I called my little brother today and found out his brother-in-law was killed today in a work accident.This man was a great guy and worked hard to support his family and i was proud to have called him a friend.He loved to hunt and fish.My brother works at the same stripmine
and he told me that he was railroad crossing with his swivel truck when a train ran the bars
and hit him pushing his truck 500ft down the track.He left behind his wife and 3 kids.He will be sorely missed.Please remember this family in your prayers.
our KY season closes this sunday im gonna try to hunt the last day.i havent got to go any this week. i started my new job tuesday and i get home shower,eat and go to bed.Ive worked 43hrs
in 4 days.Im off tomorrow but all i want to do is rest.
I will be starting a new job Monday.Its in a shaft mine ill be riding a elevator 400ft down under the ground to where the mine is.Ive never worked in a shaft before and im a little nervous.
When i got the results back from my physical i found out im a diabetic so thats also got me worried.No more sweets and switch to diet soda.Ive been monitering my blood sugar and it seems to be helping Im keeping it right around the 200 mark.
thanks Brad for posting the pics
im from buchanan county in southwest VA
i was hunting this past sat. and was calling to 2 gobblers and heard a sound behind me
i slowly turned my head and there was a coyote sneaking up on me
needless to say it didnt take me long to get that mossberg up and put a load of #5 shot into
its face.No gobbler but i didnt kill my second coyote