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About BowJoe
- Birthday 04/12/1976
Rend Lake, IL
Truck Driver
Hunting of course and learning acoustic guitar
Joseph N. Shaw
BowJoe's Achievements

Monster Buck (7/7)
Haven't been on here in a while and thought I'd post this little news clip. Interesting and appears that only one person had enough sense on this occasion. Castle Doctrine means no charges in bow-and-arrow killing
Well, I haven't posted on here in a while and I'm sure I haven't been missed. I'll say this though. I agree with Buckee completely and while he was a mod, we disagreed on several things but he was by far and away THE voice of reason and good conscience on this forum. I never knew him to start problems or insult anyone. In fact, he was often the good hearted sport when he was the butt of many jokes. I don't think he's changed at all. For those that say one or two rooms should be sufficient for kids, their was a time when all rooms were fit for youth and kids and we seldom needed reminding. Used to, people liked the forums as a wholesome, family site that didn't bother anyone. I see some of the mods have, themselves, decided to cuss and lower the standards on here that I loved when I first joined. I am guilty of pushing the limits on here a few times and I regret it now. Do I feel like my opinion is even of the slightest value on here now? Nope. Do I let that affect my post? Nope. This is a matter of several people that can't articulate ideas in type without typing a cuss word as if it's an intelligent adjective. I can understand cussing while you're speaking because it's an instant transfer from brain to mouth. But to let your fingers cuss is an asinine idea since you have a delete button and backspace not to mention you can proofread your post before hitting the submit reply button. Someone smarter than me once said that cursing shows a person's inability to form a cognitive sentence and must therefore resort to the lowest form of speech in order to convey their idea. If you feel so compelled as to cuss in every room but the kid's rooms then you have a problem with thinking that in order to make everyone think you're an adult, you have to use vulgar slang. Oh well, that's enough of me preaching as it'll fall on deaf ears and prolong the argument for those that feel defensive, which is an indication of a guilty feeling, which in turns mean you do it and think for some absurd reason that I am the hateful one and speaking directly to you. Happy New Year and oh yeah... :D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D:D
So I spend over an hour thinking and typing a response to this kid and it's deleted? So my posts are no longer wanted here? Who's decision was this to delete my post? Has the RT forums come to this where honesty is not wanted, only poking and making fun of this kid is acceptable? I'm a little hacked about this and if my posts are not wanted then delete my account immediately and you'll never see my participation on here again. Kinda sick of the double standard on here. I was offering good solid advice to this kid and not making fun of him or laughing at him like a lot of other posts on this thread did. And ya'll wonder why people don't come on here anymore.
If you don't take the steps to improve yourself, no common sense girl will want you. Unless you can hold a conversation beyond sounding obsessed with wanting to be with her and loving her and calling and texting her all of the time, she will find the guy that doesn't need her but just wants to be with her. It's a basic premise (rule) of life that something given has no value. When you give her all of your affection and time and effort, what is left for her to do in the relationship? She then sees no reason to make an effort in the relationship and the fun of earning your affection is gone. Believe it or not, humans are the most ignorant people on the planet when it comes to the opposite sex. We only want someone we feel we are lucky to have. In order for her to feel lucky to have you, you have to raise your relationship value. Think of people on a scale of $1 to $10,000. If you're self worth is at $10 then you're never gonna get a girl whose self worth is at $3,000. Now if a girl's self worth is at $3,000 and yours is at $2,000 then you have a shot because you can make her think you're worth having. But no girl will want you if you give it to them. By it, I mean time, effort, calls, texts, gifts, whining about where she's been, who she's been with and when you'll see her next. All of those things are giving everything to her and she has no reason to work for your affection. You have to make a girl earn your affection. You can't give it away. Also, remember the golden rule of dating. A girl always wants a guy she can fix but not a guy she has to take to a professional and have him completely rebuilt. Shave, shower, wear cologne... on the subject of cologne follow this iron clad rule; if you shop for your cologne in a store like Penny's or Dillard's or Macy's or somewhere that sells suits and has a cologne counter, always, always, always, ask no less than 10 girls in the store what cologne smells best to them before you buy another drop of smelly stuff. Drag them back to the counter if you have to but get their opinion before you lay down some cash. Oh and be prepared to spend around $60 on a bottle. Trust me, you can thank me later. Go with what they like and not what you like. They are, after all, your target and the second impression you give a woman beyond your looks is how you smell. I had a rule that I never left home without a bottle of cologne in my glove box. That and protection but you get the idea. I could go on and I hope I didn't make you mad about the education thing but it's truly important to at least have common sense and be smarter than a 5th grader to get with a girl and settle down. Nobody likes a 30 year old single guy because they instantly wonder what's wrong with you. Sure single guys get women but they have laid the ground work. You my friend are starting from scratch and haven't even got the floor plan picked out. I wish you the best.
I had these cars and truck custom painted by a friend on iRacing.com named Mac Pratt. I picked out the design and sponsors, he did the hard part. Sponsors are Team Realtree, The Crush with Lee and (va va voom) Tiffany Lekoski, T.R.U. Ball, Hoyt and The Bone Collectors. Amazing what these guys can do and my slogan on the back of all my cars is, "I Stole It!" as in drive it like you stole it. Ya'll should try it if you have a steering wheel and some pedals. You'll learn real quick how to separate the fans from the drivers. Enjoy.
No offense to my buddy buckee but this was too good to pass up on his childhood friend James Cameron. http://www.climatedepot.com/a/7772/From-King-of-the-World-to-Chicken-of-the-Sea-Director-James-Cameron-challenges-climate-skeptics-to-debate-and-then-bails-out-at-last-minute Just goes to show you can be brilliant in some things but as ignorant and hypocritical as the next bark humping whacko.
