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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. More on than off Joe:D Congrats on 10K!
  2. I have been on edge since she left on the quest. Such a moving adventure with soo many highs and lows. Glad they are making it home OK.
  3. That sounds good for sure...have fun!
  4. A few weeks ago we switched our net,TV and phone service to Verizon Fios fiber optics. Anyway, we have on demand videos and I searched country music and watched the Redneck yacht Club by Craig Morgan. Good song. Guess who has a cameo in it? Michael Waddell. No doubt its him with the "will hunt for food " hat he has on. He looks very cool rockin' to the song He could be a rock star with his popularity:D Go Michael...Go Michael:p
  5. I have hunted Rios in West Texas and chased Easterns here back home in NY. IMO...Easterns are the hardest due to the heavy cover they live in. They can just pop up on ya. The Rios I hunted in the Texas desert , you can see and hear them from a mile away. Oceola and Merriams are on my list and maybe one day Good Lord willing... I'll get down to the Yucatan to hunt them Ocellated birds:)
  6. Wow! I thought I waited along time... waiting 6 months for a deer head! To me anything over a year for a busy Taxidermist is absolutely unacceptable. Take a few steps to get your $ back and your game animal. Then get the name of the useless Taxidermist out there so no one uses him:mad: Good Luck.
  7. Thinking of you Chris...Sending prayers your way too. Hope you get this under control.
  8. Praying for your safety Kathleen. Hang on tight. Steve thanks for the update...
  9. Thats funny right there:D I go from goatee to clean shaven every few months. My wife hates the facial hair. A lot of it gets gray:rolleyes:. Look at the bright worrying about if you've trimmed it even:D. Lets see the pics...
  10. I have used a single pin sight for 4 years. Hold a bit high at 30 yards, but I got tired of compensating for the longer and in between shots. I just switched to a G5 optix 3 pin sight. The pins are much brighter than the TruGlo pin I had. Yes the simplicity is there to eliminate the confusion of what pin to use. I started shooting a bow with a pendulum sight which is why I went with a single pin sight on the Mathews. I did not practice enough to remain consistent with the single pin. I have since become a Traditional shooter with no need for sights. The Outback is getting lonely.
  11. Hope all this cheering up works Luke. Just look forward to after all this mess is cleared up and the trip you will take then. Hang in there... Nothing lasts forever. Prayers coming your way.
  12. I am having fun and being scared at the same time, while reading their progress. Prayers prayers and more prayers. A fantastic voyage if you ask me:) Thanks for keeping us all up to date Steve;)
  13. Adjam5

    Need Help!

    WD-40 works great! It is alot cheaper also than the other bug killer sold at stores. I use it on all the nests I find on my trailer up at my hunting camp. Yellow jackets, wasps and hornets have no chance up against WD-40:D
  14. Adjam5

    Bad Habits

    The older I am getting the more drawn I am to the recurve. I shoot it more than my Mathews Outback. I think I am good enough to hunt with it this coming season. 20 yards max range. But heres the kicker...When I shoot my Mathews I wind up snap shooting it like my recurve and thats where the bad habits are forming. Forgetting the kisser and anchor points. I guess its like playing fast pitch softball and then trying to hit arc pitching:rolleyes:. For those that shoot do you NOT shoot your compound like your recurve? I'm tired of losing arrows:( HELP!
  15. Those ARE close calls for sure... They are a tough bunch...What a excursion! This is better than reading a story in magazine, because we know them...kind of:). Be safe Kathleen and Terry!
  16. Hang in there Chris...Hope ya feel better quickly! Prayers on the way.
  17. I hope it works out...Jeez! A mother suing her daughter! I just don't get it:confused:
  18. Congrats Michael! Now what you need are a few more hats to wear:rolleyes: Good Luck with the new position.
  19. Adjam5


    Ditto, Thank God my wife is much more tolerant than I when I comes to that. Hope your boy feels better soon.
  20. Adjam5


    It was 58 this morning, in the Catskills of Sullivan county. That only means fall is around the corner:D.
  21. Wow Looks like a real cool time you guys had. Thanks for sharing the pics.
  22. Oh Boy...its getting rough. Prayers on the way... Thanks for the updates Buckee.
  23. I love non typ's. To me they are more special than perfect antlers. Very unique for sure. Good Luck baggin' him.
  24. Those brow tines are cool Joe. Nice deep forks too, almost mule deerish. Lets hope he walks by our stands come October:D I say management buck...he goes.
  25. Steve I sent my check out last week, did ya get it?