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Everything posted by Adjam5

  1. Both sides have points. Discussion is good brain food. Thanks for the support Ruttinbuc. The worker in this country needs more support than ever. Union or non union. Companies are in business to make a profit, no doubt; and they have every right to. Does the worker have a right to make it better for themselves and their family? Absolutely. It is a symbiotic relationship here. We need them, they need us. But what union haters fail to see is.... That anything that workers gain, is gotten through collective bargaining. Sooo, if the company/union that is negotiating, don't want to give on certain issues, deals are struck and contracts are NEGOTIATED. Both sides have to agree. Look at the worker wage disparity. I think the average CEO makes something like 700X more than the average worker in that company. With that type of difference, one can never convince me that the worker gets too much. Unions have their problems and are far from perfect, but they were created out a need. If we can trust every company to play fair, operate truthfully, honest and give a workers a fair days pay, for a fair days work. Then unions would not be needed. But until then...
  2. Nice to meet you. I'm Anthony . I've been thinking about a team name and how about: Team APH (all purpose hunters) ? I don't know... just trying to come up with something original.
  3. I have always felt a bit selfish sitting on stand and hunting as much as I do, and I don't leave the state. I can only imagine what the Waddells go through. Mike does have a great job, but everything is a trade off. Having cake and eating it is not possible. I'm sure Mike will find the balance needed to be a good Dad/husband and TV personality for us all. Thanks Mike for being you and giving us quality TV.
  4. Checking in and patiently awaiting the opener here in NY on October 13th. Fall turkey opened on Oct. 1st here, I'll be out with my sons this weekend chasing birds. Anyone come up with a name for the team yet?
  5. Less than 11% of American work force is Unionized. For that amount of workers you are blaming the cost increases of everything? PULEEESE.....Very little is manufactured here in the US anymore. Not even heavy durable goods( fridges, wash machs ect) are still being made here. There are no environmental rules in other countries like there are in the US. China can just dump waste in the river, try doing that here in the US. Thats where all the jobs are going. Maybe all of the unions workers should not make good wages and go on gov't assistance and instead of being solid contributors, to the economy and community of which they live. Union haters would want them to work for migrant wages. There is a standard of living that need to be up kept and thats where unions come in. The best trained workers in the world are union workers. And your right about the continued health care of union workers. After they retire they should just die after 25- 35-40 years of service being exposed to all kinds of hazards and health risks, and not cause any more drain on society. Right? Starting with all the UNION workers who responded at Ground Zero...for free. Any idea of how much they are gonna cost society? The heck with benefits for the retired and sick. Thats just one example. How about the people working with asbestos/mercury/silica before there were safety standards/knowledge in place? Construction workers working around diesel exhaust all day( a known carcinogen).Sorry see ya... heath care is way too much for ya. Dang unions ruin everything. See, as much as unions may be a idea of the past, look at how important they are to keeping the robber barons of today in line. No one addressed how much the CEO's make...only the little guy makes too much. Weather or not you want to believe it, unions make it better for everyone. They established minimum wage, health care for workers, worker compensation and OSHA enforcement. All of which the non union benefit from. So next time you, as a non union worker enjoy ANY kind of worker benefit ; optical, dental, medical, 401K or just something so simple as a bathroom break, thank the unions who brought that standard into everyday jobs. "Unions the people who brought you the weekend" Because if it was up the bosses, you'd work a 7 day 18 hour a day all at straight time and have NO bennies. Unions have a place in todays more than ever. Just ask the office worker who was down sized and had NO union to go cry to. Its happening all over. For the record... I am a 22 year member of the IBEW, Local 3 NYC journeyman wireman electrician who gets sick every election year. If I vote the union, almost always democrat , I help take guns and hunting rights away from us all, because thats what they do. If I vote republican, I help preserve our hunting and shooting; but I hurt my ability to earn, because republicans are no friends of unions. Life is no easy task. I guess it really depends on where your from as to weather or not unions are a good thing. They have done good for myself and my family. I can't knock it. Just the horrible cast of characters/politicians unions have chosen to support.
  6. Adjam5

    gonna be a dad

    Congrats! "May your 1st child be a masculine child" Good Luck to you and the missus.
  7. Adjam5