I like iced tea unsweetened. Then I use Splenda with a couple lemon wedges. In the Winter, I love honey lemon tea.
I know this will do nothing to clear the air but I did apologize for what I said and just as I posted my opinion against Kyle in public, I also apologized in public. I apologized before I ever saw the poll. My heart jumped into my throat when I saw what the poll was about. I don't think I said he should be removed as a mod. I believe my words were that I thought he should step down. Being removed and stepping down are miles apart to me. I initially meant that if he disliked the forum and the people so much and the way the forums were that I couldn't see why he would want to be a mod. I then lost my head and made bolder statements and all heck broke loose. I apologized this morning before I saw the poll and I voted no before I read anyone's responses. Not that any one of our votes does or should count for diddly. Not to put my opinion about the poll into this but as far as me and my actions, I was wrong. I admit that and always do. I truly live by the code that if you say something and end up wrong about it, don't just let it go. Man-up and admit it no matter the situation. Once again Kyle, I'm sorry and I was wrong. Any flak should be directed at me, not Kyle.
Kyle, I had this great elaborate come-back I wanted to post and I was gonna show what you said that irked me and try to argue a good point and ... then it hit me. I reread the posts and I read every word carefully. I even read my replies and those that criticized or agreed with it. With all of the sincerity I can muster, I apologize. I keep sticking my size 13 shoe in my size 34 mouth. I don't know if I had something else bothering me or I was just stuck on stupid or what. Most likely the stuck on stupid part. I guess in my hurry to prove a useless point to you and others, I forgot that I was supposed to be saying this to a friend and not come off sounding and acting like an enemy. More frequent than I would ever admit, I rush to argue about something that I think is right and fall back on the excuse that being right makes my transgressions ok. Whether I was right or wrong, doesn't excuse the way I talked to you and about you. My only point should have been simply stated and left at that. Instead, I attacked you and totally missed my own point. To those that read my post, I apologize for what I posted and all I can do is say, "I'm sorry." Many times, Kyle has been one of the few people I could vent to and not worry about him taking it seriously or doing anything but giving me the same flak right back. I know I lost what little credibility I had on here and being as humble as I can, I sincerely accept it and will take my licks as I should. Most of all though, if I had anything to say negative, I should have sent Kyle a PM and let it stay between him and me. I'm sorry for any flak you received because of me. Bye the way, I hate humble pie but since I'm the one that made it, I have to eat it with a smile.
Maybe I have overreacted but I feel that when Kyle's attitude is completely negative about this forum and it's members to the point that he despises most of what goes on here, then it's time he step aside and let someone (not even remotely thinking of me) who will represent this site as a somewhat authoritarian figure. Hey, if I'm wrong, then by all means, add me to the ban list. I have just never seen such negative statements by an admin in the years that I've been here. I can't see doing something for no pay and little respect (from those that cause problems) in my spare time that I appeared to hate. Or at least didn't want to do. I know I don't post as much as I used to but it doesn't mean I don't appreciate the people I've come to know on here. I'm in no way speaking for Kyle or anyone else for that matter but I just don't see why he would even want to be an admin any more. It's just my opinion. It doesn't count for diddly but as I read the posts, I just felt compelled to speak. Evidently, like others who've stopped posting, it's not wanted.
I just have a little more opinion and then I'm done with this post. I fully think you need to resign as an Administrator on this forum. You don't care anymore about the forum or it's members and you have actually taken to cutting it down. Whether I contribute 2,000 posts a year or 2 posts a year, I wouldn't want somebody being an admin on my site with your attitude. It's just plain disrespectful. Hate me or tell me how wrong I am but I don't see the point in wasting any more time trying to get through your iron skull. You're right, it's not about the bike, it's about you acting like a child. 24 is very young and you are full of piss and vinegar when it comes to listening to anyone's advice but your own. I think attitude's like yours is what's ruining this once great site.
Kyle, you and I rag on each other a lot but I just want to say this. If you are not prepared to immediately let others voice their opinion, both good and bad, about a thread you posted, then you are too thin skinned and shouldn't post any further opinions yourself. It's like I see this everywhere now. One person posts their opinion and because somebody else doesn't like it, they get overly offended and start knit picking what others post. If all you wanted was for others to say, "Way to go!" and "You the man!" then maybe you should post that in a motorcycle forum. As it is, you posted that on a forum where many have known you for years and care about you and your precious family's well being. Can you honestly say that any one of the posts were intended to offend you? So why be offended? You seem to forget that sometimes experience doesn't have to be the best teacher. A great quote I once heard was this, "Law without consequences is just advice." It's just advice buddy and no-one is trying to force their way on you. We care. That used to be what made this forum above all others. Now it's something for others to ***** about. Moving on to my next comment, I see the cliques and have seen them for a long time. I can't remember the last time somebody responded to one of my Threads. Not that they have to but it does make one wonder why. I think there are a lot of people on here who forget that just saying hi to a newbie doesn't mean you welcomed them. A lot of the morons on here will comment on a thread and totally ignore anyone else's comments until they either say something too hard to ignore or it calls for a banning. I remember when I had a lot of people on here join as one to get rid of the chick from Scotland when they found out what she was doing. I remember when a newbie attacked a frequent poster on here and everyone blew up the thread in their friend's defense. A lot of people used to care and now it's about infighting because a lot of people that used to enjoy this thread got tired of being told their opinion wasn't wanted... much like this thread. Kyle, you're like a son/brother/friend/adviser to a lot of people on here and we've had our share of tragedy. Some people just don't want to see anymore.
Happy Birthday Steve!
Annie Oakly style! Upside down with a mirror and iron sights on your bow.
Ummm... Don't you have to have friends in order for them to watch you? Well, there's your problem right there!