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Everything posted by WISHUNTER

  1. Sorry guys nothing here saw alot passed one up on the first day was looking for a bigger one. Nice birds to all and for those still hunting be safe.....
  2. Nice birds everyone! Hoping I get one as well I'm going tomorrow thur Sunday. Can't wait. Good luck to the rest and be safe.
  3. Less then a month here for me can't wait, next weekend the youth hunt, the son and I will have a blast then.
  4. Looks good Lou, Can luke change the color on the names they don't stand out that good (some of them)???? But looks great.
  5. Nice deer to all, Sorry no deer here or that I wanted to shoot. sorry I could't put up any points
  6. Nice deer everyone, I've been hunting hard with little to show for it but that's ok still nice been out there. Have fun and be safe everybodys rest of the season.
  7. Randy I'm about 10 miles SouthEast Right off of Hwy 8 North of Princeton on D my friend has a 150ac farm acroos the street from White river mash I think that's whats it's called
  8. Hey Randy, I have a place about 10 miles out of Rhinelander. I see your in green lake cty. I turkey hunt out there on HWY D.
  9. Been slow here but that should change, I've seen more Bear then Deer. Nice shooting everyone on there deer. keep those points coming.
  10. Hi Everyone checking in.. I to like the bone collectors. Won't be around for a few weeks
  11. My season doesn't start till the 9th should be good.
  12. Re: TURKEY TEAM #18 Lets get your pics up BB.... or e-mail me at [email protected]
  13. Re: TURKEY TEAM #18 Have fun and good luck.....
  14. Hi everyone... Who's using there Bow for turkeys this Spring?????? I'm using mine this year and I have high hopes for getting my first with a bow. And if you do what do you use for a boadhead??? I'll be lapping a head off I hope... Be safe out there and have a great season
  15. Re: TURKEY TEAM #18 1 more thing anyone using a Bow for turkeys??? I'm going to do it this year...