I videoed a friend of mine yesterday afternoon in a plot in the middle of a thick cutover. We had a pack of hounds running deer all around us so we figured it was going to be slow but we stuck it out anyway.
We set the blind up around 4:45 and didn’t have to wait to long, at about 5:45 I heard something in the cutover walking our way. Sure enough it was a gobbler he stepped out at 15yds looking right at us. He put his head down to feed on some clover and that gave me the chance to get the camera turned on and my friend time to get his bow up.
The turkey stepped behind a tree and my friend got ready to draw, as soon as the bird started to come out he drew his bow and the bird hopped and started moving on down the lane, my friends shot went across the birds back cutting only feathers. The bird, not knowing what it was, ran down the lane about 30yds and went back to feeding on clover.
(Another friend of ours missed a gobbler and stuck an opening day gobbler with his bow and this was his quote and it seems to be true so far “Turkeys are meant to be shot with a shotgun not a stick and string”)
I handed him my Rem 870 and repositioned the camera and it was all over, he dust rolled him, it was awesome.
God blessed us with and awesome hunt, its still early here in the south and the birds just aren’t acting right just yet.
My friend was kinda bummed he didn’t connect with his bow but was happy none the less with a great bird.
It has a this twisted 93\4” beard and 3\4” spurs , just a two year old but a great memory.
Now it’s my turn to try to find one that will cooperate.