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Everything posted by Tom2008

  1. Does and fawns so far and they are munching away.
  2. Would hope to see a sign-up thread this year. I haven't been in the contest for the past two years, but would love to join this year. I like looking at everyones harvests in one place.
  3. Last week was absolutely dreadful. High 90s and even over 100 a couple of days. Not dry heat either. I finally got to shoot on Sunday for awhile.
  4. Won a HSS Pro Series vest last year and love it. Very comfortable and very easy to use and take on and off.
  5. Great looking buck and he is obviously intrigued by that rock.
  6. I just bought two 50# bags and each were $9.99.
  7. 1 - 135 2 - 130 3 - 138 4 - 118
  8. I planted a Whitetail Institute No-Plow plot back in early June and it is flourishing.
  9. A few very nice bucks in that bunch of pictures.
  10. I remember him also and loved looking at his pictures. Very sad to hear that something might have happened to him.
  11. A big fat tick. More than likely warts though.
  12. I love the X6C. We've got 4 of them and they all work great. The Truth 35 is a great camera if you are just looking to get pictures. It takes fair pictures and it works well for the price. I beleive it does have a sensor setting, but not sure.
  13. I don't have much from the property, but here is what I've got to look forward too. This is a buck we call Split G2 from 2010. We beleive he is back this year, but we won't know till next time we check cameras. This might be Split G2 this year. A buck that my buddy let walk last year. This is Ying Yang from last year and we are almost positive he is back this year too. A shooter for sure, but this is all we have of this buck. We have 3 fawns calling our property home.
  14. Here is what I've gotten off the property in MN so far this year. I missed on buck pictures from July 4 to the 24th due to a moth making its cacoon in the sensor on my mineral sight camera. This is Old One Eye a buck that we had pictures of last year. Shooter this year and one we are focusing on.
  15. I've had very little experience with these predators in my area, but have heard them in the distance before. I've never had them ruin my hunting area though and I hope it never happens.
  16. In the first picture his hears are aligned with his antlers.
  17. Great picture and awesome sight in the field. We usually get a pair of fawns each year and one single on the property.
  18. I think you're right about the 18-19 inches and he might even be pushing 20 inches. Either way he is a dandy! Best of luck with him this fall.
  19. Well season ends today and I was unable to connect with a bird this year. It was tough hunting with temperatures shooting up into the 90+ for most of the season. Congrats everyone else on your birds.
  20. Well guys I haven't gotten one yet, but I've seen birds every time I've sat. I went out Saturday morning and evening, sunday morning and evening, and this morning. I had 3 Toms come in on Saturday, but missed at 50 yards. The arrow flew right over his back. It was on of the best days I've had turkey hunting though. We're going to let it cool down in there for the a couple of days and then I'll be at it again this Thursday. I think I have till the 28th so there is still lots of time.
  21. Oh I didn't know what was going on with him. I just thought maybe he hasn't been on for awhile for other reasons. I hate to hear that he is back having trouble with his heart again though.
  22. Did you post in the lounge to see if anyone has heard anything from Dakota?
  23. Any ideas on how much I should use? I came up with 30 lbs of fertilizer for a 2,800 square foot area. Plot isn't exacly 2,800. Probably a little more. But that was comparing with the 13-13-13.
  24. Couldn't find any 13-13-13 around here. Went and got some 10-10-10. Should do the trick still.
  25. $12.99 for a 20 lb bag. I only need about 30 lbs.