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About deershed
- Birthday 04/04/1960
deershed's Achievements

10-Pointer (5/7)
Wow,EVERYONE that went shed hunting this past season was a a winner!! This shed contest is a great excuse for everyone to share their finds with everyone.A BIG Thanks to Ruth for taking charge and having it run so smooth!! Are they dropping yet??
It's pretty green in my areas,maybe a few more while mushroom hunting.
OK todd...here you go. March 28th. I started off the day in an area I had a few singles thinking I could match up a couple,nothing.I then moved to an area I hadn't been in yet this year. It's only a small spot that usually only holds a handful of deer every year. Not finding alot of sign walking a small flat I spot an antler down the hill. Not 30yds away another one. I searched the hillside and an open field on top for awhile before going down and searching the creekbottom below. That's where I ran into the local deer that call this area home and a Sweet piebald.I a bunch of half decent pics of the piebald. I think this guy was the previous owner of the bigger shed I just found earlier here. After checking out the bottom longer then I'd have liked I started heading back up the hill for another quick look.Finally I decided to get out of this area and started out. I went to cross the creek using a deer trail headed towards the creek,at the bottom of the small bank I almost stepped on this next one. I think as the buck was jumping up the bank he dropped this one. Off to another area,this was where I found a nice 4pt. side and found the big 10pt. dead head. Another small area and things happened fast here.My first find here I did a double take,this one blended in good. About a 1/2 later walking the same little flat where I spotted a 5pt. side here earlier this year then the sweet 4pt. side just past it at the bottom of the hill.I find a double,2 sheds off 2 different deer.I never saw the second shed til after I took a couple pics of the first one. Here's the first one. In this next pic just left and short of the clump of green grass behind the leaf there's a white spot,that's the other shed. No more finds here so it was off to my last spot for the day.After I parked while getting out of the car I heard deer up over a small bank.I walked up to check it out and almost stepped on this old one. About an hour later walking a hill top the deer like to bed on I jumped a 8 pointer still carrying. About 10 mins later I spot my last find for the day. And all my finds for the day. April 2nd. Today was an after work shed hunt local,only walked a little over an hour and added 4 more to the pile. I have an old orchard that only has a few trees still in it that's more like a hayfield now that sits at the base of the mountain.I started off walking most of the orchard finding one. I then started searching the woods coming down off the mountain above the orchard.You wouldn't believe the acorns in this area. Here's some pics of the acorn crop. My next find was an old one,but a SWEET antler for this area. After my pics of that last shed I only went about 20yds. when I spotted another one. I then covered a good bit of ground in the surrounding area coming up empty and running out of time. Back in the orchard I had one more pass I figured I'd search on my way back out.About half way across the orchard and the jeep in sight I spot one last one. And all 4 for the day. April 5th. I took vacation today hoping I could really hit it hard.I hit it hard,but my finds for the day didn't show it. I started my day off where I got the one side off the sweet 10 and saw the 8 and spike still carrying a few weeks ago.I figured the other side to the 10 was dropped in a yard or someone else stumbled across it. I thought there was a small chance I'd find one off the spike and a good chance of finding the 8's sheds. Well,after about a half hour of looking I find one of the spikes sheds.I first saw this spike sparring with the 8 back on Feb. 7th now almost 2 months later I've got one of his sheds. I then gave this area another 1 1/2 hrs. coming up empty before moving to another area. This was the same area I was in a week ago last Sunday when I saw a buck still carrying. My first find here was an old one. A couple hundred yards away another old one. I then made my way to the hillside where I saw the buck still carrying my last trip in here.After a couple passes across the hillside I spot this. My first hanger of the season. The base on that last one was really white and clean,looked like it was just dropped.I then gave that hillside a good looking over with no more finds so I headed down the hill and up the opposite hillside. That's when I ran into this guy,they were about 200yds away. Knowing that buck was still carrying and I already searched the high percentage areas here I decided to head out to another spot. This next area I saw some decent buck here early then all the buck in this area disappeared.This is where I found the 4 dink sheds one after another my one trip.I never matched them up or found any other sheds here this year. After searching the area then taking my search further out I finally spotted my last shed find for the day,another old one. At the far end of this piece of woods I then found this dead head. Here's a couple pics of the spike from earlier in the year. And I think this was the buck that dropped the hanger,not 100% positive. Here's all 5 for the day. I've only got a few more sheds to post after these last ones.Things really slowed down here and green up is coming on strong. I'm not done yet though........
I'll update in a day or two.I've been real busy and not at finding sheds.
It's about over for me too,just can't let it go.
