Or maybe the deer would say it was a good hit cause they had a chance to get away...lol. Either way the deer still calls it a "hit", if you ask me though it is a bad hit.
I am the 3D archery director for my archery club in Northern VA. When we hold a BuckBuster 3D shoot the scoring is as follows. 1 arrow per "animal" (target). Center ring (heart shot) 10 points. Second ring (lung shot) 8 points. Anywhere else on the "animal" 5 points.
Yes Tom, you "missed" where you were aiming, but you "hit" what you were aiming at.
If you shoot at a paper plate and hit the bale it is on, then yes, you missed the plate, however if you pick a spot on the bale and shoot at that spot but hit the bale outside the spot, you still hit the bale.
As for your deffinition to lose a shirt tail, if you fired and did not recover the animal then you lose a shirt tail...sounds fair to me as it promotes ethical shooting, is. don't shoot unless you are sure you can make a clean hit. But I would call it a failed shot (which could include misses and poor hits or just a stuborn deer that picked a realy ousy spot to fall over and you can't find them) rather than a missed shot...just my semantics.
Fun debate guys...even if I do feel it was rather clear cut .