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  • Location
    Bucks County PA
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ihunt365's Achievements


4-Pointer (2/7)



  1. ihunt365


    I shot a woodcock while hunting this afternoon with my friend. I am planning on getting it mounted. Should i freeze it while i wait to take it to the taxidermist? How should i wrap it? Would it be better to not freeze it?
  2. ihunt365


    because france kept on surrendering! ha ha ha
  3. ihunt365


    Why did they have to stop shooting off fire works at Euro Disney?
  4. here is the link to the PA YHEC site. Most of the states have teams that participate. Check it out. http://www.payhec.org/
  5. Sounds cool. If you need any monetary help the NRA has grants you will be able to get. You could even participate in it as a YHEC team.
  6. There has been alot of talk lately about how the number of youth hunting is decreasing. It had me thinking on what the state or province could do to help recruit more kids into the outdoors. PA does not do a whole lot. Do any of your states do anything? What do you think could help recruit more kids?
  7. ihunt365

    PETA crap

    I love how my school now has a PETA club. It is ran by a teacher who is gey and is a communist. Figures eh.
  8. ihunt365

    PETA crap

    By the way i was joking about the hilary obama thing.
  9. ihunt365

    4 point

    Im finally a four point. Maybe one day i will be a monster buck.
  10. ihunt365

    PETA crap

    I was on there website and was watching some of the videos they had on there web site. Some of them are sick. I can see how they can get people to be;iev in there rubbish. They a chinese fur farm. It was bad they were skinning coons alive and coytes too. If only they knew we werent like that. By the way Obama 4 Pres Hilary 4 Vice. LMBO
  11. Huntingpa.com I am on tere all teh time. I dont come on here much.
  12. I always wondered how the moderators were picked? How are they?