I never said anything about stopping. That won't happen ... I need to get out and find more before green-up takes over. Here's a few finds. March 17th. I went back to see if I could find the other half to the 10 and if the 8 and spike dropped yet. No luck finding the other side and the spike and 8 were still carrying both sides. And the 8 pointer,they weren't running together yesterday. After spending most the day in that area I left and hit a few other spots. In one of those spots I found this. And finally in one of my last spots,found my only antler.It looked like it was busted off just above the base. March 20th. Zach my older boy and I did an all day hunt yesterday,found 13 sheds,2 dead heads and a few turtles. I had to thank Zach for my first finds of the day.He found a dead 8 pointer to start the day.As we were checking it out I told Zach I think that looks like a shed pointing down the hill from us. Then told him it looks like a second shed to the right of it.A few steps down the hill and we can see it's a matched set. Here's the dead 8 pointer. About 40yds down the hill you can just make out some tines on both sides of the big tree. We no sooner started walking again after taking pics of the set when Zach yells he found one. After a few more passes across the hillside I spot one. It was a while before anything else was found.We were walking a more open hillside with scattered cedars when I spotted a piece of antler sticking out of some grass. It was Zach's turn next when he found a little Y shed. Next Zach found his second daed head,a 3pt. I was at the bottom of the hill and Zach was at the top so no ATL pic. Walking the woods again heading back out I spotted an old chewed shed. Almost out of this patch of woods I spot our last find for this area. In another spot we walked for about 2 hours before I spot our first find for this area,a little 3pt. side tines down. This next one the rodents didn't leave much behind. Zach was having a rough time so after finding this next one I never said a word and let Zach walk up on it. ;D After searching this area good and looking in the wrong direction for it's mate we decided to move on.We started heading out towards some grown up fields when I spotted the missing side on the edge of the field. Green-up is not far off. It was a long dry spell before I spotted tines at a distance.I let this one lay too and Zach walked by it about 5" away. ;D He was having a real bad day. In this first pic Zach walked down the hill from behind the shed just right of the stick to the right of the shed. All our finds for the day.The 2 sets to the left are the cut offs from the 2 dead heads. Don't miss my next update,I got some cool pics of a pretty piebald.
Sweet!! Hope he's not spoiled and realizes they all don't come that big...wait with the size of the sheds you've been posting maybe in your area most aren't far off. Any luck with anyone finding it's mate?
A couple more updates from my season so far this year. March 9th. I made a trip back in the area where I found my sets off my little big 10.Last year with all the snow we got the deer weren't in this area and I never found his set last year. I was hoping to search out in some other areas that connected to this area where I'd found his other antlers from earlier years.No luck on finding his sheds from last year,but I found some other oldies instead. My first find I'm still not sure if it was an oldie or just looked old from where it was laying.It was laying in a ditch on a hill that gets run off water when it rains or snow melt. After that first shed find I came across a little dead head.Later on my way out I ran into a guy cutting firewood and asked him about the little dead buck. Where I found it,it wasn't far from a treestand.After a little talking with this guy it turned out he hit a little buck from that treestand and that it was probably that same buck.He didn't want it,but it was still pretty cool. Before running into the wood cutter that lost the buck I found a little chewed antler some squirrel kindly left lay next to the base of a tree. After the chewed up squirrel shed is when I ran into the wood cutter.After talking with him about the dead buck I started off again and not 30 yds. away I almost stepped on another old one. And then to finish the day almost back to where I started my hike I spot my last find for the day,another old one. All 4 for the day. March 12th. Today picked right up where I left off my last hunt finding oldies.My first find a little old piece of chewed antler,no ATL for this one. My second find for the day wasn't much better. About an hour later I spotted white tines at about 40yds away.At first I thought I had another old one.While trying to get a good angle for a pic I noticed a second antler laying there too. I love finding matched sets laying together. It was a couple hours later before my next find,another old one. After hitting a couple different areas and coming up empty I finally found another fresh drop and my last for the day,another one spotted at a distance. All 6 for the day. March 13th. I was back in the area where I saw the 8pt. and spike sparring then ran into the 2 of them running with a Sweet 10 pointer. Here's the 10 point I saw a couple weeks back. About a 1/2 hour of looking here I spot this,the 10's left side. At the back side of this property where I thought I'd find the 10's other half I find an old one. There's a small creek running down through the center of this creekbottom.The creek is only a couple feet across,not big at all.I was following a deer trail to the creek to cross when I spotted this one feet from the waters edge. This shed was just dropped in the last couple days.Any sooner and all that rain we got the other day would have washed it away. This last shed was towards the front of the property.I wanted to check a small open area at the other end back by the 2 small blocks of woods where I'd just come from.On the way back there I find a dead head. After the dead head and next to the 2nd block of woods I hadn't searched yet I jump about a dozen deer.The 8 pointer is in the bunch carrying both sides and a bigger bodied buck that shed both sides,most likely the 10. After seeing these guys I decided to head out and let the area go another week. Almost out and across the creek from where I found that last shed I spot one last one for this area. See the mud on the base,this whole area was flooded bad after that last rain. When I moved from this spot I only moved down the creekbottom about a mile to hit a small spot. 10 mins. here I found my last shed for the day. And my finds for the day. I still have some more to update then I better find some fresh finds or I'm done. I'm planning to get some time in Sunday then again Tues.
That's what I'm talking about!! Most here can relate to the little ones with a big one now and then.That bigger one to the right is another SWEET one. Keep posting them...
These are all Maryland deer.I jump from one area to another all over the county(s),alot suburbia areas too. That's where alot of the dead deer finds come from.Too many roads criss crossing through my areas and the deer don't have a chance.
Congrats on another Sweet one!! No more big ones til you post a little one.
Keep at it,good things come to those that wait!! When you find that first shed it'll be the sweetest thing you'll ever find!! Good Luck!!
AWESOME!! :clap: Don't you find little ones?
Congrats,that's AWESOME!!!!Score means nothing when it looks that SWEET!! mid 60's?? way to go team mate!!!