Ishi...I just can't get enough of this guy:)
I am currently reading " Ishi in two worlds", By Theodora Kroeber.
He was the last "Wild Indian" in North America, found cowering in the corral of a slaughter house in 1911. He was taken in by Professors at Berkley and in his last few years on this earth, he gave tremendous insight into the lives of The Native American Yana Tribe, from Northern California. A professor and his teenage son took to the mountains with Ishi and lived in the hills for a summer and lived off the land exclusively. Hunting, making bows and arrows ect.
It was at that University, 2 Professors named; Saxton Pope and Art Young got to know Ishi and... AWAY We go!
What a book! If you love reading, archery, history and a great factual story about a time long ago.
Check this book out.