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Everything posted by deerhunter10

  1. he was there too those awards are a joke
  2. I was wondering what everyone's opinion on shrink fletches are. I found some awesome team realtree shrink fletches on cabelas but I have no expierience with them and don't know how reliable they are. They are $20 for a pack of 6.
  3. since when did kid rock and def leppard become country?
  4. We actually don't intentionally feed them. We put the corn out for deer and sometimes the bears make it to it before the deer. If we try to keep the bears from getting into it they will just tear it up until they can get to it.
  5. They are eating corn. We can put 100lbs out and it will be gone the next day. We usually put it in feeders but the bears will just tear the feeders down because the food doesnt come out fast enough.
  6. I would seriously look into the CVA Optima. You can get the base Blue/Black for $199 at Cabelas and they are a pretty solid gun. In my opinion they shoot great. Right now at Cabelas, they have the Nickel/Realtree combo with the thumbhole stock for $299 so it might be something you want to check out.
  7. I've been getting bear on my cameras for about two years now and hopefully this year I can connect on one.
  8. When I was 15 is started putting in applications everywhere that was hiring and pretty soon I got a job at a small grocery store. I'm 18 now and I have worked there all through high school and through my first year of college. I also mowed and weedeated during the summer and made a little extra cash plus my what my job payed.
  9. In my plant biology class we expieremented in the greenhouse growing plants hydroponically and growing them in pots. This was my first time growing plants hydroponically so I really enjoyed it. The hydroponically grown corn and tomato plants grew rapidly. Here are some pictures about two weeks after they were planted.
  10. I just recently purchased a new Mossberg 4x4 rifle in .300 Win. Mag. I got it in the wood stock with the blued barrel. Overall it is a pretty solid gun. Topped it with a Nikon scope and it shoots like a charm. It is definately a big change from my 7mm-08 though. I really enjoy the .300 as much as the 7mm-08. I will definately be using it this upcoming season. The recoil is nothing like what I expected. It has a very nice recoil pad which helps cushion the recoil. It is a very beautiful gun that shoots smoothly.
  11. Thanks! I've seen some pretty big bucks killed over in Jenkins and Pikeville.
  12. Here's a few pictures I got at my stand during the summer: If you look real close you can see a bear standing at the tree in the back.
  13. For me it's a 7mm-08. I have shot one for about 4 or 5 years and I absolutely love it. Very little recoil but it packs quite a punch. You may not believe me but I shot a deer last year at about 90 yards and actually blew the deers lung out the other side onto the ground.
  14. I am from Pound, its on the border of Kentucky. These birds were killed in Coeburn. Pound and Coeburn are both in Wise County though. Marion is a few hours away from where I live.
  15. I shoot a Savage 7mm-08 with a Simmons 10x40 scope.
  16. wow that little guy is hidden pretty good
  17. This past spring season my uncle and I had the oppurtunity to take these two great birds. Both had 10 1/2 inch beards and 1 inch spurs.
  18. Hey guys it's been awhile since I've been on here.I used to be on here quite a bit. but it seemed like everytime I would start getting on quite a bit, I would get tied up in something. I just moved into a new house and started college. Now that I'm settled in you can expect to see me on here quite a bit more.
  19. Mom and Dad gave me an early birthday present this year and it was a brand new Drenalin. It had never been out of the box. I can't wait to start shooting it! This is the only picture I have of it so far but I will post more.
  20. Sign me and my 7mm-08 and 25-06 up!
  21. Most of the lumberused on this was from trees we had cut down and most of it was badly bowed. All of the boards had to be planed down to 3/4 of an inch.
  22. This Gun Cabinet is a project I've been working on for awhile and finally got it finished. Took me about 6 months working on it but I finally got it done. Tell me what ya think.
  23. Any CVA Muzzeloader with the serial number ending in 95 or 96 is being recalled. This is off CVA's website:In August 1997, CVA implemented a Voluntary Recall of all In-Line rifle models with serial numbers ending in 95 or 96. Example: 61-13-XXXXXX-95, or 61-13-XXXXXX-96. If you have a CVA In-Line model with such a serial number do not use or allow anyone else to use the gun. If you have one of these riffles, call CVA immediately at 770-449-4687 for complete details and a replacement rifle.
  24. I have been seeing a few bear around my deer stand and was wondering if my 7mm-08 was enough to take down a big black bear. If so could it knock down a bear out to 100 yds. Any input is apprecitated.