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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Adjam5

    New to the forum!

    Welcome'll enjoy it around here;)
  2. A 1989 Bear Whitetail Legend...with plastic wheels! I still have it and some those telephone pole sized aluminum arrows I used to shoot out of it:D We have come a long way for sure;).
  3. Adjam5


    Ishi...I just can't get enough of this guy:) I am currently reading " Ishi in two worlds", By Theodora Kroeber. He was the last "Wild Indian" in North America, found cowering in the corral of a slaughter house in 1911. He was taken in by Professors at Berkley and in his last few years on this earth, he gave tremendous insight into the lives of The Native American Yana Tribe, from Northern California. A professor and his teenage son took to the mountains with Ishi and lived in the hills for a summer and lived off the land exclusively. Hunting, making bows and arrows ect. It was at that University, 2 Professors named; Saxton Pope and Art Young got to know Ishi and... AWAY We go! What a book! If you love reading, archery, history and a great factual story about a time long ago. Check this book out.
  4. Adjam5

    New Guy Here

    Howdy Mike and Welcome.
  5. This are what I kill turkeys with. Both are 835 Mossbergs
  6. I have like minded interests in improving the 60 acres I hunt in NY's southern zone. I bought on Amazon, a book of the native trees in my area, ID'ed some and cut the junk.This project is still underway. Dragged the tops toward the swampy land I have, which is all hard hack, thorns, berries and other nasty stuff. This area is a bedding area already and we stay out until the end of gun season, for drives. Some of the immature maples were 3/4 cut and bent to allow them to live( hinge cut as you say). I got this info from the NYS DEC site We have seen an improvement in the amount of rabbits since the brush piles were created. The deer ate all the browse they could get to. I too am trying to make my deer paradise:D Have you logged and food plotted yet? The deer are digging the snow to get to the greens where the plots are on my land.Planted Secret Spot alot of lime... Chicken/cow fertilizer, turn the soil and, no chemicals This is what I'm trying.
  7. Down here we are still seeing bucks with head gear. Some new bucks we haven't seen all summer and fall, but oddly in bachelor groups. Here are pics from my sons trail cam, look at the dates.
  8. We have 3 Mossberg's here in this house. 2 835's and one 500 .20ga that started its life as a youth gun and made the adult upgrades in size. The Mossberg's are workhorses IMO. Value priced and do the job well.
  9. My condolences Mike...sorry to hear it. You and mom will be in our prayers here.
  10. Nice ride...Good Luck with it.
  11. Cool...Welcome aboard Kandi! Awesome people around'll see;)
  12. Small price to pay for happiness:) Good Luck.
  13. Good Luck with it. Tikka is a brand that you will have no regrets with.
  14. Hi Scott, What accessories does this come with? Thanks
  15. As long as we can find humor in ourselves and spouses, we will never be bored or lonely.
  16. Adjam5

    Pics From China

    You and the Mrs are doing a wonderful thing. God Bless all of you.
  17. Thats exactly what I was thinking:D
  18. Adjam5

    Your Thoughts?

    That is incredible news for sure No doubt. Medicine and science has done so much to get rid of natural selection among humans. Without it many would not be here. It does take US into some uncharted waters though. Would only the rich receive this treatment? The sick? The young/old? It looks like a good start to helping humans live longer.
  19. Sorry to hear that...Prayers on the way.
  20. I had the date wrong on his demotion, I said '99:rolleyes:, that was 2 years before 9/11:rolleyes:. It was during the Met/Yankee world series of 01...Duh. Just to make sure NO ONE is ever offended by anything in anyones office or work place, ALL personal effects of all public employees should removed...Right? That would be fair...not just anti hunting. It would be anti everything.
  21. Alright! Congrats to you and you wife. A blessing for sure.
  22. Good Luck to you and your wife on a girl. I have 3 boys , don't know how to make girls:rolleyes:. Wish we had a girl though, there is absolutely no tenderness in this house with my boys. They are all looking to be the Alpha. But there can be only one! I hear girls can melt and own your heart. Daddy's girl and Momma's boy, that how it goes. One great thing about kids....Makin' 'em:D
  23. Almost all of the knives that I carry are serrated edges. I do a lot of rope cutting at work and the serrated edge is always up to the task and they last. I know that serrated edges can hack thru a seat belt with no problem if you ever need to get out of a wreck or help someone out of one. I have been carrying as of late, since I lost my Kershaw Leek; a SOG Trident Camo Copper This knife is shaving sharp!
  24. WOW!...I'm the complete opposite! I mean I've found like... 20 or 30 pocket knives:D Just kiddin':p I lose them too once in a while. But funny thing is of the 2 good knives I have lost...both have been Kershaws. I can't lose a non Kershaw knife if I tried. I need a knife for work. I have been carrying a SOG Trident Copper as of late. It replaced the Kershaw Leek I lost:(.