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    Armed Guard

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6-Pointer (3/7)



  1. i went muzzleloader hunting tonight and got a nice weighed 146 lbs; ive shot decent bucks that didnt weigh that much lol. the bad thing was i had to drag her about 600 yards to my truck.good eats
  2. i took the bow to the dealer and after taking it apart all that was broken was the cam so a new one has been ordered and i will have my bow back in a couple of days yaaaaaaa
  3. sat night i was hunting in a great spot when right at the best time about an hour before dark here comes some young guy walking through the woods trespassing.he walked 15 yards from the tree i was in.i said hey and he looked up and said oh my bad.i told him he was trespassing and he said sorry and turned and walked this time of night i figured he had scared everything away so i started packing up.i took my release off and put it in my bag when i heard a thud.i looked down and my bow had fallen off the hanger and was lying on the ground.i climbed down and my string was off and i saw that it had landed on the cam and bent it and jammed it into the is a mathews outback ,anyone know if you can replace the cam? i dont think the even make the outback any more. any info if welcome thanks
  4. i really dont think its chiggers ive had them really thinking its the earth scent cover scent spray.i spray the lace area on my boots and that is one of the areas where i get it and i usually spray around my groin and around my armpits [on the outside of my clothes of course] cause that is where my odors would be comming from.the best relief is to take a hot shower and the itch goes away for hours.
  5. hello all im just wondering if anyone has had an allergic reaction to cover scent or no scent clothes wash?the last 3 years when i start bow hunting i wash my clothes underwear socks etc in sports wash. thenwhen i go hunting i wear a scentlock jumpsuit and boots and gloves and i spray my clothes and boots with fall blend scent killer.about 2 days later i start breaking out with poison ivy looking bumps that itch.but where i hunt there really isnt any p i.i always check for it and wash my hands as soon as i get home.then for a week or so new bumps continue to show up.they always show up around my waistline and my feet and my armpit area.weird because i have a jumpsuit on.i washed all of my clothes that i had on and dont have a clue to what causes this . CAN any one HELP.
  6. button buck hey its brain i finally got one yesterday with my matthews is a button buck.i have no idea how to post the pics says enter the url.????
  7. hey hi its brain. i live and hunt in delaware.ive already been bowhunting but no luck yet .our muzz season starts in 2 weeks and im on vacation so i hope to get some meat buy then.
  8. Re: 27 - Pope and Young Posse man we havent done much have we lol
  9. brain

    Deer Hams

    ive seen in a couple of spice magazines kits to smoke deer the whole hind quarter the ham or is a certain cut from it what they are talking about? thanks
  10. Re: 27 - Pope and Young Posse good work guys
  11. does anyone have any tips on how to not get so much hair on your deer meat when you skin it?
  12. Re: greatest rock bands of all time... van halen for me