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About 6sixpoint_nobrows

  • Birthday 06/21/1989


  • Location
    Mackinaw, Illinois
  • Occupation
    school, construction
  • Interests
    bowhunting, fishing, being outdoors
  • Biography
    Hunting is my life, and being outdoors and shooting my bow, or catching a big bass, i love it all
  • user_name_impex
    Kyle Musselman

6sixpoint_nobrows's Achievements

Monster Buck

Monster Buck (7/7)



  1. what a dandy, i like that color of his rack a lot. awesome buck!
  2. well that got nasty for a bit guys, glad things came around and we can all be friends again lol. touchy subject though. . lets all get along.. be safe, hunt hard Kyle
  3. perfect way to get your mind off things and relieve a little stress if need be. congrats on the deer Chris.
  4. ugh....WOW, that is a giant, now im gonna imagine a 300 pound body on him and thats my dream deer. what a giant!
  5. awesome deer man! good lookin Il buck,, yeah man go ahead and shoot me a pm if you would about that outfitter, thanks. congrats and welcome to the forums! -Kyle
  6. i agree with you 100 % anyone can say that are not a poacher and very ethical but until faced with a real situation where you have to choose between right and wrong then thats what separates the two. god job on keeping your composure and letting this deer walk. hopefully next season you can lay the smack on him as an even bigger deer! good luck out there!
  7. its tough man, i havent heard of a lot of people doing it. im bound and determined though.
  8. awesome buck man, not sure i wanna swim though!
  9. Not need to be sorry for the long story, it was awesome. congrats on the hawg he is a dandy buck for sure. glad everything worked out man, thats an awesome buck!
  10. i hear ya man, but none the less he is a dandy deer. congrats on the harvest and i hope you get your giant! good luck man
  11. So i am bound and determined to get a fox with my bow. last season i got so close many times but never got a shot off. i have called them in with my mouth a bunch of times. but after a few failed attempts at getting them in bow range every time i got picked off by seeing me draw/ or move the slightest bit to get my pin on it. these little critters have eyes like a turkey! i mean i have never had a problem with deer, and cant remember the last time i got picked off drawing on a deer but man. tonight is the first night i have seen a fox this season and it was a good sized one with a beautiful coat he. comes in and is just totally unaware that i was there, i slowly grab my bow and turn to him real slow, and i mean slow, i look down and he is already ten yards under me and he all the sudden catches the slightest movement from my bow and looks up. i couldnt believe it. he slowly trotted off out of bow range. bust! im more or less venting lol but has anyone harvested a fox with there bow, this seems to be kinda like snipe huntin lol:gun1:
  12. i think this thread has served its point. things are being taken a bit too far though and the wrong way. At some points is flirting with getting out of line. lets all be friends here folks. al was just trying to make a point, i say we all let this one go.
  13. agreed i know of at least three guys that kill giants just about every year and never speak a word of exactly where they were harvested and never get them in the books. your right the 15 minutes of fame may be nice but its not worth the trouble it will lead to
  14. Cant beat that! i love second chances but nothin like a third just in case lol. congrats on the bird! sounds like you had a good thanksgiving