    A Horrible Death

    Very scary...Thanks for the heads up.
  8. You have 2 days to post like mad to make the 50 post mark...get typing!
  9. ADjam5 Southern zone of NYS 43 Oct.13th-Nov.13th bow Nov14th-Dec. 9th Firearms Dec.10th-Dec.18th Muzzleloading I hunt all 3 seasons
  10. Good Luck with recovery. Hope you can be ready for fall.
  11. I enjoyed viewing all the photos. Thanks to everyone for sharing them and Congrats to the winners!
  12. Hey guys... I have been a subscriber of Shooting Times for over 20 years now and I really enjoy the insight they provide in the articles. One of them that caught my eye was in the recent issue. It addressed the .223 ammo shortage all over the US due to the war effort( many police dept's are limiting target practice due to this shortage) and the article offered an alternative to buying at exorbitant rates and even I guess as a bit of a survivalist method for surviving if .223 ammo should EVER be scarce or restricted. By making accurate jacketed bullets from .22lr cases. The article goes in depth about choosing the light primer dimpled rimfire cases, to using high quality rimfire brass , using a die and punch to draw the heads off the rimfire cases to form the brass jacket cups, swaging the lead cores(lead wire) into the cups and even forming the bullet tip into types like hollow point/lead point and into various ogive shapes. Long rifle cases produce their best bullets in the 52-60grain range. The article also said you'd need to make about 5000 bullets to make your money back if investing in dies and a O frame reloading press. It may not be practical, but glad to know there IS a alternative if things get too tight. Very interesting, did anyone read it?
  13. I was able at work a few months ago to pick up from a co worker for a incredible price by todays price standards. A Colt A-3 H Bar in .223 that had a additional upper, in the M4 configuration. This is a Rock River upper. This additional upper had a Yankee Hill quad rail forend for mounting of all kinds of goodies . Which I did. Vertical fore grip, tactical lite with pressure switch. So, 2 weeks ago I picked up at a gun show another lower receiver, to mate it to the additional upper, so I have 2 guns. It is a Stag Arms lower with the fixed collapsible stock (oxymoron here), flash suppressor with flutes for look, no actual cuts in suppressor. No bayonet lug either. Big deal. The gun is missing these criteria due to the result of NY's assault weapon ban This is what it takes for the gun to be legal here in NY. The Stag is mated to the Rock River M4 upper and is in 5.56. The Colt A-3 is a H Bar, again, no bayo lug and no suppressor. NY legal. Thought I'd share the pics. Here ya go.
  14. Welcome to the forums! Another NY'er . I have been hunting the southern zone of NY for about 22 years now. Rifle areas. In all those years I have not had a shot at a deer beyond 100 yards. Woods are too thick for shots beyond that where I hunt. My rifle of choice, marlin 30/30. More than adequate for deer and just fine for the 100-350lb bears that you might encounter. Many areas are shotgun only, but that has changed in many regions last season, check the DEC website. The accuracy you can get with shotgun slugs today is incredible, they should be a consideration too. The knockdown power of a slug is unparalleled. If you do a lot of walking, a short barreled rifle will be a welcome friend in the field. The .35 Remington is another caliber to consider. Good heavy bullet, 200grs, a reputation as a brush buster too. Both calibers are lever guns. I am partial to them for their light weight, short barrel, fast handling attributes. Last year my son Joe took my Marlin to deer hunt and I had to use my .243 bolt gun. A Tack driver, but that 4" of extra barrel got caught on everything as I walked though the woods. I missed my Marlin that season. Most lever guns have 20" bbls which add to the fast sight acquisition. With the new Hornady LeverRevolution ammo. You can get pointed bullet ballisitics out of a tube fed magazine lever gun. Whatever caliber you choose, go with this rule of thumb. The cartridge needs to have 1000lbs of energy at 100 yards, minimum; at impact to cleanly harvest a deer or bear. The .308( short action, 7mm-08, .243) and 30-06(long action) have way more energy than that. They are longer range cartridges. If long shots are a possibility, then consider the long range calibers. Shot placement is the key. There are Inuit people I have read, that kill caribou with a .17 Remington to the ear, so no hide damage and they drop the animal in its tracks. Would anyone recommend a .17 Rem for a Caribou sized animal? Probably not, but its done. See, shot placement. Good Luck!
  15. Been using one since last springs turkey season. Does a heck of a job on those skeeters and the rest of the biting bugs. It does work in a light breeze, but in a heavier breeze, the bugs can't be around too much either. As Magnolia said, don't try to re use the wafer cards. Fresh ones work MUCH better. Be aware that, the way it works is; in a butane cartridge burns under a scented wafer. The unit does get hot and needs to be in a vented place for that reason. Good Luck!
  16. I have had some good performance out of my Cold Steel knives. Their products are both domestic and imported. This is a high tech blade company and makes products beyond belief in strength. Log on their site and get their free DVD catalog. Their factory seconds are better then some companys factory firsts.
  17. Awesome buck no doubt. That deer did not get that big overnight. His shed(s) should have been found in such a heavily hunted area. Hmmmm. Either way that is a whopper.
  18. I have a small orchard on my land that I have been hunting the last 20 or so years from a wood shack ground blind, with a bow and rifle. Many deer have met the grill from that stand. #1 attention to the wind. No matter how hungry they are if it ain't right they won't come. #2 apple cover scent helps. The deer even know the noise that the apples make when they hit the ground. They have that sense also when it comes to acorns dropping. #3 Be ready for ANYTHING. Other animals know also that is a food source so they will frequent it too, as will predators looking for a prey to put its guard down. A apple orchard is a happening place to hunt. Play the wind my friend and you'll be finding a bubbly bloody arrow Good Luck and hunt safe!
  19. At first I said, What did he do? Then I realized that you are in the Northern zone and your season will be underway in a week or so. Ahaa! Nothing like gettin ready for the season to get the blood pumpin'. Good Luck Joe. Go get 'em and be safe!
  20. Adjam5


