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About RatherBowHunt

  • Birthday 07/31/1987


  • Location
    Peoria, Illinois
  • Occupation
  • Interests
    Bowhunting, turkey hunting, duck, and geese
  • user_name_impex
    Matt Lape

RatherBowHunt's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. hahaha i know exactly who it is kirk mah man lol
  2. ive been shooting bhfs for the last two years..posting scores in the 300 50-58 x range but made the transition to mfs this year and been shooting average 300 57 59x....i either drop my 1st 2nd or last arrow lol...its quite frustrating...and ive been shooting 298 300 on vegas averaging 20-25 x's
  3. o come on kirk lol i coulda told ya that one lol...didnt know you were a novice at this turkey hunting stuff haha jk
  4. im not sure where you come up with 130? maaaybe 115 110
  5. i dont really think he'll go much more than that this year even...looks to barely be p and y
  6. thanks to everyone for your replies...the deer was 5 1/2 years old and field dressed at 202 lbs....he was excited to say the least lol
  7. This is my brothers first buck ever taken with a bow...after being patient and letting tons of small bucks walk his patients and persistance have finally paid off....friday night on the night of October 19th here in Illinois he was on stand and at 5pm he turned around and saw this deer coming towards him....he only had enough time to grab his bow draw back and shoot...and he made a peeerfect quarting too shot.... CONGRATULATIONS on your first Pope n Young deer little brother the deer ended up going 142 inches gross...and netted 135 2/8's inches
  8. http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"> http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"> http://photobucket.com" target="_blank"> this is his first buck with a bow...and it ended up gross scoring 142" and netted 135 2/8's...killed with a hoyt vipertec at 28 yds CONGRATULATIONS little brother
  9. they fly absolutely amazing...however yes the have good penetration...but they are incredibly hard to sharpen...and they are not very sharp right out of the package...the new montec strikers however fly the same and are unbelieveably sharp....i'd go with them
  10. i also had an xt and it was one of the most forgiving smoothest bows ive ever owned...now i shoot a hoyt vectrix lol had to go back to the roots lol
  11. honestly i wouldnt say more than 140....thats just me though