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ODH last won the day on June 10 2016

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About ODH

  • Birthday 04/19/1988


  • First Name
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  • Location
    Henry County, Ohio
  • Occupation
    CNC Plasma Operator
  • Interests
    bowhunting, fishing, hunting in general, 4x4s, firefighting
  • Biography
    Mathews Solocam, Catch us if you can!
  • user_name_impex

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12-Pointer (6/7)



  1. ODH

    Is this thing on?

    Came here in the height of it in 2005. Those were the good old days here. I think there was a big fall out with some regulars awhile back and a lot of guys simply left. That and the website was acting up a lot probably turned a lot away. I know there was a year there where u couldn’t even find the site. I think that was the final nail in coffin
  2. Got a nice buck on Wednesday night. The cold front that came through last week had these bucks chasing does early like first week of November. Awesome hunting last week. He came in chasing a bunch of does. Shot him at 30 yards. Of course it won’t let me upload photos…
  3. That’s one way to end to your season lol. I had a bunch of does within range during muzzleloader, but didn’t end up shooting anything. We are sitting pretty good on meat in freezer at the moment
  4. My buddy shot a nice 10 point on opening day of gun season. Have not had much time to get out this year with building a new house. Hopefully get out for muzzleloader.
  5. ODH

    Is this thing on?

    Still a few around yet not like it use to be though
  6. I’ll jump in ODH- Ohio archery and gun seasons
  7. ODH

    New Mounts

    Looks awesome! I hope to be getting my buck from last fall here this next month
  8. It’s been a good last 18 years here! Hope to see some of the old guys back. What was the prolonged downtime about? Could find the forums for the longest time figured they were deleted or something
  9. ODH


    Thought these were a goner but now there back
  10. Yes sir he’s at taxidermist now. Will get him back July-aug. Need to get him scored yet. Guessing 140-150 inch. Was trying to get him with bow had several pics of him on trail cam
  11. Shot this deer first thing on opening morning of the Ohio gun opener. Came in at 30 yards. Shot him he did a backflip got up and went 30 yards. This is my best buck to date. Shot him with my trusty .50 Thompson center. Got him tagged and gutted, put him out in our field and went back to blind. 30 mins later had 2 does come in. Shot doe not 20 yards from where I had shot that buck. Buddy got the second doe behind her with his 350 legend. Great opening morning for us. We were hunting out of my homemade blind I made years ago that sits on a sand hill ridge line overlooking a creek bottom that we’ve shot many deer out of the last 25 years.
  12. Still around not as much as old days
  13. ODH

    10 point down

    Shot a nice 10 point back on November 2. Been kinda busy to get on the forums lately but here he is. Had him come in 1/2 hour before dark working a rub line. Shot him at 20 yards
  14. Well done Hoosier! Wish me luck heading out tonight after work
  15. Congratulations man! Hope u find him