    Harv how ya been? Hope all is well. I got my son all set up with a Grayling fletch jig and all he needs to fletch. The ONLY hitch is...he HAS to do my arrows too:) The Arizona EZ fletch has gotten many rave reviews. I personally have never used it. The jig came with a straight vane holder and I also bought a right helical fletch holder. Instructions come with all fletching jigs. A good sharp knife is all you really need to strip the old fletch and some goof off or some other type of paint remover cleaner to make sure the shaft is clean/prepped for the glue. Wraps are just stickers that you roll on your arrow shaft. Cresting is hand painting that adds a piece of personal touch to the shaft. It makes for a much more personal arrow with all this work put into it. Ever load your own cartridges? Very cool too...especially when you take a deer with a shell you loaded or a arrow you put together.
  21. My son had a heck of a time the durability of these, the vanes and the whole white shrink tube cracked after the fletch was set and shrunk. He used hot tap water as they recommended. Now he fletches them the old fashioned way with glue and a jig. Its not as neat, much more time consuming, but they last much much longer. Good Luck.
  22. Since my boys started hunting, I have stated videoing their hunts. I went out and boughty a Cannon mini DVD camera, nothing special. But it has a good zoom and pic quality is good. The resolution gets a bit fuzzy in low light. I started with filming the boys crows hunts and have progressed to TRYING to do their turkey hunts I always get scared that I'm gonna spook the bird on them with the camera. So I have stopped filming when the birds got close. One day I'll close the deal. These are memories that last forever. Matter of fact Crow/goose season opens on Sept 1st here in NY! We will be out there Saturday morning with the Foxpro gunning for crows.
  23. Shooting at a 3D target is mucho importante. Especially if you shoot traditional. Gander mtn has them on sale too around here. Its advertised at $199 after a $20 rebate. Sooo...they charge you $229 and hope you forget to send in the rebate form. The full rut buck target seems to have the better sealed block type target material than the standard glen del 3D target. Which might mean a longer lasting target. My experience in all the targets I have bought is....they all wear out. I have 3 sons who ALL shoot archery, so add me to the mix and my targets get a workout. I get about one season out of a target.
  24. Now you have to help me fill the freezer son;)
  25. I have a old file folder with all my old tags in it. I have them back to the 80's. The new computer printer tags...while economical, just don't have that old romance as the old cardboard tags did. Collectors items to me.