07-15-10) after a t-storm went threw & the sky started to clear. Enjoy, Phil B.
  9. Hello All, I planted some Gladiolus for my sister a couple months ago & they are starting to flower, here's one of the red one's I thought everyone would enjoy. Later, Phil B.
  10. Here are a few photos I made this morning at the lake. Enjoy, Phil B.
  11. Hello All, Here are a couple of shots I made the past couple of evenings, I thought they turned out nice. Enjoy, Phil B.
  12. Congratulations on the new setup. First things first, READ YOU'RE OWNERS MANUAL. I'm Shooting w/a Canon T1i/500D & I picked up David D. Busch Guide To Digital SLR Photography (Canon EOS Rebel T1i/500D) It explains in far more detail what each setting does & how to use it. Second: I would pick up a fast card.. I'm using a Sandisk Extreme III 30MB/s Edition Class 6 SDHC, you'll notice a big difference in read, right & upload time's! Here are some links that I found useful. Good Luck, Phil B. .:The Photographers Rights:.
  13. Hello All, Here are a couple of shots I took last evening after the sun had set. Enjoy, Phil B.
  14. Hello All, We are finally getting some sun here in Central IL, & the flowers around the yard have started to open. I officially have my first hybrid tea (Oklahoma) open this season, I sure wish everyone could smell this rose.. it smells like candy of some sort & is considered "slightly fragrant" but you can smell it just getting near it! The small pink roses are a miniature I planted last spring & is doing very well (minus the aphid damage) & is getting quite big. The rest of the flowers are others I have started from seed last spring, I don't remember the name's of them fight now.. any way, enjoy. Later, Phil B.