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About browtine2

  • Birthday 01/25/1950


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    hunt\'in and fish\'in
  • user_name_impex
    Denny Snyder

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  1. Not proud of this but after shoot'in my Encore and CVA last winter I put them away and due to stupidity and a couple distractions I realized I didn't clean them 3 months later. I was sick, I also shoot Blackhorn 209. I got them out and much to my surprise no rust. I cleaned them and they are as good as new. So as you might understand I find these stories hard to believe. Did they dirty their barrels with primers or maybe shoot one shot with Pyrodex or 777? After my experience I think there has to be an explaination.
  2. I agree with FrontierGander you can shoot it but I like to get the plugs because rust loves to start in those little holes that are so easy to miss when dry'in a wet gun.
  3. I shoot an Encore with 100gr. of BH behind a Harvester 260gr. Scorpion Funnel Point with their crush rib sabots and it shoots great.
  4. Balloons or electrical tape will work fine and are cheaper than the rain gear ya buy online or in the stores.
  5. I use 260gr. Harvester Scorpion funnel points in my Encore and they shoot great and with the crush rib sabots they push easy.
  6. I shoot an Encore and have been use'in Blackhorn for 2 years. It's everything they say and more, I shoot more now because it's so clean. I shoot 100grns. behind a 260gr. Harvester Scorpion and it shoots great.
  7. I also shoot the Encore, hard to beat, I shoot the Blackhorn 209 behind a Harvester Scorpion in the crush rib sabot. These bullets push as easy as anything and the guys are right Blackhorn 209 is the cleanest burning by far, I've tried them all loose and pellets.
  8. If you have to buy powder thru the mail, www. has Blackhorn 209 on sale at $26.99. If you haven't tried it, you should.
  9. Blackhorn 209 I use 100 grains it measures like any other powder, by volume. It is also loose powder which I didn't mention. It seems to have less recoil unsual for a loose powder.
  10. I shoot an Encore and have tried all the powders, loose and pellets and have always had to swab after 3 shots because of a burn ring and difficulty loading even powerbelts. That problem is solved by Blackhorn 209, after reading about it in Gunhunter magazine I had to try it. It's as good as that writer said, I shot 8 shots and the last pushed as easy the first. My hands are crippled with arthritis and I have never been able to shoot sabots because of loading them. I tried the Harvester Scorpion HP in the new crushrib sabot and they push as easy as Powerbelts and were very accurate. I would highly recomend both products. The Blackhorn 209 was sort hard to find cause its new but Western seemed glad to assist all they could after I emailed them. The Harvester bullets I buy from Graf & Sons they are also about 1/3 the cost of Powerbelts. I wish you all safety and great luck as hunt'in seasons are here again.
  11. Can anyone tell me if a person of moderate ability can adjust the Pro Hunter trigger? This is a sin to pay that much for a gun and get a trigger like that. I have an original Encore and it came with a great trigger. I love the Encores but these triggers are a shame. Maybe TC ought slow mass production down and go back to craftmanship.
  12. Can anyone tell me if a person of moderate ability can adjust the Pro Hunter trigger? This is a sin to pay that much for a gun and get a trigger like that. I have an original Encore and it came with a great trigger. I love the Encores but these triggers are a shame. Maybe TC ought slow mass production down and go back to craftmanship.