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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Good Stuff! I glad it all made it over intact. Shippers beat the crap out of packages especially ones traveling that far. Thats pretty cool... a archery range on Okinawa. At least you can stay in tune and fling some sticks. Enjoy!
  2. Hope you have many more... Happy Birthday!
  3. Fighting for the wronged is a honorable thing to do. This is a PR thing for them. Perception repair for them. BUT....the only problem I have with this is that its coming from the dixie chicks and they have NO credibility with me. Look at the people they are in bed with... Johnny Depp (another anti american), Eddie Vedder( good music, but a commie America hater), Winona Ryder...PUHLEESE! Now Jack Black is on my Blacklist:mad:. If these kids were wrongfully convicted, I hope justice prevails and they get their chance at freedom. Anything for the dixie chicks to get back in the news in a positive light.
  4. Adjam5


    NIIICE! I'd say in the 140's...What nice all around mass.
  5. The 1st ones are always special... Congrats!
  6. Congrats Ruth...your having one heck of a season huh?
  7. Great story and a real nice read too. Congrats on that buck, Joe and Pam sound like Classy people, the Drurys are always helping someone less fortunate. Thanks for sharing!
  8. Mine is a compilation of intials from our first names. ADjam5 - Anthony,Dawn,joseph,anthony,michael...5 of us:D You guys know Joseph as Squirrelhunter91 on this board. He is my oldest of 3 boys.
  9. Got back a few hours ago from deer camp. Personally I shot nothing, had many flat heads in my sights and no shooter bucks. Went on a bunch of drives, and almost every drive produced deer. Saturday morning a 8 pointer was taken on one of the drives. A coyote was dropped on the run on another drive, by my neighbor with his .243 . 2 doe were taken on a certain not to be mentioned golf course Its OK ...we were with the caretaker . Jeez a lot of walking driving a golf course... pant... pant...people rent carts for this and we were hoofin' it in the snow. We kept chasing a flock of turkeys from one wood lot to another on the course, a lot of laughs. Had some nice snow Sunday morning and the temps dropped. Made walking anywhere a crunch fest. My walk this morning showed me how the deer are pawing at the snow to get to food plot greens. The apple trees to my suprise are STILL holding apples! Hope everyone did better. A few pics from the weekend. The drive that produced a 8. Thats me on the far left. Another drive ending. My venison BBQ at 15 degrees A big shed found on my friends farm a few years ago.
  10. I just took care of that...sorry:confused: I'll be leaving today to go back up to my hunting camp. I have until Wednesday off sooo, I'll be trying to wack somethin'
  11. Here is a pic of the doe and my trusty 30/30;) She was the medium sized doe in the bunch of 5. Didn't want to shoot the fawn or the lead doe. Have plenty of meat in the freezer from my sons 2 deer. I got lucky taking her, she was a dry doe, mature but not lactating, so the perfect management deer. Here is also a 30lb yote and my son skinning it, that was shot on a drive last saturday.
  12. Don't use bleach to whiten it!!! Use 40 volume peroxide, get it at a beauty supply store. Buy the white. Skulls are my fav:)
  13. If there is a deer population problem, too many...shoot the breeders. If deer are scarce...shoot the little does, 70-80lbs and under. They are the does who will not come into estrus and not be bred. Those small doe will be just eating machines, taking food away from bucks and pregnant doe. Not contributing to the herd by popping out fawns. Sure, less does means more fighting over breeding rights. Action like that is what we all crave. But the little guys sneek in and do some breeding too while the big guys are out brawlin'. Does your DNR give out ample doe tags for your area? Does everyone fill them? Ya can't eat horns:D
  14. Check out the LaCrosse Alpha Lite boots. They are neoprene and reinforced in critical areas. Very comfy and warm. Great traction and easy to take off too. I paid $89 in NY, sure you could do better elsewhere.
  15. Joe, there is NO laptop in this house. Not yet. One PC in the living room and everyone takes turns. I imagine when one of them is college bound it will be a necessity. Also is the fact of how kids break stuff constantly:( I know my boys do. Funny thing is with 3 boys... I'd feel safer giving them a box of .22's and a squirrel gun and letting them go, than letting them take the computer behind closed doors:rolleyes:
  16. Maybe this was brought up before, but I just saw it on. Has anyone seen the Realtree commercial where they play the old time strip tease music and the elk comes walking out of the pines? The bugle to the music is so well timed and whomever put that one together did a great job! I mean even the strut of the elk is to the music... Well done guys:D
  17. The deers willingness to survive has always ceased to amaze me. They make due. Finding water after a injury is like going to the Dr. for them! I have taken out a few gimped leg deer myself, one a buck with a messed up rack. ( left rear leg injury). We have gotten on the trail cam a 6pt buck with a broken front leg. He is getting around fine. Regardless of his injury. I said I would take him out if he wandered by my stand, but that never happened.
  18. Adjam5

    first deer

    The 1st are always the most special....Congrats to little brother:D
  19. Report them and be done with it. Slobs hurt us all.
  20. Condolences...friends are sorely missed. Prayers on the way.
  21. Happy Birthday son...Keep making your mom and I and proud:)
  22. There is NOT ONE outdoor personality that is outspoken about guns and hunting the way Uncle Ted is. He is the one ALWAYS on CNN taking the shots as a gun owner and hunter, not Jim Shockey, not Michael Waddell not Roger Raglin or whomever...Its Ted Nugent. Love 'em or hate ' can't ignore 'em. We all benefit from his work. You don't have to like him, just side with the issues he is on.