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About ultratec1

  • Birthday 03/10/1979


  • Location
  • Occupation
    federal police officer
  • Interests
    3-D, hunting, fishing and being outdoors
  • user_name_impex

ultratec1's Achievements


6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. Simply put, we had a kid. So the last 5 years I have been spending time with him fishing, shed hunting playing cars looking for dads deer or just walking in the woods. However this year is the first year that we went to a 3D, he got to bring along his bow and shot every target at the course. He was a trooper. As for indoors, I dont have the time to practice to be as competitive as I once was. That may change with time but for now I have found that guns and reloading ammo have become my "thing". I think that with my son becoming more and more interested in shooting his bow my attention will be drawn back to it. For the heavens sake his name is Easton.....he has to shoot archery. LOL
  2. I am what you call a tick magnet, literally. I pulled 30 ticks off me this weekend looking for mushrooms. Now I didnt find a single mushroom but I did find this though...... scored 148 WITHOUT adding anything for missing length from rodents chewing off parts.
  3. When i was 19yrs old me and 7 other friends went to Tijuana Mexico for a weekend vacation ( we were stationed at Vandenberg Air force base.) After a hard night of partying we started to walk to the border, as we walked by a store I saw a woman and a child about 7yrs old sitting against the wall. They never once begged for money or even said a word to me but for some reason I reached into my pocket and handed her a dollar. The little kids eyes widened real big and she thanked me over and over, then the little boy ran in the store. When he did this I waited to see what he was going to get from inside. All my buddies thought I was nuts for doing it in the first place. The little boy came running out with a sandwich and some candies. He offered some to his mom but she refused and made sure that he ate every bit of his "supper". It was then that I went inside the store and bought, chips, pop, sandwichs, and candy bars. It filled half a sack. It came to a whopping $4.87 for all that food. I paid for the food and walked out and handed the woman the sack of food, she started to cry and thank me, the little boy grabbed my leg and then I handed here $20 from my pocket. It was like I gave them the winning lottery ticket. The lady cried and the little boy drank half of a soda in 2 gulps. The funny thing was my buddies watched everything that happened in 10 min this took place. As I walked towards them one of my friends called me a choice word and walked over and handed them $10 more and another gave them $20. They were sitting on $50 american dollars, more then they probably would have had all year. Thats the one and only time I have given money away. But I will promise you this, if that kind of circumstance comes around again you can damn well be certain I will try to help again.
  4. Is there a price?? Might be interested.
  5. Yep getting away from the BHFS gear, its a dying class and full of drama. Time to go play with the big dogs..........
  6. Shot the K.C. pro-am and didnt shoot worth a crap on Sat. Only shot a 300-52x on the 5 spot but came back the 2nd day and shot a 448-33x on the 450 vegas round. Only shoot I actually made so far, now is just the state shoot and nationals. This is my last year of BHFS. After Nationals its all FS from here on out. On a side note, I switched my setup all up, changed my hinge release from a black hole mini to a tru-ball HT and also put a 11oz up front with 16oz of weight on the sidebar. WOW Never thought that I would put side weight on my bow but I did.
  7. ultratec1

    New Job update

    Hey I just got you text message when I got up for work. Congrats on starting the new job, so when you going on strike?? HAHAHAHAHA tony knows what I'm referring to and it was not a dig at him or anyone else.
  8. What handgun is everyone carrying for concealed carry?? Just curious to see what everyone has.
  9. PEOPLE……. stopping arguing over religion when it comes to the future of our country, instead stand together and see the problem at hand. When things like this are brought up religion is always thrown on the table. Stop blaming problems on ones religion and start dealing with them as the source of the issue. I don’t care if they were Buddhist Monks that fly those planes into the towers, I’m not going to hate every monk and blame a chubby Chines statue. I’m holding the people and their peers accountable for the actions; swift and just action should be taken. I will proudly stand here and tell you that I’ am a red blooded American who values my way of life and I will not stand for someone to come here and take that away from me or my family, whether it’s a Muslim, Christian or Hindu. I have my beliefs and others have theirs, and I can handle that no problem, but when you try to take my way of life then I will fight you tooth and nail. Now for the whole “Christ”mas ordeal, guess what …..it’s MY holiday, MY families holiday and MY friends holiday. I have faith in our lord so if you find it offensive that we named a holiday that has the word CHRIST in it, that is celebrated over CHRIST then don’t partake, I don’t try to change Ramadan or Kwanzaa so don’t change mine. I find it humorous how people get so uptight and offended by the “Christ”mas ordeal but sure will take that holiday pay or partake in gift giving. There is a very true and accurate meaning here, “He is the reason for the season.”
  10. This is just one of MANY articles of the war that is taking place down in Mexico. There is another one that tells of a massacre that took place at a car wash where 15 people were killed and another where 13 young kids were killed at a birthday party. I think we are fighting in the wrong country. http://www.nydailynews.com/news/world/2010/10/27/2010-10-27_entire_police_force_in_los_ramones_mexico_quits_after_gunmen_attack_headquarters.html
  11. WHAT!!!! I cant believe that 2nd one even made a step much less took off!!! You laid that hammer down on her!!!! Great job!!!
  12. Bow is Sold!!!!!!!! Threw in 23 rocky mountain snypers with it along with the gold tips.
  13. Guys we gotta move this bow!!!!!!! How about $400 shipped for everything listed!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
  14. Yepper. Need to shoot more often just dont have the time with the kid.
  15. Shoot me some offers!!!! You will be surprised with what I might take.