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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. For those of you were not in Albany the rally was a huge success. Do not believe what you may hear from the cherished, unbiased media. From a first person account the Capitol was full of people opposed to the SAFE act. I see reports of several thousand people. B.S. There were people all the way up the Capitol steps to the building past the lawn and to the building across the street and to the buildings on both sides of the Capitol lawn. Bus companies are estimating at least 7000 people came by buses. That does not include people who drove up like we did. Every parking lot in the Capitol vicinity was filled. At 9:30 we had to park eight or nine blocks away and tried three parking lots till we found a space on the roof of a 4 or 5 story parking lot. Cuomo tried to say that maybe 5000 people showed up, realistically I would guesstimate upwards of 15000 people. Politicians who spoke stated that they have never seen a crowd as big as this one. We must continue this fight do not let the media or the politicians bury this in some back page little article about a small number of disgruntled gun owners. Our voices were heard today let them continue to be heard!!!!
  2. Prince Cuomo will never get it. Today was the rally in Albany for NYS gun owners and the media is down playing it like no ones business. Thousands showed up.
  3. Who the heck is this morrisey guy anyway...a has been if ya ask me. The Robertsons are in fact a solid family with solid family values. There is NOT one show where God is not praised. How many shows on TV do that? BTW...Phil Robertson is running for a seat on the NRA board of directors. Check out the ballot in your American rifleman/American hunter magazine. He has my vote! DD is a very funny show and has a bit of Hollywood mixed into it, but I enjoy it and admire the simple life that these guys live and the fact that they could afford ANYTHING they want. Yet keep it simple.
  4. How can anyone vote against Santa Claus? That is what this gov is to the people with no skin in the game. This country is diggin a very deep hole with the entitlements. I for one, am not stocking up on supplies and building a bunker either. I am having my neighbors do that. I am telling them to stay away from guns...they are dangerous. I'll just take what is theirs come time because they will have NO
  5. Have lots of fun Steve. You deserve this trip in the worst way. Safe travels and wear sun screen!
  6. I feel for ya Cody...All my boys slept throughout the night their whole childhood. Or at least I think they did...I never got up when they cried...My wife did.
  7. Now a reason to get on the squirrels... Congrats on the find.
  8. Congrats on the find...Glad you and the dog share some special days afield.
  9. Good deal Scott...thanks for sharing that link.
  10. Happy Birthday! Now...make a wish....
  11. Is this Dan from upstate NY that shoots all them woodchucks?
  12. I agree. I am thinking about hunting and the outdoors quite often during my work day. There usually isn't a day that goes by that someone doesn't ask me about hunting, fishing and animals. So I can't forget about it all.
  13. That bites William. Hope you guys get another opportunity to get your hands on that land. I have heard you talk about wanting to buy that land in the past. If the sale goes through, I hope your new neighbor is a good guy and if it don't...hope you and Catrina get your wish.
  14. Look from where it is coming from...Zombies!
  15. I know you have to do what you have to do to kill hogs John. They are quite destructive. I am just not a guy who wants a hog or an Axis put inside of a enclosure/small hi fence area for the kill. These hogs appeared on their own free will and we were asked to do a favor and come shoot 'em. We did. I don't hope more appear on this ranchers land or even my little parcel...But If they do...Ill do what I can to choot'em! Promise.
  16. I attended a meeting at the county legislative bldg last night. It was to get our local legislators to pass a resolution to repeal the NYS Safe Act and tell Prince Cuomo to get it off the books, allow public comment and input! It passed. Phew...One legislator thought a round of ammo meant..." the round thing on a gun that brings the bullet up to be fired". Verbatim. These are the folks who are making decisions on gun laws? WOW! I believe we were the 19th county to pass a resolution like this. We are 25 miles at our southern most point from NYC. Here is the link to the article from last night.,%20New%20York&nclick_check=1
  17. What do y'all expect...It is after all Joe Biden. Look up meathead in the dictionary...his pic is next to it.
  18. Great news...this is like the 19th county I believe. I hope this effort picks up steam. Thanks for your effort Lynn. Our resolution was passed last night also in our county.
  19. Adjam5


    Very sad...Prayers out to the families.
  20. Happy anniversary Lewis. 10 years...Wow! Congrats. I have to agree with ya. There a bunch of great folks on this board. I can see why you like it. My 10 year is coming up in a few more. Time sure flies.
  21. Thanks Joe, William, Steve and the rest of you guys. It was my best trip to Texas yet. Now...If I can only stop thinking about living there full time:cool:. I cannot wait. But I will have to. My son Joe will be going down there in March to look at the land, look at some housing options(mobile/modular or camper) and go on a Axis and Rio Turkey hunt. I think my son is more excited than I am.
  22. So sad to hear Lewis. Prayers out to those involved.
  23. Adjam5

    Checking in

    Good to see ya round. Glad things are well with work and the family.
  24. Look at this info. Is the owner of a liberal?