PEOPLE……. stopping arguing over religion when it comes to the future of our country, instead stand together and see the problem at hand. When things like this are brought up religion is always thrown on the table. Stop blaming problems on ones religion and start dealing with them as the source of the issue. I don’t care if they were Buddhist Monks that fly those planes into the towers, I’m not going to hate every monk and blame a chubby Chines statue. I’m holding the people and their peers accountable for the actions; swift and just action should be taken.
I will proudly stand here and tell you that I’ am a red blooded American who values my way of life and I will not stand for someone to come here and take that away from me or my family, whether it’s a Muslim, Christian or Hindu. I have my beliefs and others have theirs, and I can handle that no problem, but when you try to take my way of life then I will fight you tooth and nail.
Now for the whole “Christ”mas ordeal, guess what …’s MY holiday, MY families holiday and MY friends holiday. I have faith in our lord so if you find it offensive that we named a holiday that has the word CHRIST in it, that is celebrated over CHRIST then don’t partake, I don’t try to change Ramadan or Kwanzaa so don’t change mine. I find it humorous how people get so uptight and offended by the “Christ”mas ordeal but sure will take that holiday pay or partake in gift giving. There is a very true and accurate meaning here, “He is the reason for the season.”